No one hated Jaina

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Fair enough. For what it is worth, sorry on my end. I know I can be bothersome at times anyway.

We did not kill everyone you ever loved.

The context is Jaina, and her relationship with the Horde. She was their biggest peace advocate, and they killed her Father, killed her friends, killed her apprentice, killed everyone in her city.

Regardless if you think the Horde is deserving of that blame (I can guess you don’t), the point is you can’t really blame Jaina for questioning her once-held values after all that trauma.

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It’s a sad day when you give someone actual text that support your argument and the other person gives you “just read the book” as their main argument and calls your argument disingenuous.


Because the the argument itself was disengebous. We disagreed on what was being argued.

I gotta say, the way she blinks around the Horde raid group during the Battle of Dazar’alor while rooting them constantly with frost nova spams and screaming the same three voiced lines over and over as they’re trying to fight through trash mobs isn’t doing her many favors in the likability department for Horde players.


Eh. At the end of the day, discussions or arguments are here for fun. Whether or not I think I’m right, there’s no worth insisting on either end if it isn’t enjoyable. I don’t view an agree to disagree resolution as negative.

Secretly. his cover identity is that of a Dalaran mage.

literal disney princess that never grew up

The only thing I don’t like about Jaina is this lingering feeling I get every time she gets screentime that all the story beats and themes could have been much better fulfilled had it been someone like Genn or Tyrande.

Especially Genn, who suffered a similar tragedy of losing his kingdom, having his own people die en masse by the Horde, and his homeland being blighted to oblivion. There’s honestly a feeling I get from the writers that they just don’t like to write about any race that isn’t Human, Orc, or Elf and I guess that’s why they decided to have the destruction of Theramore (and later Teldrassil) happen because they don’t want races like Worgen to take up a more important role than they currently have now. It just doesn’t grip their interest like the big wig races do.

What frightens me about this thread is how manifestly false the premise is. Nobody hates Jaina because she hates the Horde. That’s utter nonsense and the fact that some people believe it is scary.


I don’t think it’s entirely untrue though, maybe it doesn’t exist here (well, actually I have seen it exist here before) but still.

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No, there is a specific reason why I don’t like discussing things with you. You argue even when you agree. You adhere to the lore only when it suits you, and brush it under the rug when it doesn’t, while also maintaining a smug demeanor and claiming your opinions are formulated with evidence, even when the opposite is true. You lie about your personal life and experience, and you are overall unpleasant. I am done talking to you.

Good lord, this is the most deliciously ironic thing I’ve ever seen posted.

The projection is so thick you could cut it with a knife.


No they didn’t. Tides of War established that the mana bomb was built by the blood elves within the Horde army. Those blood elves came from Quel’Thalas, not Dalaran.


I stand by my theory that she became the new guardian during her self-imposed exile.

I like Jaina. I got a 4 day forum ban for calling her a Bad B**** (issa compliment)

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There’s self defense and then there’s consuming the blood of a pit lord in order to hyper juice yourself and kill a demigod. Nice revisionist history though. Horde have never been the innocent victim.

The demi god was trying to kill them, wasn’t he?