I find it disturbing that you didn’t actually answer my question.
Please confirm with me that you know this is fiction.
I don’t think she ever got out of her schoolbooks before Reign of Chaos.
This is serious tribalism. As long as the alliance is favored by the lore my fight will not end.
Jaina was…what? Five years old? Six maybe during the second war? Later she would go on to mage school in Dalaran, becoming ultra-progeny under Antonidas, and somewhere along that period she and Arthas met, had their brief tryst, and then separated. She was also part of the group that exposed Kel’thuzad’s use of necromancy and subsequently booted out of Dalaran. Not long after that is when WC3 happens.
Point being she had nothing to do with the Amani Troll Wars.
What are you talking about.
Anduin was a baby in Stormwind.
I see sarcasm is lost on you.
Looks uncertainly at his “Conqueror of Orgrimmar” title.
Im pretty sure we always take the W though.
It would be nice if someday the Alliance could host a raid in Stormwind or some such and Horde could have their “Conqueror of Stormwind” title.
But wish in one hand, crap in the other I guess.
Be careful what you wish for. It would probably be considered a badge of shame.
It depends on how it’s done.
Everyone expects the Horde to go in and SMASH in the name of conquest 1st and 2nd war style shenanigans.
Instead, let’s rescue Stormwind from a Big Bad Evil Void creature, or, even better IMO, liberate it from Naaru who’ve occupied it as their main base to force everyone into being Light Bound.
Either way, when it’s over, Alliance can sit there being bewildered and confused over the notion that the Horde just saved them from something nasty.
That, to me at least, would be most satisfying.
It’s necessary that some alliance turn evil and serve the naaru so that when we conquer Stormwind it counts in the same way they conquered orgrimmar.
Don’t forget that a alliance leader also must be deposed of and ultimately killed. It’s only fair.
Eh…I can do with or without the death of an Alliance NPC to counteract the Garrosh element. Most Horde players didn’t like Garrosh anyway, but Alliance fans do tend to be protective of their pro-Alliance, anti-Horde characters.
I can see Turalyon being Naaru Sock-puppet #1 and an enemy in whatever war we potentially have to fight against them. Making him a raidboss would certainly rustle a lot of blue jimmies though.
It’s not about Garrosh. It’s just about how blizz constantly kills off horde leaders with little regard to replacing them. Leaving us guessing for months or years at a time about who officially took over afterwards. It’s only fair the alliance suffers that fate, just once.
You’re not wrong.
Varian died and they had Anduin being crowned High King almost immediately afterward.
Meanwhile Vol’jin dies and we don’t get the official nod for Rokhan till much later.
Garrosh is deposed and we could only guess that Saurfang took over as head of the orcs.
And we didn’t get the formation of the Desolate Council until the very tail end of Shadowlands.
If they were to put Turalyon as a raid boss we have to defeat and depose to liberate the Alliance then it’s probably expected that Anduin would out of his slump by then and ready to become High King again.
To be fair there are people who condemned Barrack Obama for not having served in the Vietnam War at the age of 11.
There’s some argument for this. After all most Humans would probably not accept a Night Elven overlord. It’s also however important to keep in mind that whatever his crimes, in Thrall’s view, Hellscream’s father died a hero for the Horde, giving his life to stop Mannoroth. And after having met Garoosh on Outland, Thrall was at least partially motivated to honor that memory.
Also, it’s also to keep in mind that Hellscream wasn’t so Hotheaded until a different writing team made him so during Wrath. A different team in charge of writing Kalimdor Catqaclysm Horde quest lines presented a very dfferent Garoosh who doesn’t hesitate to deal with a genocidal subordinate.
The big problem with Thrall “honoring” Hellscream’s legacy was he failed to remind Garrosh of the rest of the story. I am fairly certain he failed to tell him it was partially thanks to the Alliance and Jaina that Grom was saved. The irony of it all. I do wonder if Jaina ever regretted that decision.
And yet that is exactly what the Horde did with Vol’jin in charge. Look, Thrall’s biggest fault was his orcish pride. He wanted the orcs to remain prideful and we all paid for it dearly. In a way, the Sha of Pride was as much Thrall fault as it was Garrosh.
What? Helping rescue Grom from his demonic haze? Doubtful. It was still fighting against demons and helping free a bunch of orcs from fel corruption’s not a bad thing. Plus Grom died shortly thereafter so he never had a chance to become any sort of problem after the fact.