Blademaster Telaamon is currently bugged at 50% and will evade when attacked.
We have tried logging out, logging back in, partying up, phasing into an instance and coming back, but none of these things are working to get him reset. Would a GM please assist?
I can confirm that this is still a problem on Area 52. It looks like poor Telaamon stared into the eyes of the basilisk around 50% hp.
Still a problem on Bonechwer. Been that way for over an hour now. I’ve put in 3 tickets, but nothing happened.
I see the last post on this thread was 2 hours ago. Still accurate. Dull surprise.
Still an issue on Area52 at the moment, please help!
Can confirm issue is still on A52. Submitted a ticket 30 min ago with no response. Tried relog/party/wm on and off. Still standing there and is not targetable or attackable.
There’s nothing even targetable for the quest on Jaedenar.
Edit: at 6:00pm central the quest has been reset it seems, and is working both with warmode off and on, as intended it seems. If still bugged please by all means try the fix I posted below.
For some of those stuck on the quest No Man Left Behind - Rescue Rokhan. Try swapping to warmode.
It was a comment I saw on the PTR wowhead posted a few hours ago. I tried it, and it allowed me to actually see and free Rokhan. Figured I’d post here so people searching for help might be able to try it and see if it works. Can turn off warmode after quest completed. Wish you the best.
Upvote or post on this comment and this thread [SOLUTION] for Those Stuck on No One Left Behind Quest if it helped you, so others will be able to see this post.
Not even targetable on Thrall and Rokhan isn’t there. It’s been bugged all day, how have they not hotfixed it yet?
Still not working on Uther (Horde) won’t let me submit ticket either
Worked when I turned Warmode off
I can confirm that once I turned War Mode on Area 52 it did let me finally attack him and saw Rokhan there. Hopefully they otherwise fix it soon.
Still Bugged, I dont think its realm specific. Im on Mal’Ganis and we’re all wondering wtf is going on.
I turned off warmode to get it to work. I dont understand why that would work. But I followed the visa/versa directions to turn it on. Ive never turned off warmode since Prepatch.
still bugged…so far EVERY piece of content they put out has had game halting bugs. maybe they should sell more game shop pets, that might fix it.
I have the save problem. Minutes ago…
I really don’t like to “me too” on these threads, but it’s happening to me as well. I submitted an in-game bug as well in hopes of reaching someone who can actually help.
Bugged still. I’ve tried:
resetting UI
Going into Nazmir, then returning (that’s a tease. It looks like it will work, but then rephases out)
on/off/on/off warmode
Joined an interrealm raid
nothing has worked