No one should genuinely care about Teldrassil

I think you care:


At least you posted on a troll so it’s obvious, but I like taking the bait anyway. It’s why I max fishing on each of my characters! So, here’s your catch mister troll.

Everyone should care about Teldrassil, because it’s a guiding moment for where the game is heading. Just like people cared when Illidan sent demons around the world to attack places, or like they cared during the Scourge invasion. Perhaps you’re confused about the level of care people have over Teldrassil, given the blasé attitude you have toward life, where you are indifferent to everything all the time, so I’ll put it into context you’ll understand.

Teldrassil is a “little care”. It’s not comparable to the care and investment people have towards their real life relationships, it’s not something people are self-harming over, nobody’s checking themselves into a hospital over trauma related to Teldrassil.

Well, I mean, some people might be doing those things, but I’m talking more about the majority here. If you or someone you know is considering or has in the past indulged in selh-harm over Teldrassil, please see a doctor immediately.

Anyway, it’s a “little care”. People are invested in it the way they’re invested in any good (or in WoW’s case, mediocre) story. They care about the characers, but not in a way they care about real life friends. They’re invested in it, but not in the way they’re invested in their real life home.


Honestly … I don’t really care about Teldrassil (or at least the symbolic loss of it). You are right, as much as that tree was a symbol of nature; it was just as much a symbol of the exploitation and abuse of Nature by the Kaldorei. It was … in many ways … a Symbol of their hubris and arrogance. On the other hand, Nordrassil is just a lock to keep the second WoE stable; so … yeah.

The real loss at Teldrassil was the people. Yes, faceless … offscreen people, but if we look at it in the lens of the World the loss of the Kaldorei people in such vast quantities (and through such a horrific event) is extremely significant (and there absolutely should be consequences for it, even if it does turn out Sylvie burned the tree exclusively in the name of her “True Objectives”).




To be fair, they weren’t quite faceless or offscreen during the in-game event. And the physical copy of the novellas has pictures.

Whataboutism: Have you looked at the map of Azshara?


Gallywix does not shy away from his hubris, nor paint over it to make it seem as though it is anything but what it is. He’s the type of guy to make a giant Golden face of himself; or terraform an entire area to look like the Horde symbol purely out of Ego (and he doesn’t hide from that). It is one of the few things I actually admire Wix for; he’s a horrible person, but he at no time feels he needs to hide what he is (in fact, he often seems to revel in it).

Teldrassil was also a symbol of hubris and arrogance; but its far more disengenuine (painted over as a Grand Symbol of Nature; rather than ALSO a symbol of the Abuse and Exploitation of nature by those charged with preserving it). It is interesting that in two instances where Malfurion was ardently opposed to something (the creation of Teldrassil and the creation of the second WoE) it ultimately resulted in the creation of things that would heavily change the course of the Kaldorei.


That’s a terrible comparison. Are you saying the night elves are as full of hubris as the goblins?

I mean, are you sure you want to say that?


I mean … Elvin arrogance is an established character flaw of elves in the Warcraft Universe. Its part of the reason that Elves are so damned prickly with other types of Elves (and the Kaldorei are by no means immune to this trait). What was it that the Grand Magistrix condemned Tyrande and the Kaldorei for? False Piety wasn’t it? She condemned them for arrogance (actually sort of accurate arrogance) while also being SUPER arrogant herself lol!

I mean… Yeah, I can see the comparisons. But Gally terraformed an entire zone’s topography just to make Garrosh like him! And defaced a mountain with his own face! And put a pleasure palace on top of it!

I’m not judging whether or not Teldrassil is a similar moment of hubris. I’m judging willingly evoking that comparison against yourself.

Gallywix didn’t reshape the place into the Horde’s symbol on his own. And that’s not even looking at what the goblins did to Kezan. That places makes Mechagon look like a nature preserve.

Though both Azshara and Kezan are also examples of the tech advantage you always want. Makes Fandral look humble.

It was completely disingenuous. Fandral lied about it bringing back immortality. He planted it because the hallucinations he was getting told him it could bring his son back.


Gallywix didn’t work on his own, but he did order his slav-err, goblin employees to do the work. His vision, his plan. Just like Fandrel didn’t work alone. But we’re not saying the goblins aren’t full of hubris.

I’m saying are you trying to actually say Fandrel’s hubris is okay because goblins? Really? Goblins are the defense we’re going with here?

It’s okay because goblins.

You know that everyone universally agrees that goblins are not an example by which other races should live, right?

Night elves are like goblins. Huh.

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I think we both know how whataboutisms work.

Goblin arrogance does not make Night Elf arrogance okay. It just makes the Night Elf arrogance look insignificant in comparison.

It mostly only works since Droité is a Goblin fan but likes to bring up Night Elf arrogance at any opportunity.

I don’t know, Fandral and the other druids were pretty open about the fact that they were growing Teldrassil in an attempt to regain the kaldorei’s immortality. That doesn’t negate its import as a font of Nature and Life, no more than Nordrassil’s World Tree status is negated by the fact it was only created to cover up Illidan’s oopsie. They can have both negative and positive symbolism at once. I actually like that, tbh.

Now that I think about it, Nordrassil, Teldrassil and Andrassil were all planted for tangible reasons: Nordrassil = containing the new Well of Eternity; Teldrassil = restoring kaldorei immortality; Andrassil = containing the spread of saronite. None were created purely out of altruism or a love of nature.

The only one we’re not sure about is Shaladrassil, since practically zero lore exists for it. All that’s known is that it predates the other three World Trees.


Which is perhaps why I think it IS important for the NEs to get a new World Tree; and not just some cutting from Nordrassil either. If they are to get another one, it should be a genuine symbol of healing and rebirth; and one planted almost exclusively for that purpose. Which is why, if Blizz allows for another World Tree … it should absolutely be a genuine sibling tree of Nordrassil (and created from the first healthy Acorn of the reborn and healed Mother Tree G’hanir).

It honestly doesn’t really matter where they plant the thing, as long as this time a World Tree does have those sort of genuine intents behind it.


wait, no one should care about teldrassil because they are pixels, then why we should care about the story? their characters? rip saurfang,sylvanas,jaina, thrall, or (insert favorite character) ?

you hear it first here guys, lets pack all things and just stop caring about the story and we should not talk about it in the story forum anymore.


Also, to make clear, I like Droité as a poster.


I dunno. I think you could have found a better target than the goblins. It’s like saying Gallywix isn’t that fat, because look at Therazane!

There have been moments I think we can all agree where Kaldorei culture and its offshoots have shown some arrogance. Teldrassil, everything Azshara, Elisande and so on. I’d hestate to compare any of those people to Gallywix, because while the traits are similar, the rest of the context is totally off.

Maybe use Thrall’s naming conventions instead. Orgrimmar, Thrallmar, Durotar… What, ran out of towns before Nerzhulmar and Gul’danitar could be used? Does every town and city need to be named in a way that enshrines and glorifies every orc with a name?

Or Garrosh. You can sum his things up with just his name alone. Garrosh. At least night elves aren’t Garrosh. Still extreme, but it doesn’t sound as bad as saying “but hey, we’re not as arrogant as the silly green guys who blow themselves up!”

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Wait, is that why the tree was planted? I thought it toppled because they had no clue about Yoggy’s prison or anything else like it. I thought it was the “beta test” world tree. Did I miss something?

No snark, serious question.

It was in Chronicle. Andrassil, and the other Great Trees (in Ashenvale, Feralas, Crystalsong Forest, Duskwood, and the Hinterlands) were all planted by Fandral and his crew to contain saronite deposits that were beginning to seep up to the surface. Andrassil was grown as a World Tree because the saronite deposit it was intended to cover was HUGE.

The plan worked, but eventually Andrassil had to be toppled because its roots went so far down they brushed against Yogg-Saron’s prison and he corrupted it. They renamed it Vordrassil after it was cast down.


I originally got into the story and the game through the books, about three years before WoW was launched. That got me into the RTS, which I’ll admit was an even uglier collection of meaningless pixels but the story there was strong and vibrant. The characters were compelling and the script was tight. Very few plot threads were left dangling, and those that were usually ended up being picked up in later games or later books.

Obviously not ALL of the books were good, but I had a lot of affection for the story regardless.

As time has gone on the game has stopped serving the story and instead the story serves the game. In a way that was likely always the case but the writing was good enough (or perhaps my experience with good writing was sparse enough) that I could ignore it and focus on the parts that I enjoyed. Now I find the story to be hardly recognizable and very little indeed within in it that I can truly enjoy.

The game never really mattered to me as much as the story, and as the story matters less the game matters less, and I can’t help but agree with OP that anyone who is truly emotionally invested in the events taking place in the game probably should invest those emotions elsewhere. The greater tragedy isn’t the demise of a world tree and it’s fictional people, but the demise of a story that millions of people once loved.

I’m just agreeing with OP. I care about your cheeto’s even less than I care about the game.