No one should genuinely care about Teldrassil

If we’re talking meta level then multiple zones or hubs that are now shared with the Horde or outright owned.

Its the quality and quantity and the narrative told within them.
It was a travesty what Blizzard did.
Just look at Droite’s response above. Reeks of absolute ignorance.


They were officially given Azshara as I stated initially.

Yes they are. Its the same fist pump moment in the Ashenvale finale when you burn Astranaar or conquer Gilneas in the Silverpine questline.
Alliance never got any of those moments in cataclysm. The closest we had was Swamp of Sarrows when the NPC told us to stop and spare them and go elsewhere.

You really have no idea what the Alliance playerbase went through do you?


There is an Orc statue outside of Blizzard HQ. How can anyone believe this game isn’t written with the Horde in mind first?


If you want to go there, that’s fine by me.

1-10, we all have the same number. I’ll be excluding them and focusing on faction-exclusive zones in the 10+ range. I’ll also be ignoring the updates to quest flow, since all but Ghostlands and Bloodmyst were overhauled completely.

Alliance get Darkshore, Bloodmyst Isle, Westfall, Duskwood, Redridge, Loch Modan and the Wetlands. Of those, Bloodmyst Isle was untouched and Wetlands was (arguably) barely touched. Westfall got a massive overhaul storywise, Duskwood’s story is relatively the same but with some updated mobs, Redridge, Darkshore and Loch Modan got the biggest overhaul with new storylines, new models and (in Redridge’s case) new hubs.

Horde has Ghostlands, Azshara, Barrens North, Silverpine and Hillsbrad. Two fewer zones. Ghostlands was untouched, while the other four were heavily altered. The Barrens were cut in half, and half was made contested.

So the tally;
Alliance has 7 exclusive leveling zones, 2 mostly in Vanilla-era for storyline and model updates, 1 in the mid-range for a reworking, and 4 heavily overhauled and reworked.

Horde has 5 exclusive leveling zones, 1 mostly in Vanilla-era, and 4 heavily overhauled and reworked.

That hardly looks like Horde favoritism. I’m happy to compromise and just say we’re even, but if anyone really came out ahead it’s Team Blue.

And you really don’t want to compare Vanilla-era zones. Vanilla leveling really favored Alliance. Remember, three of our races were all funnelled into the Barrens past level 10, because the only other 10-20 zone was Silverpine.


Remember the time when Blizzard brought a band into blizzcon just to trash the Alliance? Oh there were some homophobic commentary too but that wasn’t their fault.


“Team Blue” that always comes out ahead in the story and gameplay and always wins! That’s why everyone is rushing to play the Alliance. It’s not like Horde has a 7% population advantage over the Alliance at max level and every mythic raider is Horde. It’s not like Blizzard has spent years promoting and marketing Horde as the faction they want people to play. From Horde themed bands the Blizzard developers play in, to publicly insulting Alliance players at Blizzcon. Yep. This game is always giving the goods to Alliance and its playerbase.

Anyone who says this is not a real Horde. That was the point of the Horde experience to all be Thugstas and hustle and struggle in the Barrens. Taurens, Trolls and Orcs all meeting up in one spot to be homies. That’s what it means to be Horde. We aren’t meant to be Elves in human lands.


Azshara was even shaped like the Horde symbol. It really isn’t a secret that the Horde has a special place in the hearts of the developers.


Anyone who thinks the Barrens were well designed never played Horde in Vanilla. Spending more time running up and down a vast zone with mobs ranging from level 12 to 35+, no shared tapping meaning you’re fighting to get any quests done, and of course what you Cata babies don’t remember; long run times that you can’t AFK, cheap out with a flight path, or use a mount because they’re still levels off.

Come at me after you actually play Horde in Classic and level past 20.

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Many Horde would disagree. Vanilla Barrens brings a lot of fond memories to Horde players and its what solidified the Horde experience. It was meant to feel like a struggle because we were the underdog faction at that time. We had the Barrens and lived out in the deserts of Durotar and the Alliance had forests and castles. It was dangerous to be Horde. It was unique to be Horde during Vanilla. Nowadays it’s not. Horde is hardly any different from the Alliance. Blizzard has just recreated the Horde to be an edgier version of the Alliance over the years.
But I mean it doesn’t shock me that a Blood Elf player would dislike leveling in the Barrens, an actual Horde zone which forges the core identity of Horde since the times of Vanilla. Blood Elf players just want the Horde to have zones that look like Alliance zones and our cities to look like Stormwind but with red roofs instead of blue ones.


Fond memories is not the same as saying it was a good questing experience. You’re trying to equate the two when you know they aren’t the same thing. Try harder with your trolls.

Again, come at me after you’ve played Classic and actually done Vanilla Barrens.

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I can’t tell you how much faction pride I get from Alliance charity.

Not only that. Quit repeating on how Tyrande “gave” us Azshara with the bonus package of constant raids of Night Elf sabotage. Just like she did in Quel’thelas.


But I have done it. Multiple times. I had to get on private servers just to relive it before. The times Horde was actually unique to play and we weren’t a faction of Blood Elves. And I’ll do it again in Classic WoW even if Classic WoW will likely be a revisionist version of actual Vanilla WoW. Horde will not be the same underdogs as they were in Vanilla in Classic WoW because of years of Blizzard promoting Horde as the faction they want people to play and all the goofy streamers playing Horde. It will be the Alliance who are the underdogs in Classic WoW, sadly, even though most people played Alliance in actual Vanilla WoW.


Private servers =/= live. Fewer players does not equate to Vanilla.

Try harder. Come at me when you’ve done it in Classic.

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Come at me when you have a better reply because you can’t dispute my truths.


Opinions aren’t truths. You want better replies, don’t pull out “but I did it on a private server” or “many Horde players agree, so it’s gospel”.

I give quality to those who bring quality. Try harder.

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My opinions are 100% truth on the state of the Horde. It is becoming increasingly obvious that you haven’t actually played the Horde in the Barrens in Vanilla WoW. No true Horde player would say such things. Blood Elves aren’t true Horde players. They are Alliance players who switched to Horde.


Try. Harder. I mean, you’re obviously trying. I won’t dispute you have put a lot of effort into getting noticed. But if you want me to argue with you with any substance of note, you need to try harder.

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Then this debate is over as there is clearly not an argument to be had. I will take that as admission that you’ve never played true Horde content nor care to. Which is fine. But I myself can not wait for Classic WoW to release so I can form groups with Taurens, fellow Orcs and Trolls with not a Blood Elf or any Paladin in sight on the Horde. It will be nice to once again have Paladins and elves as my enemies and not my allies. The true Horde experience.


Franky, you can take it however you want. With such low-effort trollbait, I couldn’t be bothered caring if you acused me of personally convincing the devs to add blood elves into the game way back in '05.

Now get to trying harder. Give me an actual argument. You’ve got one reply left to stoke any interest from me, or you’ll have lost my attention.

We both know (though you’ll never admit it) that it’ll hurt you deep inside were that to happen. Take some time, think of a good one, and then come at me when you’ve actually played Vanilla Barrens, not on some private server.

Edit to add: And make it quick, I see Gale typing and he’s a hell of a lot more interesting than you.

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