No one hated Jaina

That’s not what blizzard or questing said. They needed more shelters.

Again we are going in circles, blizzard said they were starving. I’m guess they couldn’t hunt or gather enough. It is evil to deprive people of resources they need to survive.

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Dude I was just talking about the orcs. Also the point of bringing this up was that they can give the horde better reasons to go to war and have this be told more through questing then books.

I have no idea why you laser focused on some aspect of what I said and ignore everything else. Only one being ridiculous is you.


Smallioz is forum renowned for it.


I can’t sleep well knowing Jaina is out there plotting suffering against the Horde. She survived too many times.

He’s a known liar also and doesn’t know half the lore. He actually thinks Stormwind wasn’t jam packed with survivors from Teldrassil also.

Why anyone continues to engage with his dishonesty is beyond me


Some narrative tries to paint it as the night elves driven to the edge of the extinction, but events and facts ingame conflict with that.

Just like how the narrative claims Garrosh was a genius war commander who led the Horde in several victories against the Scourge. Ingame events during WotLK showed that he was an absolute clod most of the time.

Straight up truth is that blizz are just flat out bad at telling story. The end.


In Warcraft Chronicles Vol. 3 Page 196

It goes over when Garrosh was put in power. Cairne warned against Garrosh being put in charge, Thrall ignored him.
Anyway it is described with Thrall gone there was nothing left stopping Garrosh and his warlust. He had no interest in trade when he coule simply take.

So there goes your argument…

In Warcraft Chronicles Vol.3 page 201

It is described that Garrosh wanted to secure more resources and Sylvanas desired Gilneas.

Garrosh’s behavior had nothing to do with survival but supremacy.

So is depriving them of living space.
The germans sure needed all that living space.

So you are arguing for headcanon? Not actual lore? Finally admitting it?

I am literally the only one that is quoting the references Micah. :rofl::rofl:

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Would be better if she started a new conflict rather then ‘Light Alliance Evil’

Still trying to have a conversation with your imaginary friend I see :rofl:

That’s a sign of mental illness by the way

Lore aside, you are truly one of the sadest people I have ever encountered on this forum Micah.

Its like you need positive affirmation that you lack in real life. Don’t seek it here. Nobody here means anything. Close the computer and go outside instead of editing the same post 5 times.
Its clear you are incredibly insecure… maybe ashamed even.

Back when Ren was here she gave you that positivity that you craved but you finally found out how empty it was. I told you the very same things back then but you needed to hit your head into the wall before you listened.

Go outside. Make some real connections with people. I promise you would be happier for it.
I mean this with the deepest empathy i can muster.


You’re insulting someone who isn’t even here smallioz. That’s the sad and worrying part.

Seek therapy. You seriously need it. It’s not healthy to have conversations with people who aren’t here and can’t respond to you

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Get the Popcorn we gonna be here for some time.

An alliance evil expansion is exactly what we need. Plot armor has protected your leaders for far too long. It is time to strip it off and give you a taste of the story the Horde usually gets whenever Blizzard decides to kill half our cast for no reason.

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My leader? Wha?

You mean the Alliance might actually get some cutscenes and we dont have to spy on the Horde to get them? Fun!

I mean as in at least half your cast of leaders dies or get exiled like it happened to the Horde in MoP first and then again in Bfa.

There was one not that long ago with Tyrande and Malfurion.

Tyrande’s been featured in major cutscenes for every expansion since Legion. I honestly think it’s time this poor woman and the night elves in general get a break from being at the relative center of Blizzard’s attention.


you need to read all the lore, not just parts of it. Also night elfs have and had more than enough living space. This has never been questioned.

but arguing with you is pointless.


Well when you offer nothing but headcanons then yeah. At least i provide sources and direct quotes.

Smallioz thinks the near entirely of the night elf race was in teldrassil and the lands we see populated with them are not canon because “”“gAmEpLaY iSnT cAnOn”“”


its what the Lore says.

Unless you have another character saying otherwise.

Since you have brought this up multiple times. Alright lets play this game.
Name every single land with NEs in them give me the exact population numbers then we can compare that to the total number in Teldrassil that was lost.
This way we can have the exact numbers of all living NEs all over the world and truly judge how devastating or negligible the loss of life was in WoT.

Unless you have exact numbers the only source of information we have to go by is the leader of the alliance saying there are now far too few NEs left.

You know what? I will extend an olive branch. What % of NEs do you think died at Teldrassil?

10%? 20%? 40%? 60%? 80%?
You tell me how many and let me know from where you are basing this assumption.
But you have to be very specific.