No one wants to Mythic raid, it's bad

you know 4-2 isn’t equals to 3 right?

tell us you’re bad at the game w/o telling us you’re bad at the game

If that player doesn’t like Mythic plus that’s fine but that doesn’t give you the right to denigrate another player.

I don’t think so. Again: Factions will remain, Faction BARRIER is going away. Big difference.

Trying to think of a decent analogy in 2 mins and I’m drawing a blank. What about… the Civil War (America’s)?

People still identify with the concepts of “The North” and “The South.” (some a little too much) But it’s not like there’s any real animosity anymore. Not among anyone with a triple-digit IQ.

So does that become like WoW? There’s still these two Factions. You know there was a time when there was war between them (even though every major event in the story, they came together for a common purpose). But now, while there’s still some cultural differences and other things that continue to define these two uniquely, they are now more part of a whole than separate things.

Obviously going to get a lot of pushback from good ole’ Southern boys, but I think at the very macroscopic view, that analogy is ok.

There’s just no reason to remove the Factions. You just need a way for people to PLAY THE GAME TOGETHER. If the people PAYING MONEY for the game can’t PLAY TOGETHER, your business model is broken.

Sounds like you’re just impatient? Something I think we’re ALL guilty of, to varying degrees.

Another thing I try and explain to people with how I learn, consider a scale of 1-10.

On that scale of 1-10, you might learn to a “7-8” in just 20 pulls. Enough to beat a boss. And after 50 pulls, you still rank in that “7-8” range.

After 20 pulls, I might still only be a 5. I’m still learning, figuring things out. But after 50 pulls, I’m at a 10. I keep getting better, while you capped-out.

And maybe that difference doesn’t matter, but the point should not be lost on people that while some learn slower, they learn BETTER THAN YOU. They’re parsing more info than you’re even aware of. They’re slower because their minds are processing more. In the long run, they’re BETTER.

Simply said another way: We all learn different.

Please just try and understand the difference between: someone is learning this differently than you, and “this person will just NEVER get this down.” Because there IS a difference.

In my experience, elitist players are usually scrubs who get carried.

But maybe you’re the exception?

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Why can’t we have both?

I want to Mythic raid. I’ve never been able to due to the group requirements but I would if I could.

I like being able to challenge hard content. I don’t really care about the rewards associated with it. If you don’t want to raid Mythic that’s fine. You don’t need to. As you say, M+ is a perfectly viable endgame alternative for people who prefer that. But I don’t understand why you want to destroy the game mode you don’t prefer. I can’t fathom a reason why you’d want to do that other than spite.

Not every game mode needs to be made for you.

I fell off the Mythic raid train back in the middle of Legion. Mistress Sass’zine on mythic made me want to die.

Props to people who have those circles of friends who like to do mythic raid content together, but at some point, it wound up being less fun for me. It was probably burnout, but I haven’t really felt the drive to do mythic raid content in a good long while.

This is an affliction that many WoW players have. If there is anything available that they don’t partake in, they want it gone.

It’s really messed up to be honest and it says a lot about the type of human being behind the screen.

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Well i guess is boring for people to only get credit for few specific old dungeons instead of get ir doing all the others…that change was a bad idea from blizzard…, but will not be forever i hopes

You realize mythic raids are for the top percentile of players. They’re not for “most players” which is why you’re finding that “no one” wants to mythic raid.

It’s because it’s reserved for the best players in the world especially during progression/pushing i.e. before ilvls get so high that you outweigh the content in power.

Mythic raiding isn’t made for everyone to do and M+ will also be a lot harder in 10.0 so a lot of peopel will stop pushing M+ as well I guarentee most people will not be pushing 15 keys anymore.

Of course there would be more mythic raiders if there weren’t things like only being allowed to Mythic Raid with players in your server. That’s a big issue. I’d like to mythic raid but there’s not enough hardcore players on my server.

Yeah I think you’re right. It’s a bit telling that he also wants to remove LFR. Like… why? Why are people so keen on removing LFR? It’s the only way for people who enjoy the story of WoW but don’t want to go through the group finding process to experience those story beats. It should exist for that reason alone.

If I could see some sort of benefit from doing so that would make sense. But I don’t. What benefit do we gain from removing options?

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ur right, with dumb gates like no corss realm and share lockout, its def not made for everyone, its not even made for most


That’s the main reason I don’t raid Mythic. I enjoy the company of my guild too much to change servers and the Mythic raider pickings on my server are slim to say the least. And while I love my guild to death, I’d need to be able to find exactly 20 names that have consistent attendance as well as the skill to handle Mythic and I can’t do that right now.

Mythic raiding requires a lot more commitment than Heroic does and that’s just not a commitment I can afford to make. Even though I have the skill to perform in that environment (I’ve done so before) it’s not something I see myself doing again any time soon.

Hi everyone, I’m no one!


We’re all no one.

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Yeah I agree those gates are bad. I would like to mythic raid with anyone but unfortunately we can’t. I’m sure there’d be more mythic raiders if we could go cross realm/etc and all those gates were removed.

I’d rather watch the RWF over the MDI any day.

People forget that most of WoW guides are made by world first raiders, or these RWF guilds pay people to make addons and guides. A lot of this stuff trickles down into the community.

Lord of the Rings Online tried to kill off raiding in their game and they suffered a huge loss in subs. The developers started making raiding content again in response to the loss of players. It took some time for the player population to recover.

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Is there any source for this? Not meant to be rude, just out of curiosity. I really like m+, since i’m what could be considered a “casual player”, and I’d like to know what I’ll be facing.

I do fully understand that people learn different. I’m probably the worst player on the first pull of every boss. I watch videos and read guides, but it might as well be French until I actually SEE the mechanics, at which point it tends to click pretty fast. Also, like I said…I don’t say anything, and the officer comment was probably fairly unnecessary, because I’m also fully aware that berating people like a jerk is never going to make anyone play better.

I dunno, I’m trying to get better about not getting frustrated, like I said, but that is very difficult. I’m good at controlling myself, but stopping myself from getting impatient/frustrated is a whole new ball game.

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