No one hated Jaina

Sure, it might happen with some of these new orc clan chiefs even.
That’s assuming they ever get used as raid or dungeon bosses though.
That’s assuming Blizzard ever does another faction war again.
Lots of "IF"s to get through before Horde characters get the chance at not dying as a raid or dungeon boss.

I’m sure they’ll get there someday.

It was dumb to ever assume they’d allow Jaina to get killed off as a raid boss. She’s kind of one of their “protected NPC personalities”.

Personally, I’ll take pride and pleasure that we were able to beat Ms. OP Ultra-mage to the point she got scared and ran away. Not to mention we got to break Mekkatorque’s best machines and punch him into a coma.

Not to mention that there were a pretty large number of night elves jumping into a suicide mission to draw Horde troops away from Dazar’alor leading up to it’s sacking. For a race that lost so many of it’s numbers one would think they’d be more reluctant to throw themselves into a woodchipper.


Talk to me and not your imaginary boyfriend living rent free in your head smallz. I keep telling you this. But I know your reading skills are abysmal.

Now, when you want to address ME and not the person living in your head. We’ll continue

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It even makes less sense that this is after Tyrande pulls her forces back so she can retake Dakrshore. I guess Blizzard didn’t want to completely exclude NEs from the Dazaralor counter attack because its the only “revenge” the Alliance is allowed in BFA against the horde.

No they aren’t wiped out because there are still surviving characters.
Andiun, the leader of the Alliance as Blizzard has the habit of reminding us. His esteemed majesty the high king that there are now far too few Night Elves in the world.

This is a quote that does not inspire a lot of confidence that WoT was a neglible loss of life but a tremendous one.
Far too few also implies that their numbers are now… too few.
Check the list below you tell me what Andiun meant with “Too Few”… my take was EN.

  • Least Concern (LC) …
  • Near Threatened (NT) …
  • Vulnerable (VU) …
  • Endangered (EN) …
  • Critically Endangered (CR) …
  • Extinct In The Wild (EW) …
  • Extinct (EX)

No thanks Micah. I already told you more than enough for you to understand the population issue.
There is nothing of value that you have to say that I am interested in hearing about. Its just that I find your takes incredibly dumb…

Your boyfriend isnt here Smallioz. And since you have the reading skills of a rock, and you offer nothing to a conversation. You can kindly piss off.

You are a known liar and a hypocrite. Done trying to explain to a absolute waste of air that you are, that I am not nor will I ever be who you want me to be.

Keep fighting the good fight Smallioz, ignore the haters who continue to ignore the story for their own headcannon.

I don’t think Zuleika has any bias’ just different interpretation.

Treng and Darjeel though are just woosh… gone into lalaland with their biases. I doubt modern science is able to reach them even with heavy medication.

And then there is Micah having a meltdown because they used to be BFF with Ren.
Its sad to watch.

Sadly So, i just hate seeing them dogpile you. Its really just a matter that they need to just stop defending bad writing and ask for the story to be better going forwards. I mean if they story said it was a genocide why do they think it was anything else? that was the writers intention that is why they used that wording.

they would have used different wording if they wanted it to be referred to differently. Honestly the sooner some players stop defending the terrible things the horde have done and just recognise this was what blizzard wanted, and demand better of them next time they might get a different story. But hey some people want to defend genocides so blizzard will just make it worse next time.

My sub is done in 6 days. I had fun with dragonflight, its not a bad expansion but I just don’t have the time right now. Maybe I will play again in august before Baldur’s Gate 3 launches.
Sometimes its good that way I don’t need to put up with some of the lunacy I see here.

To be fair its a very, very small minority. but boy… they sure are loud.

It’s a pretty lame revenge to toss their forces away to achieve a victory that didn’t achieve nearly as much as the Alliance was hoping.
They killed one Monarch who was replaced by a Monarch who was less dumb.
They destroyed their fleets which didn’t matter much either since Azshara destroyed the Alliance fleet later anyway.
It drove the Zandalari into actually joining the Horde.

I can hear the nelf spirits who died from that battle facepalming all the way from here. Such a waste.


You summed up all of BFA in three words.
I honestly though early in the expansion with so much talk of navies that there would be naval battles and invasions.

As soon as we got the ships blizzard got rid of them. Its so dumb


At least we got island adventures. :roll_eyes:

I would have preferred scenario’s like we got back in MOP to the islands. they were just smash and grab missions with very little time to explore.


Those things stressed me out so much. I did like 3 and stopped… It was worse than running dungeons.

I remember a time where the goal of the dungeon was clearing it and beating the bosses for good rewards rather than speed run it so you can maximize how many points you got.
Whenever I play this game some aspects of it really show their age…

You can’t take your time to enjoy anything anymore. Its always GOGO and its not even rewarding. You are just rushing to do a chore.


honestly If I have to do one more mission where i have to unite to wayward lovers im going to find a way to hostile the factions and kill them all.

Alot the questing has gone to hell where its all fluff and no substance. its all about positive messaging rather they entertaining us.

Danuser: unless you witness it yourself, all lore is perspective now.
Golden: Anduin thinks to himself from his own perspective.
Smallioz, lying: it is absolute canon fact that all the night elves in the world are almost extinct because anduin lamented that so many nelves died at teldrassil.


I forgot to add the important part in that we, the players, witness the many, many land claims that night elves have.

How do I reach Treng? What is wrong with his brain? Is it some sort of illness maybe?

I am quoting the leader of the Alliance on his assessment about something that the writers clarify in writing and he insists I am making it up.
But I get why he is doing it.

He was bullied by a night elf at school. its the only explanation.

still makes her smarter than 99% of all the other dungeon/raid bosses we’ve ever fought.


I imagine her having had nightmares about a Horde raid team swarming down her after Theramore happened.

given all the sapient beings on the WoW universe, mere same-sex pairings should be considered sheer vanilla. I say, Let us help pair up truly gonzo couples. Who else remembers that the old blue dragon boss in Azshara fell in love with a Spirit Healer? Let us consider the possibilities. What about conglomerate beings? What if the left arm of one Abomination is made out of a man who recognizes that the right leg of a different Abomination is made up of an ex-girlfriend he wants to try to get back together with? And a romantically-minded forsaken hands you a hacksaw, needle and thread, and gives you a quest to ‘reunite them, properly this time’?