No one hated Jaina

The existence of the introductory conflicts in the Battlegrounds is canon. How long the fighting in them has continued since their respective introductions is less clear case-by-case. Well for the most part. Some are less likely to have outlasted their introduction expansions/patches than others (for instance both sides have probably long abandoned fighting over the Isle of Conquest since it was a military operation relevant to the war in Northrend and neither faction is campaigning in that part of the world any more. Plus the involvement of lore NPC’s solidly placed it at a specific point in recent history.)

Logically the mechanics aren’t meant to all be canon either; WSG isn’t really a game of “capture the flag” between a handful of people. That’s just a sort of thematic stand-in for the actual larger-scale mobilization and engagement of troops vying for control of the region.


On this note we now one of them has definitively ended. Tol Barad. The Warlock question mentions that both factions use to fight over it.

Presumably Seething Shore was a one and done thing. And yes, Isle of Conquest and Ashran are both over canonically considering Wyrmbane is now in Boralus and Agmar is back in Agmar’s Hammer. While Tremblade is and her counterpart are in BFA zones.

I’m still scratching my head on how Alterac Valley could possibly still be going on.
As per the Orc Heritage questline, the Frost Wolves are still living in the valley. The last we saw of Stormpike on an official sense IIRC was them hanging out in Hillsbrad Foothills plotting for their next big push.

Sounds like they’re continuing to try and poke into the valley and not getting anywhere but Frost Wolves won’t take the time to wipe them out. Or they can’t. Either way.

It’s a situation where it’s pretty obvious Horde won AV but Blizzard refuses to acknowledge it. :confused:


Literally go to Ashenvale in classic and see that they were actively fighting.

Why would the Night Elves join the Alliance and not the Horde if the Horde wasn’t actively threatening them?

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What happened with Sylvanas is Jaina with an extra dimension of intraoffice malice.


now now you know it is only ok when the alliance does it

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There is also the fact the night elf leadership also actively preferred Jaina. Shandris even calling her battle sister/jaina getting a night elf guard Paine.

Blizzard set an unfair advantage in classic. With both night elves and humans on their side the Horde was not very popular. Glad times change and we are more equal now.

Pretty sure the Horde is only popular because of elves being added. And maybe abit of furry from the vulpera.

Nobody played us before Blizzard revamped the zones in Cataclysm.

Correction, nobody played Horde until around WoD when Horde got OP racials that tipped the scales for too long and caused entire Alliancr guilds to leave.

Wasn’t WOD where the human racial was ungodly op and removed the need for a pvp trinket??

lmao, even.

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WoD was the time when Orc lore died. Just as badly written as BFa I remember.

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Correct. Which was nerfed in Legion. It was a multi expansion nerf to various Alliance ones while Horde ones were continued to be buffed(which I am pretty sure started around Mist, trolls were ungodly good against beasts thanks to their racial)

Nah, the Purge is reason enough.

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why did this need to be bumped.

do we not have enough jaina threads


There are at least 2 people on these forums Jaina lives absolutely rent-free in their head.

neat, still would have forgiven Sylvanas for everything if we were able to bring her Jaina’s head

probably because remix put the purge back on everyone’s minds

of course, but there were already 2 semi active threads covering it.

Nobody’s going to change their minds at this point

If you think Jaina’s a happy ray of sunshine shooting off happy healing fireballs, you’re not going to change your mind

If you think Jaina’s a hypocritical monster who never got her comeuppance due to being a dev’s pet character, you are incredibly handsome and smart and you’re not going to change your mind.