No one hated Jaina

Imagine being wrong on so many levels.

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Sylvanas, Jaina, Garrosh… Characters who’ve been stretched like bad taffy between separate writing teams who all had their own visions on what the characters should be like. No one at Blizzard took the time to sit down and hash out who these characters were, what their motivations were, and what their narratives were suppose to be.

It drives me nuts when I see them put out really good story in games like Diablo 4 and then WoW’s story is inconsistent flippity floppity between good and terrible.


It seems like Chris Metzen was that guy who kept all the characters consistent, in the early days. But when he burned out and scaled back his involvement, nobody took over that part of the job. And even Metzen could change his mind, which is what happened with Garrosh.

And all the Lich King had to do was walk backwards 10 feet to survive, that interpretation of her orders was hilariously terrible. The one thing he was tasked to do he failed at because he had to twirl the mustache harder.


except she was helping them before the night elves were attack.

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I gotta say, I found Jaina annoying as heck during Wrath. Hated when she’d show up. Granted, I was a pre-teen and it was hard for me to connect with the sorrowful romantic tragedy that was driving her character at the time.

100% also Northwatch(Jaina was helping) that has been there since the creation of wow and attacking the horde.

The Warsong lumber camp was created in WC3 so… Again, are you -sure-?


you need to go back and see what i said. Yes their was conflict in wc3, ne event fought humans as well not just orcs. They however overcame that and worked together, there was no real hostility since.

In vanilla the orcs event commanded part of the night elf army in Silithus. That is how good the relationship was. So yes i am sure

Warsong Lumber Camp was created in WC3… At the beginning of WoW it is still there and there are zero human settlements in sight.

What this implies is the humans left Kaldorei lands and the orcs did not, which is probably why the Night Elves joined the Alliance to begin with.

The orcs being needlessly aggro with the Night Elves rob themselves of a tested and true ally and delivered them into the arms of their main rival.

To say “There was no real hostility since” is one of the more delusional takes I have seen in awhile as it relates to WoW lore.

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bro these are all assumptions of yours, we do know those camps were created in wc3. After the creation night elfs and the horde were in friendly terms. Means night elfs didn’t care for the camps

… What are you even talking about?

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Helps that the only human habitation in Kalimdor is surrounded by a large amount of trees. Ashenvale is basically the first easily accessible forest the orcs could go to until Cataclysm created the north gate of Orgrimmar (though the Night Elves probably would still consider it part of their lands since there were supposed to be settlements in Azshara before the Naga burned them down).

typo i meant to say they didn’t care for the camps, as they were in good terms with the orcs after the camps were set up. In other words they yielded those lands to them. That being said it is odd how much land night elfs claim while their population is so low. I am not talking about now but in wc3 and wow vanilla.

You are going to claim I am making assumption and in the same breath make this claim?

How did they “Yield the land” to them when we can actively see them fighting to take it back in Vanilla and WSG exists?


Pff, if not everlasting Alliance plot armor, we would resolute the Alliance issue long time ago.

Alliance would be nothing without their plot armor. While all Horde leaders are disposable the alliance can’t be touched ever.

dude they weren’t actively fight it is just a battle ground it is not cannon. Please provide me some evidence, and explain why night elfs would let horde command their armies when they were actively fighting.

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ALL the battlegrounds are canon. The Shattering even mentions all three battlegrounds in the Shattering.

Because desperate times call for desperate alliances.

The Might of Kalimdor was a combined Alliance-Horde army raised through an unprecedented agreement between Regent Lord Bolvar and Warchief Thrall, as both factions would combine the might of their armies in response to the stirring of the qiraji who were locked behind the Scarab Wall in Silithus.[1]

Note the term UNPRECEDENTED.

Edit: it is canon with one n. We are not shooting people with it.