No one hated Jaina

yes and the writer also go out o their way to make the alliance look good. first faction war in wow horde was starving and need lumber for life saving shelter. There was quest in Pandara where horde soldiers were trying to surrender by Varian or some other commander just gunned them down. Jaina doing what she was at theramore, i can provide more examples in the first faction war, than in second our warcheif was straight up attacked by the alliance. Why would you not have the war started there? or it mentioned in game ever again?

Blizzard just ended up retconning or ignoring these aspects of the story to make horde look bad. My point is anything good with he horde is brushed under the rug anything bad done by the alliance is brushed under the rug. It is not just a horde thing, it is how the alliance is also written.


this really won’t change anything, they been saying you are one of the few night elfs. Blizzard doesn’t provide any figures on population, at this rate i think orcs would been wiped out. As most live in orgrimmar and it got sacked in the last war according to Kadghar.


How is shelter at all related to starvation? One has nothing to do with the other… You fundamentally understand Horde’s action are wrong right?

Well it hasn’t happened yet. But it COULD happen. If we find out how pretty much all alliance leaders managed to stay alive since Vanilla things might change for the better.

She still survived. If you can survive your own raid fight you are pretty much untouchable.

Night elves live all over Azeroth. Their numbers at Teldrassil don’t matter. There will always be enough of them. And next to humans their race is the most spread out over many zones especially on Kalimdor.

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They both save lives, and something leader of the horde has to address. In this context if horde had to start a war to save it’s people I would of been fine with. I think it is fine to go to war to save your people from certain death. The issue is blizzard, mentions i ones and forgets it ever happened.

I also believe denying food, and lumber for shelter both to save lives is fundamentally wrong. Also the night elf’s had plenty of these resources(life saving) to trade.

That is completely false.
The Horde didn’t have a desperate need for shelter, they already had it. And Deforesting a rain forest doesn’t address any short term goals in feeding anybody.

The Night Elves aren’t obligated to give away what is their at the point of the sword or coin. You are creating a false narrative to push false justification. Imperialism is bad. ok?

Because it didn’t.
This is just your own head, its not different the russian trolls flooding the internet currently trying to make up excuses why Russian has to invade ukraine and wage a bloody war.

Its wrong, stop being a weirdo and defending the indefensible.

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it is true it happened in cata, I was using it as example.

Maybe you have a different opinion than most of us. If someone in country A’s poeple are dieing because they do not have X recourse. While county B has an abundance of X recourse and stopped trading and refuses to resume it. Than me and most other people would think country B wants people in country A to die.

At that point if country A starts war, i personally would be fine with it. Heck if I was a leader of country A I would do it.

Again my guy this happened in cata.

But canonically, most of the Night Elves who lived there were not present at the time it was burned, between the army being away and the fact that it was partially evacuated.


Orgrimmar was already rebuilt. No one in the Horde was dying due to exposure.

Again nobody in the Horde was dying because of Alliance actions.
The Horde has shamans, druids and other forms of gather food, unless the Horde was hunting Alliance to cannibalize there was no food to take and immediately feed the desperately starved Horde.

Or country B is making up a nonesense excuse to fuel their imperialist ambitions.
What food were the Forsaken in need of in Gilneas? Stop being ridiculous.

Yes your fascist ideals are clear to see.

This isn’t the defense you think it is.

I am going to need a source for this empty Teldrassil.
Because so far the story in BFA, Shsdowlands, Dragonisle as well as multiple novels and novellas state that the loss of life in WoT was tremendous.

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I didn’t say empty. But we’re told that only noncombatants were in the tree at the time of the burning, and some of them were Gilnean. The burden is on you to produce evidence that this constitutes a majority of the Night Elf population.

“Tremendous loss of life” does not mean “extinction is threatened” or even “majority dead.”

You are trying to dismiss the losses as neglible and they are anything but as put forward by the story. You only need to pay attention.

But if you want to hard proof that is explicitly spelled out for you with no ambiguity anywhere. Here:

The World Tree was more than a city. It was an entire land, home to countless innocents. How many night elves were elsewhere in Azeroth? Far too few. Now, they were all who remained of their people.
Elegy page 5.

Is this good enough for you or do you need statistics?

Far too few. Now, they were all who remained of their people.

This is how the story is framing WoT.
This certainly makes it clear that a majority has been killed.

What I find odd is that you know this.
I know for a fact that I have talked to you about this previously so why persist with this charade? What do you gain with the misinformation? That the Villainbat wasn’t as bad as it was? The Horde did nothing wrong?


Objection, citation.
Include page numbers if a book.

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Page 5

Learn to read.
Or at least use the find function. You press Ctrl + F and put in the text you are looking for.

This particular quote has been shown to you several times Treng. But as always you have the memory of a goldfish when its not something that doesn’t line up to your beliefs.

That subjective opinion from a flawed npc that just experienced genocide is proven objectively incorrect by the player character witnessing night elves populating more of the known world than any other player race.

As stated earlier, you’re a compulsory liar.

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The High King of the Alliance is making a statement on current status of an Alliance race.
But yeah… I am the liar. jesus…

Gameplay =/= Lore.

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I’ll put it in simpler terms. Anduin forgot that there were so many Survivors flooding his own city that they had start shiping them out to places like Goldshire.

And Stormwind is pretty massive lorewise. So whats the excuse for the discrepancy in story telling? They released two short stories concerning BfA and they both contradict one another in regards to Teldrassil


Ah yeah, anduin would absolutely have objective omniscient knowledge of every night elf in the known world.



Holy christ… Micah. Use your brain.
Please. I beg you to use your brain.

Ok lets do an exercise.
The population of newyork is 8.5 Million.
The population of chicago is 2.6 Million.

If some clamity fell on Chicago and only 600’000 Chigago citizen could escape and were instantly teleported in New York.
How fast do you think New York can house them? Probably not very well, probably they have to open stadiums, schools, stores, warehouses and etc across the city and suburbs and even take some other survivors to other cities because the city can’t handle 600k people so readily.

Does this make sense to you?


No, I am not. There is a world of middle ground between “negligible losses” and “threatened with extinction.” I am only disputing the more melodramatic “ThE NiGhT ElVeS aRe WiPeD oUt” claims.

No, it’s not good enough for me to agree that they are in danger of extinction.

I am saying nothing more nor less than that the Night Elves are not wiped out.