You can’t close it?
No one can close threads. We’re not moderators.
The people I explained that you and a few others keep ignoring to derail it with this crap you keep spewing.
Open world players and solo players are basically the same thing.
Idk anything about FF, but purely Solo content in wow right now gets you geared enough for heroic raid and well into the m+ scene. That’s not too shabby.
Wish you were Thallia. You then can also go full Thor on everyone
Don’t worry Thallia. The post count helps your cause.
I believe Microsoft will be auditing many things including this forum and sifting through the chaff to find the real meat. Then it will be considered and addressed and the only way we will know is when things start changing. This will be a few years, but there will be changes.
Microsoft isn’t just going to let WoW continue its current trajectory. The stats on the success of Diablo Immortal will also play on how they be able apply similar systems to increase revenue.
“Basically” is not “the same.” Poor attempt. It’s been explained. Stop ignoring it. Stop arguing about crap that doesn’t matter in this thread.
The stupid statistics people keep obsessing over are irrelevant to this topic and it needs to STOP.
So jumping back into this thread after a bit of a hiatus (nice post count btw lol).
If we look at it all, don’t the open world players technically have more engaging and drawn out content than the m+/raiders? I mean not going into season 4 (that we know of yet)?
I mean once you’ve ran every dungeon on at least m0 and raid on normal…then it’s all just repeat content.
Gear progression aside, after 1-2 weeks (whatever the time gates may dictate), raiders and dungeon runners have gone through all of their content. While open world players still have a few weeks of content to eat up.
Just a random thought that crossed my mind when I saw this thread again
Everyone does, it’s literally only Snozh that wants to buckle down on it because he doesn’t know how to construct complex arguments. Everyone knows that whatever statistics are conjured up have absolutely no basis or reason to be in this argument because they are only a fraction of the data required to deduce anything reasonably coherent.
The unfortunate reality is that this thread will never be on track so long as Snozh continues to flame others for no reason other than because he wants to.
The irony in you saying this and then proceeding to respond to the other “troll” anyways is palpable LOL
Yes because the entire NA player base is only a fraction of the data😂. This just reads that you don’t like the proof.
Imagine being this much of a hypocrite considering that’s all you have done in here.
The other funny part is that I have had actual conversations with people and all you have done is troll.
Well once you guys are mad enough and keep responding over and over again I’ll respond.
Fact is both of y’all are upset and can’t handle the facts.
Not everyone in the NA playerbase raids.
You can keep vomiting the same thing over and over again. It doesn’t make you any more right. In case you haven’t noticed, nobody here is taking you seriously and the only person that did ended up leaving because they didn’t want to deal with your nonsense. Get a clue lmao
And where are those people now?
“muh facts”
I never claimed they did lmao.
You not understanding the statistics doesn’t make them wrong.
Probably sleeping.
Your feelings.
Statistics are a lot more complicated than “I have numbers therefore my argument is correct”, as has been pointed out to you countless times. Yet you still seem to ignore it anyways.
Wow, what an original insult. Definitely haven’t heard that one before.
I think it’s more that people don’t agree with your statistics.
Especially since your conclusion just results in shutting down conversation.
What new content would that be? We got 15 minutes of quests with 9.2.5.
A quick note on stats since I see it coming up again in post replies. (Ignore is a great feature btw) By design Blizzard’s own numbers are recycled every 30 days on top of people being able to private their profiles and a natural emphasis on group reporting which baseline skews anything. Plus there are still all the complexities of people who might try something once being a far cry from “a mythic player.” So no, it’s hopeless to derive any value from those stats. This has been explained before. Ostriches gonna ostrich.
Can’t even take you seriously when no one ever mentioned mythic raiding.
It’s people participating in group content. I know it’s hard for y’all to understand that.
It’s clear that you have no interest in actual discussion because y’all can’t even comprehend what the actually support
This wasn’t about season 4 in particular, just in general
We had content to do for the entire season with Korthia. There are still people out in Korthia, too.
ZM? Not so much. It didn’t last nearly a season, let alone another season.
This is the issue I’d like to see them address in Dragonflight.
I understand that. But the question still stands. From a content point, doesn’t open world have more than group content before the replay kicks in?
And what was it about Korthia? Was it just that the currency came in at a slower rate for the totals needed compared to ZM? Because it’s more or less the same thing. Just one went by faster than the other.
To be fair, there’s still plenty in ZM toon farming achievements and rares and mounts and cosmetics and all that fun hazz