No one hated Jaina

If you are still reading, then let me use small words for you. I own you. You, your Steamwheedle boss, your Bildgewater cronies and your shoes. And I go where I want on my property. Do not make Rexxar say these approved words again for me. He’s really not good with 'em. Just axes. and bears.

Appreciate your time and expect the bill from mine-Trade Lord Monte Gazlowe.

And the Exploring Kalimdor showed a less savory side to him.

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How does that support your claim that some of the Bilgewater goblins are still loyal to Gallywix?


If you are still reading, then let me use small words for you. I own you. You, your Steamwheedle boss, your Bildgewater cronies and your shoes. And I go where I want on my property. Do not make Rexxar say these approved words again for me. He’s really not good with 'em. Just axes. and bears.

Appreciate your time and expect the bill from mine-Trade Lord Monte Gazlowe.




outlier (noun) · outliers (plural noun)

  1. a person or thing situated away or detached from the main body or system:

“less accessible islands and outliers”

  • a person or thing differing from all other members of a particular group or set:

“an outlier in Faulkner’s body of work” · “then there are the corporate outliers, people who just don’t fit into the culture of the company”

We know Gallywix had some loyal followers. and the reason I mentioned that letter is to show that Gazlowe is probably not as well like/not the perfect boss you seem to think he is. He is a goblin though and though and if Gallywix can end up paying more then, well he can probably buy back some of the goblins loyalty.

This character (Druz) hasn’t been seen since BfA. I don’t see how it proves anything.

To my knowledge, not one goblin NPC in the game has had anything bad to say about Gazlowe since he took over, or anything good to say about Gallywix since he left.


You realize that Exploring Kalimdor is one example, an outlier, even; that doesn’t even contradict his prior instances of treating his employees with respect?

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Stop entertaining zerde. Prove his arguments wrong for other readers, but stop giving him the time of day. He never argues honestly. If an idea supports the alliance or is detrimental to the horde, he agrees with it.

Full stop.



Having traveled to the Shadowlands, Gallywix was able to gain access into Tazavesh, the Veiled Market. He can subsequently be found within the Myza’s Oasis, where he seems to be in a meeting with the broker negotiators of Cartel Xy. He is accompanied by Hired Scoundrels, and despite officially no longer leader of the Bilgewater Cartel, he still appears with the title Trade Prince.

Goblins can be hired. Gallywix just need to find more money to buy back his position.

I just edited the post, but you you must already have been posting. DRUZ hasn’t been seen since BfA.

And there are loads and loads of non-Bilgewater goblins in the world who are ready to be hired.

If he doesn’t have the money to buy back his position, that says to me that he does NOT have a squad of loyal Bilgewater followers.

He is still proof that there are those that are genuinely loyal to Gallywix for reasons.

And my point is Gallywix is probably scheme/trying to find a way to get back his wealth. I wouldn’t count him out just yet.

Druz is described as a childhood friend of Jastor’s. That’s not financial loyalty, that’s personal loyalty. How many goblins do you think legitimately have personal loyalty to Gallywix? Are we going to end up seeing a lot of Gallywix’s old childhood friends pop out of the woodwork?


No he isn’t, because again, he hasn’t been seen since BfA. We don’t know what he’s doing now or what he thinks of Gallywix, or anything about him whatsoever.

Your original claim was that there are currently, in the game right now, Bilgewater goblins who are still loyal to Gallywix instead of Gazlowe.


No, the original question was who I think would likely receive the villain bat Horde side. And Gallywix would likely be it in a theoretical scenario where Blizzard wanted to villain bat the Horde again. Gallywix finding a way to regain his position and maybe even influence on the Horde sounds like something he can do(he did it once afterall)

I’m quoting you:


And “enough” being a qualifier(I didn’t even say most of the goblins, he would just need a few people powerful enough to influence or trick the goblins to get what he wants). That in a theoretical storyline where Gallywix wanted to rise to power again, he probably will pull some strings and use contacts/loyalties he had before to rise back to power(especially if he had the backing of a huge sack of money)

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“Enough to make a grand return” means more than a handful.

And I’m off to raid now, don’t have time to type more.


How many people did Gallywix need to trick and imprison most of Kezan? I count 3. A sufficiently opportune moment may not neccesarily need “more then a handful”.

Reminds me of the time I accidentally got an alliance poster to say that they wanted to be able to perform a morally righteous retaliatory genocide in response to Teldrassil.


A group of dwarves could bomb a nursery full of tauren babies for no other reason than baby back ribs bbq, someone would justify it “because Horde”.


I hope Gallywix returns and we get rid of that communist Gazlowe.