No one hated Jaina

You can’t genocide Horde races because most of them are already slim survivors of serveral massacres.

No no, Umbric is the communist one.

Shouldn’t that make genocide easier?

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I haven’t read Exploring Kalimdor, but from everything I’ve seen in-game, Gazlowe is one of my favorite Horde characters. He’s pretty effin’ cool.

Gazlowe is your usual labourer rights unionist. He has nothing to do with actual Goblin culture. If you want dystopian capitalism Gallywix is your man. And Exploring Azeroth for the Horde was a disaster. Horde lost more land then at any other point in history.

Right, so Gazlowe cool, Gallywix not cool. Thanks for clarifying.

As I said on another thread wrt Blood Elves, dystopian societies for playable characters don’t fly anymore in Azeroth. That’s probably why they replaced Gallywix in the first place. Personally, I thought he was funny and there was no need to do it, but it is true that the world and the game have changed since Cata came out.

(Also, Gazlowe has been around longer than Gallywix, so he’s definitely part of goblin culture.)


He was neutral before they threw him at the Horde. We don’t know if he even still controls Ratschet. Also while we are at it, not being human is what sold me to the Horde. Blood elves as mana vampires who harnessed the Nether itself, Trolls and their brutality, Orcs and their warrior culture, Ogres and their former glory, Goblins being american capitalism crunched into a race and undead creating weapons of mass destruction. That is all cool and metal but characters like Calia, Baine and Thrall ruined all that and tried to homogenize the Horde and turn them into a red alliance. Just as bland and boring as Stormwind is. No. All the BS from the softies need to be destroyed. I want my Warcraft 2 Horde. And I will get it.

Good luck with that, chief.


I know that. But goblin culture is bigger than just the Bilgewater. In fact, the majority of goblins aren’t part of the Horde.

Dude. Dystopian capitalism is EXTREMELY human.

Then you should play Warcraft 2. The Horde hasn’t been that for decades.


Once Thrall is dead we can go back to the good old days. He is the symbol of everything that went wrong post Warcraft 3.

The massive green movements all over the world speak against that. Turning profit into culture is not very human since we are social beings.

I too support the Steamwheedles joining the Horde instead of the boring Bilgewater. So many cities we could use as economic power houses all over Azeroth. Maybe Blizzard finally shows us the Undermine. That would be a dream come true.

The Goblins and Blood Elves were just getting justice when Theramore was bombed and Teldrassil was burned down, tbh.

The Alliance tried to, unprovoked, kill these two races.

The attacks were even focused on humans and night elves specifically, both races who were complicit in the attempts to kill off Goblins and Blood Elves.

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If you want “heavy metal evil guys,” they exist in loads and loads of franchises that are not Warcraft. Why don’t you play those other games instead and let those of us who actually like what Warcraft 3 did have our ONE bit of fun? (Note, I would like to say the same thing to a substantial subset of WoW’s writers.)

Humans are contradictory. We can have both.


Warcraft is my favorite franchise. I want it here.

Well, I doubt you’re going to get it going forward. Like I said, just play Warcraft 2 again.


Go play Warcraft 1 and 2 then. As mentioned, the rest of us want our Warcraft 3 horde back


The time for WC2-era Horde or anything remotely related to that ended with BFA (hopefully).

Play WC2 or go level in WOD.


I don’t want green humans. I want Orcs who utterly wreck their enemies without being sorry about it. Azeroth once feared us as conquerors. Now they laugh at us because we can’t even defend the wasted desert Thrall put us in.

Orcs aren’t green humans and never have been both on and off the battlefield.


Yes, the orcs of the old Horde went rampaging across the lands, they sacked and pillaged the kingdoms, burned the villages, r**ped the horses, and rode off on the women.

There may or may not have been pruning of hedges involved but that’s hardly what matters.

Anyway, they lost the war in the end, then got stuffed into internment camps.
Garrosh tried to do another WC2 style Horde minus demon-blood curse, but he lost that war as well.
EDIT: Demon blood curse replaced by Old God corruption. It was still a disastrous epic fail.
Then Sylvanas turned it into her mobile genocide machine. But she would go on to lose as well.

Being the Warcraft 2 Horde doesn’t work out that well for the Horde. They try and some folks are here like “YAY!! We’re beating up the Alliance” Then the war’s over, they lose, and they come back full of whine and cheese about how much Blizzard hates the Horde.

It’s better if they just stop being the aggressive faction altogether. It’s cliche’, old, and dumb.


Then why is everything Thrall does and says sounds like he was being a human with his entire being?