No one hated Jaina

If you are trying to pull a treng move where everything you don’t like is a lie you need to do better. Be more unhinged, put more emoji’s, PUT CAPS IN YOUR WORDs or just quote unrelated posts from before.

Thats how you really capture the Treng magic.

There is no reasoning that justifies the Horde killing children you wierdo.

The Humans in warcraft 3 allied with the Forsaken to retake Lordaeron City.
Remember Garithos? Yeah Garithos.
He decided I guess undead humans are just human enough for him to ally with.
Then the Forsaken reneged on their deal and killed both him and his men… funny people forget that :joy:

I understand you have fascist takes.
I understand that in your mind whatever small perceived injury to Horde’s pride or inconvenience is enough to excuse any Horde behavior.
Its really sad to watch, there was a lot of this idiocy back when BFA first graced us with its content and it has largely died down but I guess you are a late bloomer.

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The Humans in warcraft 3 allied with the Forsaken to retake Lordaeron City.
Remember Garithos? Yeah Garithos.
He decided I guess undead humans are just human enough for him to ally with.
Then the Forsaken reneged on their deal and killed both him and his men… funny people forget that :joy:

Let’s be real; is anyone going to seriously argue Garithos didn’t have that coming?


Do you remember him and what he was like and what he tried to do? What he did to the blood elfs? how he treaded drawfs? how to tried to kick the forsaken out of the city?

bro your something else.

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Nah he had it coming but I am still going to laugh at the people that will try to use Forsaken feeling rejected and that is somehow supposed to explain their jaded personality that leads to blighting people, human experimentation, spreading plague to farmers and much much more.

They are what they are and some people (players) love them for it. They aren’t some misunderstood kid that mommy and daddy didn’t love enough that turned to doing bad things.

As long as we agree on that then yeah. No issues with Garithos getting killed off.


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I can agree with that, as far as i’m concerned - the Forsaken faction was/is the legit villain portion of the Horde. Their civilians might be as innocent as can be, but their military? The R.A.S? Villainous.

It’s to the point where the Argent Crusade actually received at least one Forsaken defector.

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The only real “good” undead would be those found outside of the Forsaken, such as those in the Argent Crusade or other neutral organizations.

There is a disturbing line of arguments people use sometimes.

Like “if only the Orcs/Forsaken/etc were loved and understood and trusted they would not have been forced to be evil, vindictive and cruel.”
In a way they want this excuse to justify it.

If anyone finds this line of argumentation logical I ask you to apply it another context.
Like a kid that gets bullied in school and decides the best course of action is to grab a gun and go to that school and show all the kids and teachers that ignored his suffering and make them feel as he does.

Is that justified? Is that defensible? Of course not.
For some reason, idk why, it seems like wow lore makes the most sensible people just lose all capacity of thinking critically and it leaves me dumbfounded every time.

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Except we dont know who killed them. For all we know it was Onyxia/her goons who did it.

Good point we do not know it could of been some random farmers or whomever, but hey at least the forsaken made an effort.

It was weird to me when wow came out and is still weird to me now. Forsaken should of been in the alliance, some of them have families members in the alliance and were part of the alliance before dying. NE should of been in the horde, they had more in common with the tribal/shamanistic horde versus medieval/arcane Europeans. Guess they did alowed arcane users back into their society.

The forsaken killed Garithos and Alliance forces after betraying them.
So they don’t get to join.

The Horde killed Cenarius.
And they wanted to take NE lands for their resources.
If you look at the destruction in eastern ashenvale and Azshara wrought by the Horde it makes total sense why the NEs would never have joined the Horde.

On a meta level with the Forsaken being on the east side and the Night Elves on the west it gives both factions a foothold in the other continent and promotes faction vs faction interaction instead of being segregated.

Who survived that betrayal to warn the others?

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Andiun. He knew it in his bones to be true.

This is the only reason, in wc3 NE fought both alliance and the horde. By the end of it they were okay with both, there was no conflict between anyone one of them. However culturally they are more similar to the horde, heck they were even friendly with the taurens.

Cenarius even admitted it was his fault, kind of lame if you ask me but hey retcons happen left and right recently.

The Night Elves joining the Alliance was not a cultrual issue but rather their mistrust of the Horde’s intentions so close to their borders and needing strong allies to make sure they don’t stand alone if the Horde chose violence.

Funny that happened anyway. :dracthyr_shrug:

The Night Elves joined the Alliance reluctantly and out of necessity.
There was nothing that the Horde was offering that the Night Elves thought it was worth taking.

One of his henchmen was an advisor to Jaina:

That is only half true. Jaina was clearly close to the night elves to the point they called her battle sister. One would assume that is partially because of her gender.

It is fully true.
Its in chronicles almost word for word for what I said, if any friendship formed it was afterwards.

Are Zerde and Smallioz still talking? I am getting tired of this.

Because he tried to kill us over lumber. Grommash was a true hero for putting that war monger in his place.

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kill us?

You know this is fiction right?

He attacked the Horde because they collected lumber as was ordered by Thrall. And he paid the price for it. I am not gonna shed tears over this especially since Wild Gods can be reborn as we know it now.