No one should genuinely care about Teldrassil

Many Horde would disagree. Vanilla Barrens brings a lot of fond memories to Horde players and its what solidified the Horde experience. It was meant to feel like a struggle because we were the underdog faction at that time. We had the Barrens and lived out in the deserts of Durotar and the Alliance had forests and castles. It was dangerous to be Horde. It was unique to be Horde during Vanilla. Nowadays it’s not. Horde is hardly any different from the Alliance. Blizzard has just recreated the Horde to be an edgier version of the Alliance over the years.
But I mean it doesn’t shock me that a Blood Elf player would dislike leveling in the Barrens, an actual Horde zone which forges the core identity of Horde since the times of Vanilla. Blood Elf players just want the Horde to have zones that look like Alliance zones and our cities to look like Stormwind but with red roofs instead of blue ones.