No one listens to open world players

At end game, which is the topic, nope.

I listed in the OP the ideas I have for how to keep end game zones engaging. Some of which is based off of Korthia, which is what kept people engaged.

It really isn’t. One was actually ranking up our own gear. The other is a few crappy RNG pieces that we have to wait to drop again after hitting some pretty nonsensical and stupid level of a cypher system that wasn’t engaging at all.

Finding the right stats on a piece of gear, enchanting it and the getting to keep it and upgrade it was much more progression oriented for open world, imo.

None of it was fun. Half of it requires rare RNG on top of rare RNG and raids above LFR.

I hit the meta achievement in ZM and have zero reason/interest to go back.

So you could top our cypher before you finished a single run through of a raid?

Considering the raid was time gated and this is about people who do open world content more than raids… and most of those people are probably only doing LFR, which released even slower… most likely.

Not to mention, from day one, it’s dailies and WQs. Repetitive content. Same as raids and M+.

I hate time gated raids. If normal/heroic gets access to the whole raid day one than so should lfr. Its crap lfr is forced to wait weeks on end for the full raid to be open.

I get gating it. But I think it should be one wing a week, not every other week.


Thanks for share your opinion!
I would love to see more open world content.
I hope when 10.0 starts we can have something less instanced and more lived world, the changes they did in professions give me some hope.


I’d bet that less than 1% of raiders and M+'ers ever upgraded a single piece of Korthia gear.

Do you know someone who works at Blizzard or something? You speak so authoritatively on the intentions of the dev team and on the breakup of the playerbase.

I want some of what this guys on!

In three posts, you’ve had nothing constructive to say. Care to add something to the conversation, or just troll people?

Yes, this is me, also! Especially towards the end of the expansion when my friends are off to other games! I usually do the other factions quests and gear up all my professions on alts, etc.

Than change what rewards we can get. What do we even get now, gear, some really crappy low % drop rate mounts, pets and achievements. And guaranteed if you run the place long enough you will get your gear and pets, and once you are all over geared you run a normal guild run for the achievements than what? Bash your head against a wall over and over doing mythic?

My guild basically gets AOTC and if the content is easy enough smash out a few more weeks of AOTC to carry all those who need it and than we go on hiatus, some will join other guilds and push mythic, but it’s the same every season until now, Jailer has been by far the hardest end raid boss we have faced, not only killing it but getting to it so carrying others for AOTC has been a little bit difficult compared to anything in the past and yep, players have taken breaks or moved on to helping other guilds in mythic (which is what I am doing, join a community, get 2-3 guilds worth of players to run some mythic and have fun).

But what can they reward to keep you playing, that’s the issue.