No one hated Jaina


It was the night elves who decided that. Second, the orcs had literally been invading their lands for the past decade. Be glad the night elves had even allowed trade.

Naralex literally literally has an incontrolable jungle growning in the barrens. The Horde should have focused on cutting that down.

Neither Garrosh or Sylvanas hated the alliance. Garrosh wanted resources and saw the alliance as an imperial force who horded everything for themselves. Sylvanas thought by removing the night elves from Kalimdor the Problems of the savage parts of the Horde could be solved. None of them had the ire like Varian did because he thought the modern faction be responsible for Stormwind burned down in the first war.

With minimal casualties.

And that’s a good thing. Grommash was the best fighter of the Horde in every war. I dare to say he was on the same level as Doomhammer and Lothar.

Jungle doesen’t provide lumber. Most real world places get razed due to having free land hosting live stock.

Pressured by Varian.

There was no conflict prior to wotlk.

This is correct in intention but incorrect in reasoning.
Jungles can easily provide for logging industries, the thing that stops it is legal protection of jungles not a lack of good lumber.

Daelin completely deforested Durotar. The Warsong didn’t completely deforest Ashenvale, even the corner of it that they occupied for several years of game time.

Considering that Draenor wasn’t turned into a treeless wasteland, orcs obviously do know how to harvest lumber without causing complete deforestation.


Indeed, Nagrand was lush and filled with plenty of trees. Tanaan Jungle and Shadowmoon Valley also.


Orcs didn’t need lumber because they didn’t build cities until they arrived on Azeroth.

… Daelin deforested Durotar? And the Horde just… let him? What did he do, cut down a couple palm trees?

She blamed all of humanity for Arthas and she wanted the sythe in order to turn all of the humans into worgens.

Garrosh nursed his bitterness at being defeated and having his plans fail time and again by the Alliance. Ultimately, HE was the imperial force. He didnt just want resources so his people would survive. He wanted resources to make his people thrive. Preferably with his name being ingrave in the orcs memory.

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I feel for you, having played Horde durimg BFA but erasing her is not something I can get behind. And that’s not just as an Alliance Player.

You need to pick another path away from what’s bothering you.

Supposedly there were some trees in the area that the orcs could have lived off of, but Daelin destroyed them…for reasons I guess? Resourses for himself? Keep the orcs from having it? /shrug.

Anyway it’s not a subject you see brought up very often so it might well have been retconned since then.


Presumably he used what he needed to build that keep in Durotar and pillaged the rest.


[Logging in Ashenvale v. Darling’s attempt to kill the Orcs in Durotrar.]

I have to say, comparing unauthorized logging to an attempt to wipe out an entire people doesn’t work for me.

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I have to say, if they want to move her past her racist hatred, I would be fine with that. People change. I’m OK with forgiveness. If they only had har admit that her attempted Genocide, Purge of Dalaran, and attempt to start a war of elimination were wrong.

Instead its is ignored and the Horde is all eager to be friends with her.


There are orc settlements as big as old Orgrimmar on alt-Draenor. Not to mention that the Iron Horde would have needed firewood for their furnaces, and they didn’t deforest alt-Draenor either.

What do you mean by “erasing her”? There’s no reason for Horde players to ever interact with her in the first place. All the devs have to do is stop forcing that to happen. Alliance players can hang out with her to their hearts’ content.

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old orc settlements were made of hide and clay. Wee see this at Thunder Hold and Garadar. Hellfire Citadel was made of iron. in AU Draenor the Shadowmoon Capital is a cave.

Jaina was the reason our entire war effort failed in the first place. And we didn’t even get the chance to kill her. Blizzard needs to stop treating her like a person the entire Horde should respect. Baine is her only friend among us and I am tired of him calling all the shots since the warchief position was abolished.

Neither was Ashenvale. The void elf traitor and Zerde are exaggerating here.


I never liked Jaina as a character. She would perform such heinous acts and was always written as some righteous, yet emotionally unstable, gifted princess mage.


It’s just how blizz writes anyone even remotely connected to the alliance. When they do something heinous, it’s actually a really good thing and morally just to do so. The horde retaliates or does something similiar and it’s a crime of the highest degree.

And I absolutely hate that blizzard has no backbone when it comes to making the alliance as anything else other than being morally pure and correct


My son.
The point is that orcs didn’t know nelves existed, nor did nelves explain that orcs had trespassed. They immediately started taking immense pleasure in tormenting the orcs.

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That was my point, so, why are you arguing with me?

I sorta disagree - I think Alliance events like the Purge of Dalaran and Taurajo are presented as grey actions even to the Alliance players questing through them… but Blizz doesn’t bother giving the same justifications to the Horde’s actions, making the Alliance ones seem whitewashed in comparison.