No one hated Jaina

Saurfang carried him in Northrend. He has no feats of his own.

We almost claimed Kalimdor and for that Sylvanas deserves a round of applause.

I like the Night Elves but they got trounced.
Horde did their damage and now they need to recover.

Blizzard is going to pretty much give them the most invulnerable place they can on Azeroth. And thats good enough for me.

When they recover numbers they can choose to keep fighting or coexisting with the Horde. They are in the driver’s seat rather than being kept alive because the Horde lets them keep breathing.

They are addressing the problem with a world building solution rather than just a statement.

Should have been both.

Or rather there should not have been a need for it. BFA and Shadowlands should have been retconned and refunded to the playerbase.


For me to fully forgive Blizzard i would need a world revamp where half the place isn’t actively on fire.

No refund necessary.

I need half the alliance cast being exiled or killed.

The Alliance cast is the World of warcraft cast they aint going anywhere.

No they deserve to be purged like the Horde one was. Alliance bias must end.

Not really, no.

The night elves have been getting along just fine for ten thousand years without Teldrassil being a thing at all. That tree was brought up by Staghelm in an attempt to regain the night elves immortality after the Battle of Mt Hyjal.

Now you’re trying to portray not having the tree like it’s the nelf equivalent of the post-apocalypse survivors scene from the first Terminator movie.

Not as much as you’re trying to make it out to be.
If it really is, the nelves are especially dumb if they’re letting precious more lives throw themselves into suicide missions or siege the gates of Org.

We don’t know for certain where they’re putting that new tree yet.
All we have is speculation.
And even if they do stick it close to Dragon Isles, they’re not going to abandon Hyjal, Darkshore, or Ashenvale just to run away from the scary Horde. Especially not after all the effort they went through to get Darkshore and Ashenvale back. Not even the civilians that are remaining would want to give up on their ancestral lands.


I think the Horde harrying the NEs into one location and then setting that location on fire is the post apocalyptic event.
The tree itself mattered not all that much, the Horde just barrelling through Ashenvale and Darkshore within a very, very short timeframe and then destroying their intended target successfully is a much bigger problem.

Anyway the homeless issue is Blizzard tell us that NEs had to go live on the stormwind streets for much of BFA.
Idk if in shadow rising ALL of the Refugees moved to Hyjal or not but in DF the search for a home and rest is the common theme i have noticed.

So there is a search for a home.
If they weren’t homeless they wouldn’t be searching for one.

Andiun is unambigiously telling us that.
And yeah Night Elves fighting against the odds and to the last man/woman is pretty on brand for them.

The Horde needed defeating and they were ready.
They are still fighting as per exploring for kalimdor because if they don’t fight the Horde would kill their people and take their lands.

The bulk of them would move this new home in Dragon Isles probably. The same ones currently being sheltered by the druids in Hyjal if I had to guess.

On a meta level no i dont think Ashenvale or Darkshore would be Horde territories if there is a revamp.
At the same time narratively all night elf civilians that survived Teldrassil will not be staying in Hyjal or spreading around Northern Kalimdor where the Horde can hunt them down.

They will most likely move to the new tree as their new home. Somebody has to live in this new home Malfurion told us about.

They are pushing into core Horde territory and are violating the peace treaty. If the Horde council weren’t spineless cowards led by Thrall and Baine who hate their own people the night elves would actually meet fierce resistance.

Tyrande never signed a Peace Treaty.

Nor is she ever going to do anything about it.

She and the rest of Night Elves will just be mad all the time and blame the Horde for all their woes.

Whatever justice or revenge the Alliance were going to get was in Shadowlands.

She could have shown up to Lorthemar’s wedding and start collecting heads but the best she is allowed to do is not attend.
Thats our Alliance fist bump moment

so they are kill on sight until they see reason.

There is no reasoning with genocidal murderers.

Like Baine would say they were military targets.

Funny that ten thousand years of not having giant magic tree to live was never an issue and then all of a sudden they’re having to run away to Stormwind and live in the streets.

The hell happened to the one-with nature forest people who made the entirety of northern Kalimdor their home?

Did you ever stop to think that bad writing is bad just to tug at your heart strings and they never really took the time to think about the lore or the people they were making into uber-victims?

So let me get this straight.
Anduin is thinking that there’s far too few night elves in Teldrassil, but he’s perfectly okay with a large force of night elves volunteering for a mission where everyone’s expected to die because it’s a decoy for a big sneak attack.

Sure, that makes perfect sense.

Why are you so certain that the new tree will be in Dragon Isles when there’s been no official word on that yet?

Some will.
Some who got pushed out and displaced from their homes in either Ashenvale or Dark Shore would likely want to return. “F The Horde,” They would say. “They’re not chasing me from my home again!”

Smallioz is lying and saying the entire night elf race was in Teldrassil and now they’re nearly extinct, despite night elves owning and populating more land in Azeroth (also, the Emerald Dream!!) than any other player race in the game.

:dracthyr_no1: :dracthyr_no2:
Source and Citation for all night elves being harried and forced into Teldrassil, liar.

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I would say Orcs a much more widespread and most of the territory that -should- be Night Elf is shared with other races.

Also, the Night Elves don’t have fully functional villages in the Emerald Dream. They are not raising families there. There is no commerce or home life. It’s all Druids acting as servants and assistants to Nature Gods.

Maybe they are or aren’t, but night elves are the only race that spends thousands of years therein.

They are not.

And if we want to play this game, the Orcs have an entire planet and a whole separate timeline and a whole expansion dedicated to them.