That’s just objectively false. As the Sentinels fought tooth and nail to keep the Horde to the areas they owned. And than I believe finally pushed them back to the lumber mill and I think the Ramparts
I am the only person that is actually referencing lore and proving my points in this entire thread.
You have nothing besides your own conjectures.
You really need to work on those reading comprehension skills
Right?? It’s ridiculously pathological.
What did they do? Explore the Kalimdor zones after BfA concluded and jotted down how things currently are in each zone? That’s basing things off of Cataclysm content, not MoP.
Except for North Barrens and the legions of Kor’Kron that are stationed there and hostile to Horde players. That’s a MoP update.
It’s honestly a status that means very little in terms of WoW logistics.
Orcs fell into this category when they first landed in Kalimdor yet by the time of WoW they were already had mass armies.
Tauren were on the brink when Thrall found Cairne and Co. being harassed by centaur. Now there are lots in Mulgore.
Both the blood elves and the draenei are capable of providing armies as well.
Extinction. Endangered. I do not think these words mean what they think it means.
They probably shouldn’t. I just don’t believe that the night elves would go and hide in Dragonland when they won the warfront in North Kalimdor and got their lands back.
That’s awfully presumptuous of you to think the night elves would be able to use the Emerald Dream to support military efforts. It’s the Green Dragon Flight who command the Emerald Dream, not the night elves, and the Green Flight, or any flight for that matter, don’t want to get involved with Horde vs Alliance squabbling.
If the green flight would were so much on the side of the nelves then Ysera wouldn’t be as friendly to Horde players as she was during the Night Fae campaign.
That basically just leaves the rest of the Alliance to support them.
The thing with Swtor is that Bioware allowed the game to have evil Republic characters and good Empire characters. Players also got to choose to be a Dark Side Republic player or a Good Sith, etc. They weren’t stuck in ye ole “Empire Bad, Republic Good” cliche’ because they lacked the imagination to do something different. That’s what made it such a good RPG.
I started playing Horde in WoW because I was sold on the image of Thrall and his shamanistic honorable Horde that was presented in WC3 and Vanilla. That image died a horrible death under both Garrosh and Sylvanas. Blizzard’s actually having to revamp the Horde government to keep them from mucking things up again.
Even then there’s no guarantee they won’t ruin it again.
Its actually as of post-fourth war but hilariously the author still describes things as if it was the cataclysm timeline.
Yep… hahaha
Its what it is man, Blizzard isn’t anything except for predictable.
Again. I have said this several times nobody is running anywhere, they are just putting the soft targets out of Horde’s reach. Thats all.
I admit I have no hard facts on this but the clues are there so it remains to be seen.
Yet Ysera came to Tyrande’s rescue when she faced Sylvanas whom she perceived as a threat.
If the Horde is perceived as a threat and come to kill Night Elf civilians again on the dragon isles… well good luck i guess.
Even if your point was true, it would still leave an entire ocean between the Horde and the Night Elves. And the Alliance currently has naval supermacy.
I like those odds.
What I don’t like is making another Teldrassil 2.0 in Kalimdor that the Horde can attack and burn down as they please when they please.
If you have anything makes this an implausibility through Night Elves’ own terms on Kalimdor let me know how because I don’t see.
That’s running away and hiding.
No one ever said Ysera and Tyrande weren’t friends. And Sylvanas was an enemy to everyone. I don’t doubt they would intervene and support the nelves if someone came trying to kill them while they’re in refuge on the Dragon Isles. But nor would they allow the night elves to use the isles as any sort of staging area to support a war of any kind.
Do they? I thought the Alliance fleet was destroyed by Azshara.
Don’t ask me, ask Blizzard.
I have and it seems the answer is Dragon Isles.
I am alright with it.
It was, but the Kul Tirans are canonically crazy fast at shipbuilding, so presumably it’s been replenished by now.
War in cata was for survival of the orcs not Night elfs their survival was never in question. In the last war again night elfs deployed their armies first.
nope not the same, it was a war of survival for the orcs in cata. In the last war NE and alliance attacked first and NE even mobilized their army against the horde.
Nope i just gave you facts, War in cata was for orcs survival night elfs are they reason they got to the point. With their policy of banning trade and depriving the orcs of resources they needed to survive. In last war they mobilized their armies first.
Please tell me how I am wrong here.
You are making baseless assumptions.
There is nothing in chronicles backing up what you are saying.
Garrosh wanted to TAKE the resources, he didnt want to trade even if it was offered.
His behavior was such that Cairne challenged him and died.
Do you want me to give you the exact page in chronicles where this is revealed?
The NEs mobilized their army to take a dangerous resource before the Horde got to it so there was no direct confrontation.
The Horde used that opportunity to start a war.
This is clearly explained in both Elegy and A Good War.
You have provided nothing. Just conjecture and your own theories with ZERO references to quests in game or books.
Especially Chronicles which was supposed to add much needed clarity after over a decade of ambiguous lore.
I’d like to think the Zandalari fleet’s also getting back on its feet as well then. Given Talanji hates Jaina and the Kul’tirans I doubt she’d want to be at a military disadvantage for long.
Nope it was true they were starving and need lumber for life saving shelter. Chronicles aren’t the only lore bro.
Also I’m glad we agree during the 4th war alliance and ne were the instigators. As attacking miners and the warchief is more than enough to instigate aggression.
Chronicles are definitive lore on everything that came before BFA.
This was later retconned for shadowlands so its only the titan perspective but its still the most definitive lore we have until it is directly countered by new lore after BFA.
The Alliance did not attack any horde territories.
Both prepatch and novellas disagaree with you
Attacking the miners was not the reason for war.
Lack of punishment for Genn Greymane was used as the reason to start the new war. The Horde and Alliance were not in an active conflict.
I understand you want to re-write the lore so the Horde is the good guy but they are not.
Dude listen to your self, if attack a leader isn’t instigating a war than I don’t know what is. You live in your own world.
Its literally the lore.
The war had not started yet, Sylvanas first convinced Saurfang of why a war was necessary.
They then made a feint to convince the Alliance that the Horde was rushing to Silithus to secure the Azerite but in reality they were heading towards Teldrassil.
This is all explained in detail in the A Good War novella. Talking to Horde players in this thread is like talking to flat earthers, the evidence is explicitly stated and you can see it with your own eyeballs.
Except Genn would have had a perfectly reasonable excuse of Sylvanas was about to imprison a Val’kyr and making deals with Helya. Regardless, the story explicitly mentions that even after that even war did not break out.
Genn being lucky doesn’t excuse the initial act. He didn’t know that Sylvanas was going to imprison a Val’kyr and make a deal with Helya, so instead of putting his vengeance aside for a few seconds; he decided to attack the Horde in the midst of the biggest Legion Invasion in Azeroth’s history.
We can debate the nuances of the Stormheim event until we are all blue in the face.
Regardless, the attack on stormheim did not lead to all out war between both factions.
Regardless, the attack on stormheim did not lead to all out war between both factions.
I know, I’m just pointing out the fact that Genn attacked Sylvanas before learning about her real reason she was in Stormheim.
But it would be enough that Sylvanas trying to start a war solely based on it would likely quickly fall apart. Honestly, I do wonder if the Horde actually knew about the whole Val’kyr thing. Saurfang seemed oblivious.