No One Left Behind Bugged

Edit: at 6:00pm central the quest has been reset it seems, and is working both with warmode off and on, as intended it seems. If still bugged please by all means try the fix I posted below.

For some of those stuck on the quest No Man Left Behind - Rescue Rokhan. Try swapping to warmode.

It was a comment I saw on the PTR wowhead posted a few hours ago. I tried it, and it allowed me to actually see and free Rokhan. Figured I’d post here so people searching for help might be able to try it and see if it works. Can turn off warmode after quest completed. Wish you the best.

Upvote or post on this comment and this thread [SOLUTION] for Those Stuck on No One Left Behind Quest if it helped you, so others will be able to see this post.