No one should genuinely care about Teldrassil


… I have a problem, okay?!? I tried to get help, but it was all too hard!! Stop judging me!!

You’re still uninvited to my birthday party.

I’ve seen those blood elf parties. It’s like a xxx film with people snorting fel dust.

Those aren’t the parties. That’s how we get ready for the parties.

The birthday parties are when we get really crazy.

I still think you care.

Why do people still say Teldrassil was out of selfishness? It was done by Fandral, who at the time was basically a nelf hero nearly on par with Malfurion until he was villain batted because he was mean to players. Yes, it did suffer from corruption, but that corruption was cleansed in Cataclysm, nearly a decade ago. If people who claim it wasn’t a real world tree actually bothered to brush up on their lore, they’d know that not only was the tree cleansed of any and all corruption, but it was re-blessed by the Aspects as well. Not that this did much against Horde Plot Catapults.

And, as people stated, it wasn’t just the tree (even though world trees are canonically extremely beneficial to the planet and one would kinda really be needed right now), but the people themselves. You know, the 900 or so minimum civilians that were burned alive, more innocent civilians killed in that single act than the Alliance has killed by accident in 15 years.

Also, the guy going “it’s just pixels why do you care”, your argument is not the same as OPs at all. You’re saying “why should we care” from a meta perspective, whereas he is arguing that people shouldn’t care from a lore standpoint. He’s saying he cares about the story but not about Teldrassil because of the stated reasons, however obviously trolly and disingenuous that might be. You’re saying we shouldn’t care about the story to any personal extent, which is different.

But I’m pretty sure you knew that.


Not quite. He was sketchy from the get-go back in Vanilla. He was into forbidden research with curses (edited from poisons). He openly stated Tyrande had no idea how to be a ruler and he would be a better pick. Everything about him was villain. He was never depicted as a hero. At best, it was stated he had been a hero way in the distant past, until his son saw killed in battle.

Cataclysm didn’t change him. It just brought everything to its conclusion.


Up until Vanilla he was considered a hero of the nelf people, and Teldrassil was planted before then. He disagreed with Tyrande, but he was certainly a kaldorei hero. I’m looking at it from a lore perspective, this guy did more to actively try and protect the world than most nelves. He tried to contain the spread of saronite, he planted the Emerald gates, and he was also the leader who pushed for the night elves to join the Alliance.

Fandral saying “hey let’s plant a world tree” would have been pretty easily embraced by the nelf people, barring Malfurion. By modern WoW standards he wasn’t a hero, sure, but he was a flawed character, sketchy to us as the hero character, but not to the people in general.

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The night elves are definitely more hubris than goblins.

While orcs were starving and dying of thirst in Orgimmar, the night elves in their lush forest offered them the bare minimum through diplomatic trade.

The problem with the night elves is they live to long so ideas of new generation never come to fruition.

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And here’s the problem. WoW players only met him in WoW. He didn’t exist before that.

You’re asking why people talk crap about why he did the things he did, and the answer is because he was always presented as arrogant and villainous. They say planting Teldrassil was selfish because everyone relevant told him not to do it and he did anyway; not just Malf, but the Aspects were also against it. And he decided he knew better than all of them and planted the tree anyway. A tree which was promptly corrupted by the Nightmare.

That’s why people crap on Fandral. Because while he might have been a hero before they met him, he wasn’t by the time they did and him going against the Aspects and Malf was clearly a bad call, even if those same people later cleaned up his mistakes.


I think the Burning of Teldrassil can be reasonably “cared” about - if it is kept in perspective.

Some people do go over board. They suggest anyone who enjoys the Burning of Teldrassil even as just a narrative plot point is akin to a person who enjoys IRL massacres. It is curious and comical to see people so raw about it.

I can’t think of anything in the realm of Fiction that would effect me in the way I see some people effected about Teldrassil.

The death of Carrie Fisher made me sad for her family, and the loss of a great person. But I also mourned the loss of Princess Leia’s potential story. It was as if the lives and stories of two beings ended. But that actually involved a real person who died.

You say this like other races shouldn’t care about the death and displacement of Night Elves?


Because that was how the Voice of God narrator put it.


God, this thread.

High/Blood Elves: “We’re going to magically lock an entire region in eternal Springtime. We’re going to also artificially warp and twist the living trees into shapes that please our aesthetics. Think topiaries, but even more cruel. And when the treants we’ve enslaved to tend it get uppity about it, we’ll just kill them.”
Everyone: That’s cool.

Night Elves: “We’ll take a tree, and just make it bigger. Likewise, the natural microcosm of said tree will enlarge. Instead of hosting a community of insects and other arthropods, and a few birds, it’ll hold a community of humanoids, and ecosystems with their own complex fauna.”
(Fandral: “And I’ll add a few… tweeks of my own, and make immortality part of the sales pitch, because I’ve been secretly enduring Old God whispers for centuries.”)
Everyone: The pride! The hubris! HoW dArE yOu!!1!


Clearly the man had insider knowledge of MoP-onward. He died for BfA.


You know i think the burning would have been better without the genocide. Say the defrnders held off the horde just long enough let a majority of the civiliabs flee. Instead of talking about pitying sylvanas it could have been a taunt telling her the tree is empty it cant be a chip. Sylvanas angered then burns it to at least have something to show for all this. The tree can be regrown the lives lost in story can’t be in story restored


I don’t think there’s ever been any lore for why the Night Elves joined the Alliance. Do you have a reference for this?

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The issue with your comparisons is that the former has no in-game evidence that it was a bad idea, only player inferred problems with ecological effects. And that ignores the fact the alterations are magical in nature and may have no negative effects. The latter has significant evidence was a bad idea.

Both are done out of hubris, but only one caused the entire world to enter a magical nightmarish slumber.

Besides, nobody said the blood elves don’t have hubris running through their fel-tainted blood.


That would have been pretty cool.
I don’t know why they had to add genocide to the mix besides having Saurfang be sad for a cinematic… and even then it would have not been necessary.

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Hello, internet police?

I’d like to report a murder.

“He dosen’t know what happens in Moonglade.”

Or the story forum discord. Commorragh has nothing on either.