"No one knows its the world soul talking"

I’m a fan of the theory that the crystal is actually a Naaru, or a part of one.

Would lend credence to it calling out to the Arathi humans and Anduin! Would also explain the random darkenings of the crystal as seen in the trailer.

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Like who else would Sargeras try to hit with his sword? The Aqir? Look its just bad writing.

Hell they could have gone “he was trying to hit the soul of our world” and it would have been more correct/probably better. It just feels like sloppy writing.

While it most likely is Azeroth…

You gotta be careful with whispers.

Really easy for something to pretend to be something it’s not just to manipulate you.

Blindly following whispers can be quite dangerous.

Azeroth could also be corrupted already, can’t just assume it has good intentions.

except the whole shadowlands even was the scoopy doo villain trying to get to the world soul - even if magni went into hibernation or w/e after BfA - these characters all heard the bad guy talking about “your world”, “her”, “world soul” ect

“Death comes for the soul of your world.” A common line uttered in front of many audiences during SL. There just isn’t any way people like anduin don’t know about the world soul.

I don’t think the writers are concerned with having dialogue “make sense” for those familiar with the continuity. I think they are concerned with having a line that sounds cool and makes people unfamiliar with the story feel like they’d be diving into a new mystery.

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That’s exactly what it is. This is the first thing new or returning players will see when they install and load up the game.