No one hated Jaina

true Jaina will most likely never see justice but when has logic ever stopped people from screaming at each other?

Horde racials continue to be superior in end game raiding that’s why all of the top raiding guilds are Horde.

Drahliana always right on time and on point! :smiling_face_with_tear:
Omg thank you I didn’t know this as a filthy casual! At last I have some munition with my Alliance friends relentless teasing of the Horde! Yesterday teasing was SAVAGE! :sob:

Fake drama aside man, we did laugh a lot… Thralls “Elemental Dysfunction” jokes destroy me! :joy: :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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MoP was a black period in Jaina’s life, but I think she recovered (both personally and narratively) in BFA.

Haven’t the Alliance ones been better for a few expansions? I mean, from what I hear especially in complaints about the earthen racials, the Dwarf racials are pretty OP and has people forced to swap to them for their raid group now that the cross faction raiding is a thing.

The only thing the horde really had going for it was the active pool of available players so you could actually get groups.


Theres a reason nobody ever actually says what horde racials are OP other than bringing up rocket boots for a single fight or beastslaying not actually being completely worthless for a tier. Its a mantra.


Alliance racials are generally better for leveling, but for a long time the guilds that got World Firsts were always Horde. Apparantly tweaks to racials have changed things a bit.

Although currently the top guild no is an Alliance Guild, 13 of the top 20 are Horde.

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But like I said, that was because that’s where the available pool of players was, not that the horde racials helped outside of a few one offs for specific encounters.

With the new cross faction thing it’d be interesting to see their lineups to see how many Alliance characters they have in their raid teams.

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One of the old dev interviews back in shadowlands I think have admitted that they let the Horde racials remain too OP for too long.

Now one can say some of the Alliance ones are OP as well, but they seem more useful for 5 man content as oppose to raids.

This ultimately lead to serious raiders going Horde so it became a self fulfilling problem and short of having Alliance racials be OP again(assuming cross faction guild did not exist) for a few expansions as well for raiding would not correct itself.

link it. Because it was basically a back and forth, and think the last time the Horde became dominant was less because of OP racials and more because people had gone Alliance because I think Human racials were that OP.

And only dev statements I remember seeing were about how the factions had similar numbers but Horde did more end game.

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We’ve been looking at high-end participation in raids and other activities where, over time, a lot of the high-end communities gravitated Horde,” he said, “partly because past racial imbalances that we have largely remedied. We’ve got a couple of small nerfs to berserking and arcane torrent coming in [Patch] 8.1, Tides of Vengeance.”

This is the quickest one I could find. There were other interviews about it but that would be like looking for a needle in a hay stack. Do you know how many devs interviews they have done over the years?

That doesn’t say that the Horde was OP for too long though.

Also, a few paragraphs later:

The larger problem is that Blizzard can’t force those players, once relocated, to move back. Swapping factions costs money, and players are now playing in social groups they are unlikely to want to leave. So after trying to even out the factions’ abilities, the company is working on passive enticements for high-end players and guilds to make the swap.

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fear my overpowered ability to pick plants!


flowerpicking is OP


That wasn’t the interview I was talking about, again it is next to impossible for me to find that inteview, it was I think something they related to the cross faction but its been years.

Anyway regarding this point.

The issue with this is there is no reason for high end players and guilds to swap short of turning Alliance racials op. A critical mass of Horde high end player changed and so we ended up where we are and it ultimately forced Blizzard to just go and do cross faction.

Crazy how Alliance had the vast majority of players up until MoP and it was never really all that big of problem then. I think it was almost equal in WoD and started tipping after?

I’m not against crossfaction stuff one bit but its kinda funny that warmode faction incentives and crossfaction started rolling in the second the Alliance was on the other end of it.


At some point that’s all they could do. It was a partly player created problem as there was the opinion in the player base that you needed to be horde to raid (not helped by the people using the effective in other areas whine that there was a horde bias and alliance couldn’t compete which just drove people to make horde characters to raid no matter what they did to racials)

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At the time of the motorcycle contest, the response was 2 to 1 Horde over Alliance.

I thought the belf racial (and to a lesser extent the goblin one on certain encounters) were what ultimately tipped the balance after vanilla, which heavily favored Alliance in pve. Humans were busted in pvp forever.

Thats personal preference of facton or even just which bike you wanted, I even popped into an old MMO-champion thread discussing the series and people were posting realmpop numbers showing the Alliance still had the slight edge in active numbers. I also know Blizzard released numbers sometime around WoD or Legion stating that active numbers were still pretty balanced.

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