Your opinion is utterly inconsequential to the fact of the matter, which is something you seem unable to comprehend.
Horde at least took a step back, looked at how they were doing things, and realized that changes needed to be made.
They could put a not-a**-hole Warchief in power now, sure. Eventually they would get another Blackhand/Garrosh/Sylvanas. Time to try this council setup to prevent the decision to go to war being up to just one individual.
The Horde’s literally trying to learn from their mistakes.
“Adequate world building” would be the nelves picking themselves back up, dusting themselves off, and re-establishing themselves back in the place that’s been their home for ten thousand years. Not running away and hiding just because they got a bloody nose from the competition.
I know the Alliance have been made fun of over the years with the whole “Not In the Face!” meme, but…holy damn.
Still waiting for the direct quote.
Go get it Mr. Honest.
I have no idea what you’re asking about.
The Horde committed a genocide against them.
They deserve some rest and recovery, being the Horde’s eternal punching bag isn’t it chief.
You won. Take the W.
Ah I see your reading comprehension issues.
Let me remind you.
Your question is built into a lie: “Anduin objectively knows everything and cannot be wrong.”
Danuser has stated that characters have perspectives and that the only objective truth are things the player themself witness.
He is a human male with no administrative power over Night Elves.
He shows he knows nothing if he literally means “the entire race is dead” as we see them everywhere else in the game, as well as when they fight in Darkshore for their warfront, when they sacrifice themselves at Dazar’Alor, and when they conquer Azshara, most of Ashenvale, and also some of the Barrens.
Thank you for being so verbose about your lies. You make it very easy to point out why you’re not to be believed about anything.
Please provide the direct quote from any NPC or new information that supercedes Andiun’s statement after WoT occured.
Thank you.
Since you are the most honest poster in this entire forum surely you can provide the source.
Except Horde lost the war.
And the Horde’s currently not threatening them.
They can return whenever they want and no one’s going to stop them.
The Horde won WoT.
They lost the longer war of attrition against the rest of the Alliance.
We are solely talking about Night Elves and their chances of survival against the Horde’s next eventual onslaught.
Thats a consistent theme.
They currently aren’t threatening them until they are and they start killing night elves again.
The problem is not settling Kalimdor but defending it against the Horde’s imperialistic desires.
I literally quoted him.
If you have a quote that supersedes him please provide it.
No that’s just you being a paranoid defeatist. Run and hide under your bed covers when things got difficult. Can’t go to school today, mom! Bully might take my lunch money!
Mom: “The bully stopped bullying you two years ago, son.”
But he might start bullying me tomorrow!
This whole conversation started because you raised the souls being saved from the maw fixed Night Elf issues.
Meanwhile the actual Night Elf issues is that they have been brought to near extinction. I have already provided novella quotes, video and quest dialogues to back this assertion.
Their temporary power ups are now over as of shadowlands and they got 1 seed filled with dead souls to plant somewhere for a new home.
The Horde has promised to be good but they have made this promise before.
I don’t need to quote Horde’s bloody history of rape and murder. You know it and I know it.
The Horde is an existential threat to anyone that lives close to them. Thats established lore. Whether you want to take Tyrande and her people or Jaina and her people.
One group got burned and the other bombed, then kidnapped to be tortured at their fighting pits.
The Night Elves at their weakened state could full commit to Kalimdor and probably be put into another meatgrinder because the Horde is imperialistic
Or they could relocate their most vulnerable to somewhere invulnerable and use the freed up resources to full commit to projecting their power elsewhere.
Even if the Horde marches through Ashenvale or Darkshore again there is no soft vulnerable target for them to strike a devastating blow at.
They would have to cross an ocean and fight not only the Night Elves, Kultiran fleet but also 5 dragonflights. Good luck to them.
You know its funny because this was the Horde’s justification for the war where all your peace loving Horde council members signed up for their genocidal war.
Anyway we will see in the fall of 2023 when the new zone opens up.
Its going to be Ohnaran Plains, new magic tree and defense of the emerald dream, Treng will be conscripted into following Tyrande and I know that will make him rage
When I was a kid, there was a kid that bothered me on the bus, well one day I waited until his back was turned then I jumped him. I used my house key in-between my fingers. He got a bloody left eye from it. But he never bothered me again
The bus driver stopped the bus and had to pull me off him. Got nearly expelled but it was worth it.
If I want to apply this to the story… Night Elves/Alliance needs to hit the Horde so hard and fast that shocks them to never crawling out of their desert ever again.
What do you think? A good alternative?
I’ve already explained several times that they really haven’t. All you’ve got to support this is an ambiguous line from a novella that conflicts with stuff in the game itself, but you keep latching onto it because it feeds your victim complex.
I’m seriously getting tired of trying to explain this to you.
No one’s denying it. You, however, are firmly attached to this belief that orcs are going to march the day after night elves return to Kalimdor.
Even though that’s clearly not the case in the current setup.
So they at least have one full expansion to re-establish themselves in Kalimdor.
Probably another as well.
And even if the threat were still present, there’s no way the night elves would just up and abandon their ten thousand year home because the Horde got too mean for them. They’re not gutless jellyfish.
It was stupid of them to do so. No one’s denying it.
Except Thrall, you already admitted he wasn’t culpable in it.
Oh, and Talanji had nothing to do with it either.
Neither did Kiro.
Or Geya’ra.
But that’s beside the point.
Truth is though, we have a Horde who knew they did wrong, they’ve taken steps to correct the situation. Real steps this time, not just “New Good Warchief, May Work Out”. Yet here we are, poor Smallioz is still scared and would prefer the night elves go hide under a rock protected by dragons rather than keep true to ten thousand years of hard work.
It really is pathetic.
Funny you should say so. When it was revealed that Horde players were going to get to help out with the night elf stuff if they joined the Night Fae, a lot of Alliance die hards lost their minds over that. “NOO!! They should not be allowed to help! How Dare! Blizzard Hates Night Elves!!!” Rinse, repeat ad nauseum.
Not sure what others will do, but I’ll help the nelves get their tree protected no matter where they choose to plant it. My Horde self helping save their new tree and getting rewards is kind of satisfying.
They can try.
We already went over how that would go.
Alliance being the aggressors in a new war, Blizzard’s mentality being aggressors are bad. Plus it wouldn’t quell the Horde as much as you think it would. It would end with Horde having a W on the Horde vs Alliance win loss record, the Alliance NPC who led the thing being the newest Daelin Proudmoore, plus a lot more dead peoples who didn’t necessarily need to die.
Except now the blood would be on the hands of the Alliance, not the Horde’s.
The Horde exists and will continue getting story once the stupid dragon story is over. Deal with it.
I have provided multiple sources, actually.
WoT quests, the novella and if you look at the Sylvanas warbriger they have the Horde play the role of the scourge.
Every clue and statement is point towards to what I am saying.
The only thing you have is “Well it doesn’t make sense by making it worse by keep fighting and volunteering for suicide missions!!!”
Thats all you have.
I have been asking Treng to provide a definitive statement as to why this isn’t a case and he has tried everything he could to distract or change the subject like Andiun isn’t a woman or that maybe there is an entire NE civilization living in the emerald dream. He tried saying Andiun was singing or outright ignoring the sylvanas cinematic and wot quests. If either of you have any evidence please send it over.
That’s a strawman dude, come on. I didn’t mean a literal day, I meant it will have one day. Could be a week, a year or a decade but the Horde will attack because Blizzard has written that the Horde always breaks the peace and attacks.
So far I think its been 5 years?
No they aren’t hence why they still fight and volunteer for suicide missions as you talked about.
Despite their bravery the Horde is unstoppable and will kill them. As evidenced in WoT when they made a large strike force barreled through two zones killing everyone in their path until they got their big soft juicy target.
All the Night Elves would be doing is putting the big soft juicy target in a safe place where the Horde can’t get to them.
They are not abandoning Kalimdor, I explained this to you several times.
The strawmen arguments and willfull ignoring of stated lore just so you could make the Horde look better than they were actually presented in BFA kind of is pathetic.
I didn’t write this. I am just pointing to it. If you are going to be mad, be mad at blizzard.
Well good for you I guess. My biggest issue was that the Horde player being made to help doesn’t vindicate the actual Horde for having participated in WoT.
Ultimately making the player do the punishment for NPC actions makes very little sense but if it makes Treng mad I support it.
If you are cool with it another solution is indeed to weaken the Horde to such a degree that they will not be a threat to the Night Elves anymore.
For the rest
Sure thing, as long as there is a world building reason why the eventual Horde invasion Can be stopped with what the NEs currently have is enough for me. As I said I am open to multiple solutions but you seem to be in favor of the mindless meatgrinder to pander to the Horde power fantasy.
Night Elves being able to actually realistically defend themselves is objectionable to you. I wonder why…
The Horde will not suffer more humiliation to satisfy your power fantasy. Get a grip and Stop demanding unreasonable things.
So… better off to go on the Dragon Isles then. I don’t think punching the Horde at this moment is a good option. But Darkore seems to want the confrontational bloody meatgrinder solution.
Be happy that Admiral Killhorde and Genn suffered no consequences for their actions in Stormheim. If Blizzard wasn’t so alliance biased that would have been enough to justify the Horde defeating the alliance for good instead of the wrist slap. Blizzard will always pardon the alliance community from their wrongs.
More like biased.