No one hated Jaina

Again. Being evil is not the problem. The problem is that the writing team is butts deep into alliance favoritism and all of them want them to win all the time since the story of the Horde is just an afterthought and was never intended to be the main plot. We might as well not exist that is how irrelevant we are. The dev team must be purged and replaced with people who treat the alliance the same way the Horde was treated between Legion and Shadowlands.

It is THE PROBLEM. None of us signed up to play evil horde beta version 6.0. We signed up to be the good guys but with a unique take and cultural difference to what it means to be a good guy


If you want to be the boring faction where no change ever happens you should reroll alliance.

If you want you’re evil horde. Go play Warcraft 2 Erevien. Nobody wants your crappy ideas tainting our favorite faction


I envy the alliance alot. Their leaders stay alive and matter in the neutral plot. But Blizzard is too scared to allow the savages to take the attention from the story. God forbid they can’t show Jaina or Anduin every time. That would hurt the ego of people like Zerde and the void elf.

They weren’t tormenting them, they were simply trying to drive them out… or failing that, just kill them. presumably you’re speaking WC3.

If you’re talking War of Thorns, that treatment was reserved for the Forsaken who had murdered the Night Elf Mages.

They were giggling about spooking them. I literally posted the video in this very thread.

I’m pretty sure some signed up specifically to play evil on the Forsaken and Blood Elf sides.

I wouldn’t call the Night Elves “good”, but I’m not big on straitjacketing the storyline by using a Gygaxian wargaming term.

denying them food and saying they didn’t want to starve them… Bro you see the issue here right. They didn’t attack them though neither directly nor indirectly. Only ones to have caused war at this point after wc3 was Daelin, but I guess he wasn’t a part of the alliance at this point.

So one side can build armies and weapon, while the other can’t. And do not put an aggressive leader in charge like Varian? Who tried to attack our warchief 2 times, but blizzard loves the alliance and at the end of the day will white wash them and retcon the horde to be evil.

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I’m sure no one particularly wants to see the common citizens of certain near terroristic countries stave but at the same time a good chunk of the world have embargos/deny trade with them because there governments are a danger. Also, as far as cata was concerned the orcs MAY have been in danger of starving, but as far as we know they never did. Especially considering they managed to spend so much resources on their pointless wars that brought them nothing.

He was part of the Alliance. Having said that, he started the war without approval from the rest of the Alliance and when Katherine asked the Alliance to retaliate for his death the Alliance, to their credit, did not even though it cost them Kul Tiras.

Varian literally tried for peace…twice! And the difference is the Alliance wasn’t exactly usin its military might for expansionistic gains.

I would also point out Thrall was not innocent in all of it considering he let the rot of the Undercity cost both Alliance and Horde countless live(and that the Alliance discovered all of the horrors that the forsaken were doing on its citizens)

I’m not particularly certain what the “second” time you are referring to was.

Varian saying he would dismantle the horde twice in two different expansions is a weird way say he tried for peace. He was a warmonger who did infact, declare war on the horde twice.


They were infact starving and had to rely on Mulgore for grain imports. And Varian would have dismantled the Horde if it wasn’t for Anduin. So stick it to you and accept that the alliance too had a warmonger in the lead. Now that the leadership is useless and controlled by Stormwind I doubt the Horde will ever matter again in the main story. All our cool leaders are dead now. You won everything you wanted. At least the alliance hardliners are happy maybe.

You mean after the Horde commited both the Wrathgate and bombed Theramore and tortured prisoners of war?

Horde commited both the Wrathgate

Wasn’t us.

bombed Theramore

Justified, Garrosh had every reason to see it as an Alliance stronghold practically on his door-step. (Now if only Sylvanas later managed to take out Tiragarde Keep, the humans near Sen’jin, Honor’s Stand and Northwatch…)

tortured prisoners of war?

Valid, but the Alliance ain’t innocent of this.


Sylvanas gave the order and it was her weapon. Granted Putress had other plans but Sylvanas really would not have care if there was collateral damage as long as the Lich King.

Theramore existed just as long as Ogrimmar and if simply existing next to another is a valid reason to want to destroy someone the the night elves were right to stop trade and hope all the orcs died of starvation.


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Sylvanas gave the order and it was her weapon. Granted Putress had other plans but Sylvanas really would not have care if there was collateral damage as long as the Lich King.

Fair enough.

Theramore existed just as long as Ogrimmar and if simply existing next to another is a valid reason to want to destroy someone the the night elves were right to stop trade and hope all the orcs died of starvation.

Theramore was launching military efforts against the Horde during the Cataclysm. Northwatch Expeditionary Force? Theramore. The Highway that would allow the Alliance to funnel troops into the Barrens easier? Theramore.


Hypocrisy that the Alliance is doing it, such as how the warden of the captured orcs at Honor’s Stand removed a prisoner’s eyeballs after he spoke up because another prisoner was being beaten, despite their complaints of the Horde doing it? I wholly agree.


You mean Varithimas and the forsaken traitors? They weren’t horde and that is the reason we had to retake undercity from them


And Ogrimmar was attacking the night elves, Jaina’s allies. She had a duty to help them.

You mean like the way the orcs who scalped a worgen and turn his head into a skull cap? The Alliance may not be innocent but the Horde has done WORSE then the Alliance has ever done.

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We already know the full story from Sylvanas’ book. She still gave Putress(and for whatever reason he did need Sylvanas to authorize its use) the order to use the plague and she did not really care if there was collateral damage as long as the Lich King died.

The only part she didnt know abouf was Putress plans on backstabbing her after the Wrathgate.


I get the feeling Jaina has been the subject of almost as much narrative tug-of-war behind the scenes as Sylvanas.