No one hated Jaina

It was a Ruin in Frozen Throne.

The Horde killed her father, started a War unprovoked, bombed her home killing all of her friends, when she has been the biggest non-horde ally the Horde ever had. At some point, you just need to cut your losses and accept that something is a lost cause. In this case, the Horde.


Kael’thas, Jaina, Kalecgos, Korialstrasz. Dagran Thaurissan II is heir to both Ironforge and Shadowforge City.

Sure it is, here.

“Aethas considers himself a member of the Kirin Tor,” Halduron replied. “And I can think of a number of others who would be pleased to bear that mantle again as well. If the Kirin Tor want to admit blood elves, we cannot stop them from doing so.”
“No, we cannot,” Lor’themar answered. He was silent a moment. “However, it is my instinct that we should eschew official involvement in the Nexus War. Aethas should report to us periodically, and we should give him a clear set of boundaries. But those who wish to offer their services may do so under the banner of the Kirin Tor—not Quel’Thalas.”

You seem to think so. Because you keep calling them the same. Whereas I’m here, delineating them.

No, because I’m using evidence to indicate citizenship…

Do you have a quote, a page number, or even a chapter? Doesn’t seem like that exists in the book.


I seriously feel they view the horde as an NPC faction sometimes. Mostly because it feels our plot is written to set up future alliance plot points, like the abyssal sceptor. I don’t know it feels weird. Anyway, when i say i find Jaina boring its mostly as a fan of writing as she is written as if she was comic character, not a video game one. Writing for different mediums requires different skill sets.


Wait? No one hated Jaina? I remember ‘Jaina is an traitor to the Alliance and should be executed’ threads prior to Theramore being blown up. She got hated on for not hating the horde in the same fashion Malfurion has before recently.

That is right, prior to Theramore it was Alliance players calling for Jaina to die. Nothing works better to fix a Alliance Characters popularity than have it start hating, or better yet killing, horde.


Also the Best Human Wizard since Warcraft 3. Way more hotter and better story than Khadgar.


Thalen was denounced as a traitor to the Sunreavers and the Kirin Tor after he betrayed the Sunreavers and the Kirin Tor. Aethas gives a speech about this in Tides of War when Jaina and Vereesa confront the Council of Six about it.

Songweaver had nothing to do with the purge of Dalaran. That was sparked by the Divine Bell incident, months after Theramore’s destruction.

The Sunreavers’ entire backstory is that they were high elves who served the Kirin Tor in the past and wanted to wear that mantle again. What confuses you about this?

Am I getting baited? Don’t you think it’s good form to at least read up on this stuff before giving all these hot takes?


Eh i prefer Khadgar storywise, he seems less… OP and helps keep the tension.

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You’re confusing damsel with the saying damsel in distress. Her romance with Kalecgos comes up in some parts of other novels such as Before the Storm. But the reason I state this is because her emotions are on the extreme and we are constantly reminded about her being sad and how pathetic her life has gone.

Right lets look at the books, rise of the Horde, lord of the clans, shadows of the Horde are the only books that heavily focus on the Horde. When you compare that to the amount the heavily focus on the Alliance it’s laughable.

All speculative… What was it you were saying about evidence?

…. That literally says nothing…

No, you are one who assumes citizenship with a lack of evidence.

No you are not.

Read it again.


Everything to do with the purge.

Let’s see you go through the same things she has been through and be less emotional about it.

Nearly every single novel Shows the Horde side or has Horde representation.

… Alright, I’ve got the answer to my question. Good lord.


minor correction, it was falric in fact.
falric and aethas were the biggers responsible for the purge. and jaina of course. i would say that this is all aethas fault.

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I know this is getting into difference of opinion territory, but the Horde fled Eastern Kingdoms to find a new home. Her father didn’t want to let them get a foothold, and took over her town of Theramore to fight against them, her Allies. Even though they tried to convince him it wasn’t the demon crazed Horde anymore, he wouldn’t listen, he couldn’t just let them live in peace.

Jaina sided with Thrall and Rexxar and took him down, she killed him just as much as the Horde. As far as bombing the city, again, Garrosh. It’s like the burning of Teldrassil, I don’t consider that a Horde decision, it was Sylvanas. But I know this is just a difference of opinion, I’m not trying to say “that’s how it is”. Just my 2 cents.


Cife let Akiyass go, you can’t reason with her.


Did we really run out of things in BfA to complain about?


Not all speculative. Moira is mentioned as Queen-Regent of the Dark Irons on the prior WoW site. And as heir to Ironforge in The Shattering (page 308), as well as Fire and Iron (page 2). With Dagran being heir to both mentioned in the Ultimate Visual Guide (page 78). How many rulers do you think aren’t citizens of the nations they rule?

It says right there, he considers himself a member of the Kirin Tor. His future forces would be under the banner of the Kirin Tor and expressedly not of Quel’thalas.

No, I already told you the evidence I’m using.

Just did, it isn’t there. So you can’t quote anything, you can’t give a page number, you can’t give a chapter, and I don’t see it. So you agree it isn’t there.

Right, and I am not saying that Daelin was the brightest wand in the store, but the Horde did kill him, and he is still Jaina’s father despite the circumstance. The most tolerant of minds would still struggle with that.

Here is the problem with this. The Novellas really put the blame on the Horde, not just Sylvanas. Sin’dorei and Nightborne enchanting the flames so it burned hotter and was not easily put out. Orc, Troll and Tauren Shaman used elemental magic to spread the flames. Goblin tech was responsible for building demolishers capable of firing at those long distances… It was a team effort, and the Horde partook in the genocide enthusiastically.

Yes it is, I am done arguing with you.

Hey look I can do that too. Killing innocents is killing innocents. Period. You justifying it anything more than casualty of war, makes you exactly like who you despise, Sylvannas. Genocide is genocide, your justification for it doesnt change its objective definition.

it means that you are obviously biased.

The problem with bait like this is that BfA has destroyed Horde lore to the point where Blizzard handwaving away her crimes no longer matters.


You mistake what I said. I was not justifying the killing of innocents. I was rejecting the idea that Dazar’alor is was a genocide at all. Collateral damage -maybe-, but even that is unconfirmed. Where as Teldrassil was the worst Genocide since The Scourge. Not comparable.
