No one hated Jaina

Grom’s an idiot, but that doesn’t stop the fact it was in self defense, as if the night elves never shot him, he would have never drank the demon blood. As i said, Grom isn’t all right in the head. And thrall knew that, that’s why he was sent to gather lumber in an area thrall thought was uninhabited.

The Night Elves in fact can do wrong and are not these infallible wise people. Hell they tend to be pretty big hypocrites and act really dumb.


Yes the Demigod protector of the forest and nature in general was trying to kill the savage mongoloids that carried the taint of fel magic who were chopping down the lands he protects. How dare he.

Never said Elves are infallible. The sundering was a thing and Blizzard will never let Nelf fans forget it. They seem to think it’s a positive for some reason cause when we’re not slaughter fodder it’s the only topic the writers can focus on. However the events of Ashenvale are wholly the fault of the Orcs.

So it was in self defense that they drank the demon’s blood.

Thank you.


You know cherry picking doesn’t really work when the rest of the post that you either didn’t read or intentionally left out of your quote is literally right above your post right?

It did work though. The Night Elves could’ve chosen diplomacy. Instead, they pretended that it was their Elune-Given right to kill any race they pleased whenever the pleased for whatever they pleased.

Elune’s son was conquered and killed for their hubris.


Wrong. The Night Elves viewed them as savages with no respect for nature that was destroying the forest and desecrating their home. Their belief system lead them to this conclusion. If you see someone lopping off the heads of puppies one by one do you stop and try to negotiate them not lopping off puppy heads or do you immediately act to stop them from doing it more?

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The Night Elves chose to go with their immediate predisposition instead of leaning into any wisdom that ten thousand years of life might offer – ESPECIALLY AFTER MEETING BROXIGAR THE RED – and shrugged and started killing without so much as a “this is our land get out.”

The pretendy funtime game of night elven imperial authority over Kalimdor has been routinely disproven over the years. How long will it take for them to get over themselves?

They’re like Trolls, except that Trolls actually have an empire right now.


Ten thousand years ago.



One orc. Ten thousand years ago. And if we’re going to go with the wisdom of ten thousand years, even though Blizz’s inept writers refuse to, then they would probably understand that one is not representative of many. Not to mention Grom and the Warsongs were one of the more unruly and bloodthirsty tribes to begin with.

One orc that Tyrande knew to be just and honorable.

These orcs were cutting trees. One would think that after meeting someone who is just and honorable, the racist night elves could afford a ‘hey this is our land, get out.’ but the night elves are not and have never been interested in justice or honor.

They just murder any race they please, whenever they please, for whatever they please. They don’t see other races as ‘people.’ They see other races as beasts to the slaughter.

Which makes it all the better, for me, to defeat them.


I can play this cherry picking troll game too.

Truly, night elves are the most evil player race.

And it’s tough to top the Forsaken.


I would argue slow roasting thousands of civilians and no less than 1 capital city and 2 villages, then proceeding to slowly kill an entire forest and torture any survivors is more evil than quick deaths in combat.

But maybe being humane is something you Orcs dont understand.

I would argue that taking pleasure in the crippling psychic trauma that solitary confinement confers is one of the biggest markers of psychopathic ideology you can have.

And they enjoyed performing it for ten thousand years.


The Wardens, while one of my favorite units Bless Momma Maiev, are a fringe group of radicals. And I’d hardly say they enjoyed it given Maiev’s general disdain towards just about everything. Malfurion took no joy in imprisoning his twin brother either.

False. They’re empowered directly by Malfurion and Tyrande who charged them with Illidan’s ten thousand years of isolation.


Fringe groups of radicals have been supported by the general populace in real life. At the risk of getting slightly political just look at the Taliban or ISIS.

Their fringe groupism is completely unrelated with the leaders of all night elven society charging them with the psychological torment of keeping Illidan imprisoned, by himself, with no interaction (OR EVEN FOOD. They had magic to keep him full, so even eating didn’t break the monotony.) for time immemorial. The only reason it stopped at ten thousand years is because they needed him to do something. Then, Malfurion wanted to put him back in!

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Implying that the Horde playerbase was in unison of opinion of praising Blizzard for Cata/Mop Horde narrative. Okay.

Edit: Oh and I was here since Vanilla. Remember Wrathgate? I recall plenty of people pissed, from the Alliance even, on Jaina not hating the Horde enough.