No one hated Jaina

I guess that’s what I mean. Anything the alliance does is always perceived as the correct action because blizz always has the horde do something a 1,000xs more heinous and never giving the horde any real justifications for hating/mistrusting the alliance


Because the Alliance was always the more heroic faction. The Horde literally only exists because of the Alliance’s mercy. Sure there will always be darker elements to it like Daelin/Arthas but even those two were partial the fault of the Horde.(Arthas being manipulated by Ner’zhul and Daelin suffering the loss of his son from the actions of the Horde)

Way to miss the entire point as usual Zerde. Can you stop with the faction partisanship just once and realize our side of the story absolutely sucks, or are you really that dense and incapable?


You picked a faction that had villainous elements. All I am saying is WoW’s story more or less followed the most likely path that was setup in Warcraft 3.

Still missing the point Zerde.


No I am not. Your story “sucks” because this was always the story that was going to end up being told by all the breadcrumbs of Warcraft 3. Now with some resolution to the two worse elements of the Horde(namely, its constant aggression and its use of heinous tactics) more or less lumped into Garrosh/Sylvanas maybe now it will actually. Or not. We will see.









Horde fans wanted a “morally gray” faction(that got a kick out of making weapons of mass destruction and killing innocents) and they got it. Along with all that entailed.

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. All I am saying is WoW’s story more or less followed the most likely path that was setup in Warcraft 3.

… Did you play through Cata-Now? The most likely path that was set up ended in WOTLK.


You mean the Cata that had Sylvanas say what made her different from the Lich King was she served the Horde?

The same WoTLK that had the Horde instigate the Broken Front where they killed Alliance soldier attacking the Lich King and ultimately got slaughtered in turn?

Horde fans want some justifications for why the horde distrusts the alliance. That’s all we want

You’d know this if you took the faction partisanship blinders off for two minutes


The same WoTLK that had the Horde instigate the Broken Front where they killed Alliance soldier attacking the Lich King and ultimately got slaughtered in turn?

That was one Sky-Reaver who got reprimanded for the act by none other than Garrosh himself.


And with any luck you won’t get it. Let the Horde remember that it was a genocidal machine for almost 3 decades.

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The same Garrosh who killed a bunch of ship wreck mariners who had no chance of winning while following the “letter” of the treaty with the Alliance.

Garrosh was always a bully and a coward. Glad he is gone.

No one’s forgetting the Horde was a genocide machine for any length of time, nor will they.

It’s not too much to ask to let Alliance be the genocide machine for an expansion or two.

No more of this “Alliance NPC does something morally questionable but gets swept under the rug in order to coddle poor Alliance players who might suddenly have issues that it’s maybe their turn to be the bad guy faction”.

Just flat out frickin’ let them commit to a heinous mass murder action, regardless if they want it or not.

Just like they did with Horde and Horde players.


No thanks. and with any luck we won’t every see the likes of Arthas again.

On the off hand chance we do, I am hoping we get to inflict as much damage as the Horde did. Let see the Horde enjoy their towns and cities burning for a few expansions.

Unlike the Horde, I don’t think the most hardcore of the Alliance fans are particularly interested in genocide.

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Unlike the Horde, I don’t think the most hardcore of the Alliance fans are particularly interested in genocide.

Idk, from some of the alliance fans I’ve talked with they do indeed want a villainbat :skull:


With this pathetic excuse of a writing crew? Probably not.

I’ve seen plenty of hardcore alliance fans over the years calling for the destruction of Orgrimmar or Mulgore to get some “meaningful payback”. They’d jump at the chance to see Alliance sticking it to Horde in a bloody and brutal fashion.


What Dakore said. From the Alliance fans i’ve talked with and from comments i’ve read on faction debate threads on Reddit, Youtube, etcetera - plenty of Alliance fans want to do the War of the Thorns but unto Orgrimmar or Quel’thalas. To do the Bombing of Theramore unto Mulgore, etcetera.

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Considering the factions are half a step from desolving and that another faction war will likely be the deathknell of WoW the devs are probably better off not doing anything of the sort.

And I’m sure you will enjoy it when ultimately the Alliance is redeemed and be no worse off then when it started the war.

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