No one listens to open world players

The effort to find a guild or group to boost and actually doing the boost are still more effort than solo content even when buying a token.

I’m not understanding how this is hard to understand.

You’re honing in on the token too much and missed the actual point entirely.

By that logic just because everyone is born they are entitled to being a millionaire. It makes zero sense.

The subscription only guarantees you equal opportunity. It doesn’t guarantee you equal outcome just like life.

There isn’t a story to tell.

If they have any achievement from group content then they do group content and aren’t a solo player. Period. There isn’t any story that’s missing.

It hasn’t fallen apart once. Only trolls and people who don’t understand how it works keep saying this.

Luckily for me I don’t care if you accept them or not. It’s proven my statements this entire time.

It’s not very hard to find a guild or group to boost you. People routinely advertise these services through multiple channels. Even easier if you’re on an extremely populated server.

You’re also not doing the boost. Other people are doing it for you. You are doing less than bare minimum and reaping the rewards.

But trying to use 14 as an example is meaningless when you can’t compare the gear between the two games lol. What exactly is “really” good gear in FF14? In my mind, it’s Savage gear, other than that, I’m only looking for glamour lol. Unlike in WoW, you are more limited to skill than item level when doing content. Gear in WoW helps compensate for lesser skilled players more so than in FF14. Generally speaking, the world first raiders in WoW are generally, not always, but generally going to have a lower average item level when clearing content vs your normal Mythic guild that will need to take more time to farm up a higher average. That’s not really much of an option in 14 lol.

Except for the actual players interests, which are being cast aside for the real numbers.

It’s no accident that Diablo Immortal was designed to psychologically prey on players need to achieve.

I know. It’s still harder than solo content which is the disconnect you’re not understanding.

You’re still participating.

Interests don’t mean anything. Like it really isn’t this hard to understand.

I know you can’t accept that I’m right and need to constantly move the goalposts but even you can understand this.

It’s a mobile game. That’s how really pay to win games are just like most mobile games are.

Literally has zero to do with this discussion and is you deflecting the moving of goalposts.

You’ve already shot your creditability to peices. You’re just embarrassing yourself at this point when you assume yourself to be in the right.

Hardly a deflection.

The corporate idiots are dumb enough to move what worked in mobile into WoW.

Ahh even more deflecting. Someone that doesn’t play the game saying my credibility is shot means absolutely nothing.

End of the day you’re just a bitter troll

Sorry you can’t argue statistics.

It’s 100% a deflection. You have been proven multiple times you don’t understand the statistics or even the conversation considering you didnt even realize we were only talking about 9.2 achievements.

There is no possible way you can actually think that. I understand that your strategy here is to downplay open world content in order to emphasize just how mind-numbingly easy it is, but by default, open world content at least requires you to engage with the “game” part of the game. To find a group to carry me, it takes all of two minutes of searching a channel to secure the boost because the only requirement for entry is whether or not I have the money for it. I don’t even need to be good. There’s literally no skill ceiling involved with a carry because the term “carry” implies that the group is making up for your lack of skill.

Please do not make exaggerated claims. It isn’t a good look for your argument.

I think the reason why I’m disconnecting from this conversation now is because I can very clearly see that you’re shifting the goalposts. Originally, this conversation was about the amount of effort intrinsic to the kind of gear you obtain. Then, it became about these systems fundamentally breaking the game. Now, it’s all about participation in group content.

I have tried to keep up and keep this thread on track to the original discussion, but it’s very clear that it won’t go anywhere. Thank you for the discussion, however, as a final note, it would do you better to not be so dismissive and insulting of other claims, especially when they are harmless and have done nothing to you outside of disagreeing with you.

There’s no skill ceiling involved in world content either.

Collecting things and killing x of y mob doesn’t take any effort either.

No it’s always been about participation in group content and not forcing mythic raiders to do even more solo content.

Not once have I made an argument based on skill.

You do realize I agree with the OP that open world content needs improving. The OP and I also agree the ilvl cap needs to be normal raid tier level.

My issue is when players want better than normal raid loot due to entitlement. I don’t care if people have heroic or mythic level gear. They just have to participate in the same content everyone else does. I also don’t want to have to do even more solo content than I’m already forced too because someone can’t figure out the game basics to complete world content.

You could be clearing full mythic but that doesn’t give you the right to be a troll yourself on the forums.

It doesn’t give me the right either but between us I think the forum can tell who is the greater aggressor here.

9.2 isn’t Shadowlands entirety.

I am not trolling. Posting an unpopular opinion doesnt make me a troll.

You lol, you are the one following me into threads.

Didnt say it was, but I am taking numbers from the most recent patch. Considering how many raiders have quit especially after 9.0.5 the numbers for solo players would probably be worse. This you shifting again because earlier you said that achievement dates werent specific and now that I have shown they are youre moving goalposts again.

Biased opinion.

I’ll let your posts speak for themselves.

Its not a biased opinon. Any thread I go into I ignore your posts till you quote and reply to me.

Thats not an opinion or biased at all.

Considering you seem to not understand what biased or opinion means im not too worried.

Well you keep presenting your opinion as fact.

Though I think I’ve done a good job of disentangling the truth.


I think that’s what comes to mind most immediately for many. I tend to solo myself but I also engage in loose group activities like WQs.

Considering its backed my statistics that were presented it is fact.

Because you are delusional.

Who do you think primarily plays open world content?

The people that hate this thread have derailed it so much, it’s not even the same damn topic anymore and I’m pretty pissed with how they’ve trashed this thread.

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