No one hated Jaina

And I’m sure you will enjoy it when ultimately the Alliance is redeemed and be no worse off then when it started the war.

As you say when it comes to the possibility of the Horde being redeemed and the chance for no more villainbats… who knows? We will see.


At least for the next few expansions I expect more Dragonflight style storylines. I doubt they will want to touch the factions conflict with a tenfoot poll at the moment.

At least for the next few expansions I expect more Dragonflight style storylines. I doubt they will want to touch the factions conflict with a tenfoot poll at the moment.

I’m gonna take one wild guess and say that if they do, you will immediately be rooting at the top of your lungs for a repeat of Cata or BFA. Horde bad, Alliance good.

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Of course, why wouldn’t I? That is the type of story I like.

I literally just told you I am hoping the Alliance doesn’t have to deal with another Arthas who single handedly divided the Alliance and took 4 or so expansions before it could actually be united again.

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Arthas divided the Alliance? When did this happen?

I mean, the Alliance divided itself after the 2nd war ended because no one wanted to help Lordaeron or Dalaran keep the orcs interred in camps. Gilneas, Kul Tiras, Stromgarde, and Quel’thalas all ragequit over that and went back to being independent nations. This all happened while Arthas was still learning to swing wooden practice swords in training rounds.


Poor choice of words, I just got back from work. I mean nearly single handedly destroy what remained of the Alliance. He literally destroyed 2 Alliance kingdoms, destroy a former Alliance one(and ultimately lead to Garithos rise thus making the blood elves unlikely to ever return to the Alliance) and caused the gnomes to deal with their own problems as oppose to asking for help from the Alliance. Then there was Daelin and he wouldn’t have sailed off to Jaina if Arthas didn’t destroy Lordaeron.

All that was left of the Alliance after what he did was Stormwind and Ironforge and Theramore.

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Well the good news is that I don’t see any Alliance NPCs who would realistically become a “next Arthas” so you likely have little to worry over.


You have a short memory. The Alliance used to have a lot of skeletons in its closet. The main difference was that their problems could be hidden behind a facade of virtue, rather than being honest and out in the open.


Good. Right now the only one Blizzard is likely to villain bat is Turaylon and he is kinda of a 50-50 chance at this point. DF at least softened his stance abit regarding the Dracthyr and Thalyssra wedding seemed to put him and Alleria in a positive light.

Out of curiosity, who do you think is likely to receive the villain bat on the Horde side of things?

What Skeletons?

The prince who fell because he was manipulated by an orc shaman’s spirit?
Daelin who understandably had good reason to hate the Horde(if not good enough to start a bloody war)
Or Garithos who for the most part most of the Alliance didn’t even like(the dwarves were grumbling they had to work for him). Heck, Shaw even says he deserved his fate(which while I do agree, I don’t agree that it was Sylvanas who should have delivered it)

Gallawix is still there. Geya’rah was all for supporting Sylvanas and being a fanatic of the Horde. If Blizzard did want to villain bat someone it would be her and her grudge against the draenei, even the non-AU ones.

Maybe she will change and get the Jaina treatment, maybe she won’t. We will see.

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I mean things like corrupt nobles, unjustly starving workers, organized crime, lack of respect for the traditions of others, casual brutality, and general hypocrisy. They talked a good talk but frequently failed to live up to their own ideals. And that was realistic.

He’s officially fled the Horde.


I mean things like corrupt nobles, unjustly starving workers, organized crime, lack of respect for the traditions of others, casual brutality, and general hypocrisy. They talked a good talk but frequently failed to live up to their own ideals. And that was realistic.

It was disappointing to see the problems of the corrupt nobility whitewashed. God forbid the Alliance have anything at all bad ever associated to their name. Purely good, zero flaws at all whatsoever.


Corrupted by Onyxia and as per the latest human heritage quest is being cleaned up.

Again, black dragon.

The Alliance literally celebrates various traditions and when the worgen came to Stormwind they quite ok with the expansion of the Hollow’s end tradition.

If the Alliance is casually brutal is because the Horde is even more so and forces the Alliance hand constantly.

And he is slimly enough that he probably still has enough bildgewater goblins loyal to him that he can still make a grand return someday when the Horde is a position of weakness.

And he is slimly enough that he probably still has enough bildgewater goblins loyal to him that he can still make a grand return someday when the Horde is a position of weakness.

I mean, given current lore we already know that Gazlowe is a very effective boss who has the genuine loyalty and love of his employees, and we also already know that Gazlowe planned to pay them more than Gallywix… yet, we all know what Blizzard does with the Horde: Ignore prior characterization and throw common sense out the window before hitting them with a villainbat bigger than Sargeras’s Sword.

Thrall says: Can you be sure that none of the goblins here are still being funded by Gallywix?
Gazlowe says: Oh, I guarantee they are. That’s why I’m gonna pay 'em more than that cheapskate.

Gazlowe is a rare example of a fair goblin employer: allowing unions among his employees, willing to give them days off and full pay[9] and convinced that a good boss has to respect his crew in order to get their own respect back.[10] His workers are given hazard pay,[11] but he is not willing to see good crew die. For the lost, he gives insurance to their families, with full value and no haggling.[12] Gazlowe expects the best from his crews, so he pays them what they’re worth and treats them well. In return, he has the best goblin crews on the planet, and they are not going over to any competition.[13]

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It doesn’t matter who corrupted them—they still existed. And the fact that they’re being cleaned up (I’ll take your word for it, as I haven’t done the quest) is part of my point. You can’t clean up something that doesn’t exist. The Alliance used to have these things, and you’re forgetting or refusing to acknowledge it.

See above. Doesn’t matter.

But they don’t care a fig for the tauren’s sacred land.

The reason doesn’t matter. And some of the casual brutality was directed against their own people, too.

Pure, utter, and complete headcanon. There has been zero indication in the game that any Bilgewater goblins are unhappy with Gazlowe.


And that is a pretty big red flag. If Gazlowe is buying their loyalty, who is to say Gallywix can’t do the same/at least promise them more then Gazlowe if they switch side and help him with whatever he is currently planning.

I’m sure all the bildgewater goblins are just thrilled that Gazlowe “owns them”.

…Because Gazlowe isn’t just paying them, he’s also treating them with actual respect? Not planning to waste them for profit? Giving them full pay? Insurance to their families? Hazard pay, even?

Edit: The idea of goblins betraying Gazlowe is nothing but headcanon of the highest caliber, they have no objective reason to do so as of the time of this writing. Yet, I’m sure I shall eat my words if Blizzard gets bored of letting the Horde not be destructive and comes back to villainbat us.


It wasn’t just Ner’zhul though. Mal’ganis was making Arthas dance towards his downfall. Kel’thuzad.

Ultimately though it was Arthas himself and how easy it was to play on his anger that eventually did him in.

I’m willing to bet that if he never got manipulated by any of the above, he would have gone on to become king and would have been a straight up tyrant.

Geya’rah would be relegated to being another Jaina. Just as she was always shut down in her aggression by Varian, Anduin, or Khadgar, the Horde council would shut down any calls to war Geya’rah made.


Based on what the game has showed us? Yes, they are.

Naturally. But right now, based on what is the game right now, they’re very happy with Gazlowe.