No patience = no tanks

used to be that i was strong enough to carry a few low dps, but with tanking changes i just cannot survive an extended large pull. and by extended i mean more than 20 seconds for things to die


Even if it was the easiest role to play (I don’t think it is) people still wouldn’t gravitate towards tanking like you say they would. Tanks arent flashy and primarily lead the way which is a big turn off for alot of players.

The TLDR needs to be at the bottom , You don’t start with it


Which makes pugging completely unpredictable. I can do the same route with one group and decimate everything but with a different group wipe consistently. Those DPS thresholds not being met which they will blame the tank for


delulu is accurate

Yup. They blame the tank, the healer or both. The majority of all key failures I have seen this season have been 100% on the dps. Not enough damage, standing in bad, not doing mechanics and not using their kicks.

Tanks can’t just solo everything and healers can’t keep everyone alive through everything anymore. At least not with current tuning, gear and tank + healer design.


youre thinking too much into it.

healer dc’ed and didnt come back, ppl decided to abandon and leave group. that’s all.

not your fault, move on.

*dont stress too much about count in that place. there’s an npc to bring you back to start after last boss if you happened to miss %s


People ARE lazy, but they’re also impatient. Tanking is easy but it’s not the role that makes thing dead faster so they don’t play it. This applies to ANY game with a role dynamic not just wow.

Crazy, maybe big pull out of the gate. 2 pack plus blight bags. That’s 2 drain fluid casts and a enrage that’ll never get soothed. Gatekeeper and grab some soldiers that are passing by. Maybe some more putting soldiers with the boss. I’d pull the 2 up too into the frost guy and that’s about all the effective double pulls at this current level. I don’t know Grim Batol but I imagine your catching heat because DPS are holding CDs for a big pull that never comes. It’s a dps problem honestly. The part I dislike is staring at the next pack for like ten seconds for no apparent reason.

Thats not what you said earlier…

This is why a good tank takes skill to play, they have a rotation just like dps, have to know the routes, interupts, positioning, and when to use defensives.

Id still take a tank who only knows half of those things over a dps who doesnt interupt or do mechanics. Most dps think there job is to just stand there amd stair at the details add on.


What? My reply to you was the first one I made in this thread.

I dont agree that tanking is the easiest role. I think all three roles are equally challenging AND that mindset you’re spouting + the steretoype of tanks being “refugees” of not being ABLE TO dps or heal is kinda an example of what the OP is talking about.

People dont tank PRIMARILY because what wer’e responsible for (being a leader) is NOT in most of these basement-dwelling manchildrens’ wheelhouse. It’s easier to NOT be the leader so you can throw shade/criticize and call people who step up and actually try to do it…bad.

Sorry but no. And to the OP; it does get better. I find as a pug key tank that I have to push hard the first 1-2 weeks and get KSM quickly. This reduces (USUALLY) the poopers you get stuck with in sub 7 keys. I also avoid groups that are all from teh same guild with no tank. 9 times out of 10; neither of them will own up to mistakes and they will gang up on you pretty quickly. NO thanks, there is a reason they dont have a tank… :slight_smile:


Am I in the minority in thinking healers should lead the group? It feels like they have a better viewpoint of everything


actually as a tank…i do agree with you—we have a healer who is our raid leader. In keys when pugging though? it tends to fall to us.

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I know it’s not the best answer but, if you’re not at ilvl 619 yet consider grinding out some more 4’s for the crests until you are. It’ll make those last few keys that bit smoother for you. Feel free to be picky with who you bring too to those 7+ only other people who have put in the effort

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I prefer them at the beginning. If I see a wall of text. term paper, or doctoral dissertation, I don’t even bother scrolling down to the bottom.

they definitely can do a good job. I think they are better in raids than in m+. blizz has given them too many things to do. but their visual perspective is better - if they learn to not tunell vision raid frames (which I sometimes get sucked into when i heal lol)

Matters what time period of WoW. It also has the most responsibility out of all of the roles. So I do not see how you come to this conclusion.

The timer needs to be removed from M+. Then developers must continue to structure the mobs and layout to punish the abusive overpullers with more consequences for out-distancing your teammates putting the entire run in jeopardy and resulting in a worse-than-sour experience.

M+ should reward clean efficient gameplay using a point system that would complement pvp playstyles, meaning the use of interrupts, stuns, and crowd control abilities.


It both is, and isn’t, the easiest roll.

From a PURELY Mechanical standpoint, Tanking is actually fairly simple. Use your AoE abilities on packs, your heavy hitting abilities on everything, and defensives when they are up, or, when needed to survive a tank buster. Also, position mobs properly.

That’s all it is mechanically (Raids get a bit more complicated but Just going with Mythic+ atm), and I’ve found it to be a very relaxing and simply roll to play.

Inversely, it’s the most difficult on the… what I’ll call the “social” side of the game. A tank, in general, is expected to know the correct route(s). Which packs to pull in what exact order, they need to know the ins and outs of every boss and every trash mob (In fairness most players SHOULD know them, but that’s not always the case). We are the first to blame if things go wrong, and sometimes it could be our fault, but not always. We’ll often get blamed anyway.

The player base is very harsh towards it’s tanks, and it’s healers as well for that matter. In that sense, it’s the most difficult because no one gives people a chance to even learn in PUGs. So most tanks and healers find a set group/guild and remove themselves from the PUG lifestyle, which means less tanks and healers in the pool and that can lead to more impatience as a result.


I don’t think it should be fully removed. that is part of the excitement and feeling of accomplishment of the content, in my opinion.

however, I think they need to reconfigure the content relative to the loss of the previous m0-9 ranks.

before the “key squish”, the timer in keys below, say, 10 were pretty meaningless. sure, some keys failed in those ranges, but it was pretty seldom, in my experience. the 11-13 range is when I found things to get dicey.

I think they should do away with the timer and reduced rewards for at least the 2 or 3 range.

to be honest, I wish they reinstalled the previous 0-9 range as it had been. the better players jumped those keys quickly anyway. that range gave the rest of us time to learn the content before getting into the more consequential keys.