No one hated Jaina

The actions of the Horde as a whole you mean.

Like a real person. We all do that.

Magic is one of those things that needs to be properly defined in fantasy… Blizzard has never defined it. But if we use D&D as reference, most teleportation spells requires a Willing Target. Varian was sacrificing himself to save everyone else, so was likely not a willing target.

She might have already used all her spell slots.

“Abandoned” is a funny way to put it. She fought the Legion on her own, is all.

I think she is more real than most WoW characters right now. I don’t see how she is Mary Sue at all. She trained under Antonidus, and managed to snag the Dragon Aspect of Magic as a lover… She has certainly had plenty of opportunity to learn how to wield the powerful magics she wields.

The Horde attacked first, according to Tides of War.

Blowing up the fleet was the main purpose.

Because she’s actually a very well written charater, unlike… well, the entirety of the Horde’s “heroes.”


Do you believe it’s possible to invade without knowing you’re invading?


Uhh they didn’t even know people were there. How could you call it an invasion?

Calling Jaina is debatable because she mostly for me acts like a cheap romance novel damsel. However I do agree the Horde are not well written because they are simply ignored all together.


When people start attacking you for desecrating their land, maybe you should take the hint and leave… Not drink demon blood and kill a Nature God.

In what way? Tides of War is the only romance we had, and that didn’t last, and she’s NEVER been a damsel. She saves people, people don’t save her.

This is laughable. Horde has 10 times more lore than the Alliance does.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. 110% how I feel about Jaina and why I despise her character.

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I, too, believe in punishing innocent people for things they had no part in. That’ll show them for being civilians of the wrong side. How dare they!?!


You don’t know who’s a spy and who’s a civilian in war. Letting them all stay would have been naive to the point of stupidity, one of the criticisms jaina’s always dealt with.

She learned from her mistakes. That’s all.


The heroic Alliance, ladies and gentlemen.


“morally gray.”


But of course not… God forbids the female pet Sue of Golden be held to the same standards regular characters are held.

Imho the loss is ultimately for her characterization (the least depth the worse written imho).

Me too. That’s why its cool that we slaughtered the night elves in teldrassil and bombed theramore!

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Yes. Good guys putting down the bad guys. Looks like the goods guys to me.

Then why didn’t she kick the Sunreavers out of Dalaran?


She imprisoned them

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That’s always true in war. That doesn’t justify mass killings and imprisonment on that rationale.

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she didn’t? I thought she did. That was the whole point, was it not?

https: // wow. gamepedia .com/ Purge_of_Dalaran #The_Purge

It… looks like that was the point.

Imprison them. They are POWs, until the War is brought to a conclusion.


If you enter an unmarked forest to harvest some wood and someone starts shooting you, that’s self defense. There was nothing in Ashenvale except trees and some scattered ruins. It wasn’t like the Warsong marched into Darnassus. By all anyone could tell, it was a quiet forest with a ghost here and there. When someone attacks you and you fight back, that’s the definition of self defense. Sorry the Warsong are so good at defending themselves, I guess?

Yeah, the only “natives” Rexxar fought were some quillboar, harpies, naga and centaur. Who are already hostile to literally everyone and honestly have never been presented in-game as anything more than a pest species. Are the Alliance slaughtering natives when they kill kobolds and gnolls in Elwyn or baby trolls in Dun Morogh? Or is this a double standard?


AFTER, they cut down sacred forests and Wisps. That is an invasion.

Apparently, by drinking Demon Blood, and killing a nature God and the trees themselves. All shouting “You are not welcome here”
I know orcs are not the brightest race, but they should learn to take a hint. Leave… YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.

They have every right to be, it’s their land and their home.

Racism makes it okay. noted.

Yes, yes they are. At least with the assumption that the Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes were not already the first race to settle there. Which is still disputed. We KNOW for a fact that the orcs in Durotar are the invasive species, not natives.


I prefer a higher bar of evidence to imprison civilian citizens.

The point was capturing them or killing them. Leaving wasn’t an option. And they went so far as to cut off escape routes and killed those trying to leave.