No one hated Jaina

I went and read his wowpedia entry and he has a rad quote from War of the Ancients.

“The night elves grow more arrogant. They take what does not belong to them and trespass where they are not wanted. It is their assumption that everything falls under their domination. Although they did not quite intrude upon my realm, I chose to make them do so in order to teach them a lesson in humility and manners.”

Night elves sound a lot like what Akiyass is attributing to Orcs.


No it wasn’t.

Have done. It doesn’t say it was built by the sunreavers anywhere.

Watch the cutscene again, you can see it spilling out of the entire city into the surrounding landscape.

Someone hoping for consistant storytelling that doesn’t rely in deus ex machinas and mary sues to solve all it’s problems.

There’s no way they could fortify a city in that time. They made it through the city incredibly quick and they still failed to hold it.

Support in exchange for support. Not like they’d reach out to the Alliance after they kidnapped their princess nintendo style.

Already explained that.

Even if that were true (Which it isn’t. Few people have such major personality flips over night unless they’re Bipolar), that doesn’t make the character well written.

Anyway, I’m going to stop here. It’s pretty obvious that further conversation with you is pointless and I’ve already answered why I, and many others, have a strong dislike for Jaina.

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Not really. A dragon can be a citizen of a nation.

Certainly. It makes it abundantly clear in the story. Have you read it?

Nah. Using evidence to reach a reasonable conclusion.


This is it.

I’ve finally found it.

This thread is the heart of the Story Forum manifest.


Cenarius is referring to the Highborne here, which there is a cultural distinction between them and the Kaldorei.

Yes it was.

Read it again.

Because Jaina broke concentration on her spell.

How is what happened inconsistent?

Maybe we should just do without any and all heroic moments for characters…

The City itself is a fortification that they can easily garrison.

Because the Horde were not gone as long as they had hoped.

Which makes them a viable military target.

No you havn’t

It is true, and the character is well written as far as Warcraft characters go.

You have stated your own biases, but nothing concrete.

But he isn’t because he has his own domain to look over.


Right… So assuming citizen until proven otherwise, which is stupid in war time.

Read Tides of war again.


Oh the irony.


Not sure you know what that means.


Just because he has a domain to look over doesn’t mean he can’t be/isn’t a citizen of Dalaran.

Rather short, I think you could get through it with ease.

Nah, those aren’t the same. Using evidence to reach a conclusion is rather standard. Assuming typically bypasses looking at evidence.

You mean the part where they say they think Thalen acted alone?

Oh many world leaders do you know who has duel citizenship?

I know… still nothing there.

You seem to think so.

Right, so you agree with me. You assume citizenship until evidence is shown to prove otherwise.

I mean the part where the Sunreavers developed the Mana Bomb.


TBC Belf starting zone in a nutshell…

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Doubt all you want… The Quote was taken from the War of the Ancinets Novel, when the Highborne were expanding their Empire, and forsaking Elune. Meanwhile the Kaldorei were worshiping Wild Gods and Elune in Suramar and Mount Hyjal… So… Some Common sense is in order.

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If I may hazard a question, what would the requirements for citizenship in Dalaran be? And with that question, can a member of the Council of Six NOT be a citizen by default? Because if that is the case, wouldn’t Jaina not qualify as a citizen of Dalaran due to being the ruler of Theramore? Because if Kalecgos, and Korialstraz as well because he was a member of the Council of Six before death, are not allowed to be citizens due to being leaders in their own right then Jaina should also not be allowed.

Jaina has many many issues.

I feel enough people have covered the guilt angle, so im gonna continue the other major reason people hate Jaina

Her power and stuff. First off, i think its safe to say jaina is a creators pet. One of Golden’s in particular, like Anduin and Baine. As such she is to strong for her current narrative role. You know why LoTR and the Hobbit keep finding ways to remove gandalf from the plot, or why some characters get massive power downs when the reform? It’s to keep tension, as having one character who can effortlessly solve problems is B-O-R-I-N-G! Jaina ruins the internal tension of wow in her current state.

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Thalen Songweaver, Garrosh’s double agent, built the mana bomb. He tells this to the reader in his inner narration in War Crimes. He was also kicked out of the Sunreavers for his betrayal and was living in fear that Lor’themar would cut his head off and give it to Jaina to make nice.

… All of this had nothing whatsoever to do with the purge. Jaina even preaches to the Alliance PC in 5.1 - months after Theramore - about how Dalaran has been the Sunreavers’ home for thousands of years, contrary to your weird theory that they weren’t actual citizens.



It was the whole reason for it.

Makes no sense since Dalaran was a ruin between WC3 and Wrath

…Except in you know, Frozen throne.

that’s what they did in legion.

hmm? seeing her kicking the horde’s butts so many times this xpac has been another of the best things about this xpac, finally the villains are paying for what they did to her.
extremely fun,there is nothing more fun than that.
and she didn’t do it alone, she wasn’t the one who planted the bombs in zuldazar or that created the faint in nazmir, that was brother pike,wyrnbane,shaw and telamon.
or the azerite bombs were created by a gnome…but meh.

anyway is just that blizzard forgot that this isn’t a single faction game.

Didn’t Garrosh, the Warchief the Horde overthrew, bomb her hometown and make her mad? Being mad at everyone who was forced to follow him just turned her into the exact generalizing racist she hated up to that point. Going to war against a whole people, based on the actions of a few.

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oh, the classic spacegoat of the horde with their warchief, they are already planning to do the same.