No one hated Jaina

Alliance had a massive advantage in building it’s endgame scene in Vanilla since Fear ward and Paladins beat the everloving hell out of Shamans, but it kind of diminished as WoW grew and players mostly stuck to what they liked since very few players bought the game expecting to join D&T or even knowing who they were.

ToT was the first time the numbers meaningfully shifted endgame, as the previously useless troll beast slaying racial was useful on the 4 beast bosses and Iron Qon.

Gobbo shoes were good but only “race change” good for one fight, I believe.

Anyway the top guilds moving created a self fufilling prophecy that the Alliance raiding scene was doomed and caused people to jump over even when horde racials weren’t anything to write home about, and here we are.

TBC Classic launch had a rapid version of this, with entire guilds jumping ship from some servers out of the mere fear that their server was gonna die, leading to… the server’s alliance population dying.

The server I played on was massively Alliance biased and the Alliance scene failcascaded before the numbers even balanced out.


You know what the top Guilds did when the Darkshore Warfront came out.

Alliance was going to get first crack at the loot so they all faction changed to a man for Alliance for that week.

When it was the Horde’s turn again, they all switched back. That’s how minmax their strategy was.

She already has justice. Last time I checked eevryone responsible for what she lost is dead and now she leads Kul Tias and made up with her actual family. There is no Horde leader who can show a similar story of success. Because Blizzard really hated the Horde ever winning anything.

If, by “recovered”, you mean, arbitrarily written 180° differently than before, with no consequence for the previous behavior, sure.


She forgave herself, isn’t that what matters?


Not how forgiveness works. But blizz seems to thinks it does :dracthyr_nod:


The only reason I hate this character is because it was turned into Golden’s avatar. Jaina Proudmoore can do no wrong, consequences do not exist for her. Plus for some reason she could solo the rest of the world she’s that powerful making 10k year old super-magic-elves wish they wore the brown pants when she shows up. Nobody bothers to explain what that’s all about. Plus this love-hate relationship we seem to have with her as Horde. Her flipping from one side to the other. Next expansion she’s on Horde-love mode.

Anyway, I do believe Golden ruined the character with her fangirl-ism, if that’s a word. I do believe the best way to go about this is - don’t involve her in any Horde story, she should not be around Horde at all, or just retire the character. It’s too damaged.


I’m not going to lie, after seeing the Trailer a couple of times… As intrigue as I am how this can be inner conflict unlike the others characters, I am also worry as Xal mention about her: “You revel in power that can’t stand what is to come”

Means Blizz is “clearly” aware of Jaina Godlike untouchable status as a character in WoW story…
I’m no expert in a video MMO story telling but I do believe this character as being portrait is a BIG narrative problem in a story or heck even in an RPG tabletop game…
IMO most players won’t feel much connection or sympathy to a NPC character that in any scenario even as silly written of just having a tantrum or a bad day can Freeze or destroy an entire City…especially in a story or a game with factions, a faction presence and are on the opposing side of that NPC.

As a GM I have players complaining and revolting if I push a character like this in their story life, that has been done over the years… LOL I can even see some of their faces if I said: “Her biggest problem is that she revels in Power”

I can see them me telling them of her inner struggle of “Reveling in Power” and they saying: “Ok Oz can you skip to the part where you give us the excuse to get her out of the story?”

The only Horde NPC that notice something was off with how Jaina use her magic was in BFA was Thalyssra… she even ask her directly, but Jaina evades the question saying its a family secret.
I do hope Blizz elaborates on that more… Specially how Xal would exploit or use that against Jaina…


False, I hated Jaina until she started hating the Horde then I started liking her.

The Horde existing is the ultimate trigger point for every die hard alliance fan out there it seems.

Jaina is a racist tyrant!

Weird how the only not-racist Proudmoore is the one who actually died fighting the orcs


I would say it’s more being unrepentantly evil, and venerating figures with Orgrim Doomhammer who described the torture and killing of civilians as “good”

And? Is that a problem? Cause I see some people acting like it is. We can’t have some evil player subfactions cause it seems to upset these people, some claiming that it sends the wrong message as if WoW is some education device and not a fantasy game where you can pretend to be literally anyone.

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Maybe the fate of the Heroes in War Within and after will separate us from them . In one or other way .

I wish that the Writers focus more on nations and not individuals.

Jaina suffered too much . When you don’t know what to do with a character and his story - kill him.

Not just the belf racial but also the troll ones. Thanks to their beast slayer racial that had abit of an advantage in several encounters and their mini bloodlust.

Don’t feed the trolls…

Where was this? Most of what I read on Doomhammer had him be a conflicted figure pissed off about the corruption of the orcs and the utterly miserable situation Blackhand put him into.

Keep saying that.

What do we mean by “upset” here? I don’t like the Horde in the same way I don’t like villain characters who are written as villain characters because by definition if they’re well written you’re supposed to not like them. I don’t think that the Horde shouldn’t exist or be changed, thats insane.