No one hated Jaina

Because as I said that was the only thing Blizzard could offer. They have to have the characters pretend it fixes anything.

The one thing they are doing that actually addresses the issue is that they are moving the Night Elves off of Kalimdor and putting them somewhere else so Horde can have their victory of taking down an Alliance capital and the Alliance getting a new home.
Without ever addressing any of the underlying issues BFA caused.

I am not sure what makes me so extreme but using your terminology, the Horde extremist players got their WoT.

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That would be nice addition, but even if they did I still think you’d be here upset and ranting that there’s not enough punching of the Horde going on.

And the Horde lost every single battle after WoT.
Arathi Warfront, Alliance victory. Y’all got Stromgarde back. Congratulations.

Darkshore Warfront, Alliance victory. You pushed the Horde out of Darkshore and possibly even Ashenvale. Contratulations. Meanwhile Alliance get to keep whatever bases they have left in both North and South Barrens.

Battle of Dazar’Alor? It was an exceptionally messy and costly victory but it was still a victory. King Rastakhan’s dead and the Zandalari lost their fleet. Alliance was on the cusp of outright winning the war until Azshara interfered.

All of Sylvanas’s murder plots were decimated and in the end she was removed from power. The Alliance didn’t even have to lose any troops trying to siege the Ogrimmar battlements to do it.

The position of Warchief was abolished and most of the members of the newly formed Horde Council would rather play nice with the Alliance than go to war.

As far as satisfaction for the extreme Horde fans, there’s one or two peoples who shall remain unnamed that are even more salty than you over the losses and that the Horde’s no longer punching Alliance in some form or another.

The only thing that needs to happen now are Blizzard updating to reflect some of these victories: The new nelf tree established, Alliance getting to visit Stromgarde whenever they want, and possibly even no Horde in Darkshore or Ashenvale.

Meanwhile, Horde get bupkis.


What would be the nice addition? the gaslighting?

So the Horde got their revenge crusade. Right? Thats what you took issue with.
If the Horde got their revenge crusade and thats an extremist take then it should be remedied.

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No, more NPCs expressing happiness over getting a new tree besides just Tyrande and Malfurion.

What are you on about? What revenge crusade did the Horde get because I must have missed it.


Which is the gaslighting.
The problem with the NE’s isn’t that they lost a roof over their heads. Its their near extinction at the hands of the Horde.
And the problem with the lore going forward is that the NE survival as a race was dependent if the Horde wanted to finally finish the job or not.
Because clearly if the Horde wants to commit mass murder no one can stop them.

The one thing that the recent developments do to fix this issue is that they will move the Night Elves so far away that maybe the Horde can’t get to them. Presumably.

The WoT being the Horde revenge crusade for what happened to Sylvanas in Stormheim. A lot of Horde players were mad and I guess Blizzard obliged.

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It was hardly extinction.
And if it was, then the nelfs are exceptionally dumb for throwing away so many of their troops in drawing Horde forces north to Nazmir so the Alliance could launch their attack on Dazar’alor. One would think they couldn’t afford the butcher’s bill anymore. :roll_eyes:

Then again they had lots of sentinel troops with the rest of the Alliance forces ready to siege Orgrimmar. How many more would have died there if they actually had to attack?

No. A lot of nelfs died with the burning of Teldrassil but it was by no means an extinction level thing.

Stop exaggerating.

Are you bad at reading?
Did I not just go over all of Sylvanas’s murder plots during BfA being ruined and all the points of Horde losing the war after WoT was done?
Or are you being obtuse on purpose? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

And now they’re mad again because Horde lost the 4th War. Do you want them to have another revenge crusade for that?
Personally I didn’t want WoT nor do I want any other “Revenge Crusades” to happen, not by either side.

You on the other hand…

Sure, let’s give Alliance a “Revenge Crusade” where you can go and murder Tauren, Troll, and Orc civilians and not feel sad about it. You wouldn’t because you already said you wouldn’t several posts ago.

But then the Horde gets to retaliate and here we go with the 5th war.
Blizzard’s story design philosophy being that people who start wars are bad and those who want peace are good, you can bet your top dollar that the Alliance NPCs who perpetrated this new war will be demonized same as Sylvanas was.

Then Alliance NPCs who didn’t want war will play the Saurfang counterpart, launch their rebellion in which the Horde joins, and lo and behold you have the Alliance losing the war.

And back you would come throwing a fit because Alliance lost the war.
So much for your “Revenge Crusade”.


If you read the novella.
Andiun remarks even with the survivors that managed to get out in time there were still far too few left in the world compared to their old numbers.
And the term genocide was thrown around a lot.

How about you don’t minimize it?

How am I being obtuse? The Horde did WoT. They succeeded in doing the deed.
That means they can do it again.
Its actually the one thing the Horde seems to be good at doing. Its not their first time.
They are actually in a better position to do it now than before. The Kalimdor border is in shambles and the NEs are on the verge of extinction thanks to the Horde’s heroic efforts that they never answered or even apologized for.

I have already said if BFA’s faction roles were reversed it would have been far better.
Anyway all that is passed and too late to retread backwards. That kind of story would just be boring and redundant.

My original comment to you was that there was no net positive in Shadowlands for the NEs. As always what Blizzard gives the NEs or Alliance are things they ultimately didn’t want or need.
The grass isn’t greener on the other side.

I don’t read the novels or novellas because far too often I find that what happens in them conflicts with what’s being shown ingame.

Like this for instance. Night elves are on the brink of extinction yet large numbers are volunteering for a big giant suicide mission? Does that not strike you as odd?
More even are at the gates of Org where craploads of people are expected to die.

Or, perhaps, just maybe, the content creators and writers like to throw around buzzwords like “extinction” or “genocide” to tickle our anger bones without putting in any real thought to it. :thinking: :confused:

How fortunate that we have a bunch of pro-peace individuals leading the Horde Council readily saying “No” to any calls of aggression.

Sure, Blizzard could ruin this effort at making the Horde less murderhappy like they did with Vol’jin as warchief, but at least now they’d have to jump through a lot more storyline gymnastics to make it happen. And they’d make themselves look a lot dumber in the process.

Plus the night elves are not as defenseless as you are trying to make them out to be. There were quite a lot fighting in the Darkshore Warfront from my perspective. A battle which they won no less.

Yes they did actually. In one of those novels you seem so fond of no less.
Thrall directly apologized to Tyrande for what happened to Teldrassil. She rejected it and said that no apology would be accepted while Sylvanas remained at large.

Wouldn’t you know it, Sylvanas received her final judgement and sentencing from Tyrande herself. True to her word, Tyrande dropped any current pursuits of action against the Horde.

I just went over how an Alliance/Nelf attempt at revenge would have ended: BfA 2: Electric Boogaloo, but all the roles flipping faction colors.

You’re all better off with your new seed and forthcoming treehouse.

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You do realize the taurens do not have Theramore or Duskwallow marsh. They can’t even take back their old holding of Honor Hold or Taurajo.

Your opinion. The rest of Azeroth will remember him for the tyrant he was and his only record will be the small plot of land in Northrend named after him.

Even when I add the /s, people still can’t separate reality from silly roleplay XD

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Who says I didn’t read the /s?

Either or, it leads me to the same general conclusion.

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And that conclusion being? Look, You’re free to write your little pro-Horde roleplay and I free to do the same.

Just as odd as the dozen void elves become large enough to mobilize columns of infatry in BFA.

What is clear is that the Night Elf civilization has been ravaged. This wasn’t a skrimish or raid. It was a massacre of epic proportions.

Maybe but its on them. They raised the stakes. And thats where we are now.

These pro-peace Horde were very much pro-war earlier during both Sylvanas and Garrosh’s tenure.
Not exactly an encouraging resume. And even if it were true there is no guarentee they will rule forever.
The Horde will always be a threat to the existence of anyone living near them that hasn’t sworn servitude.

Were they able to stop WoT from happening? The answer is no.
Was Jaina able to stop Theramore from blowing up and its poplace taken?
This is Horde specialty it seems. They are really good at it.

I read the novella because it was free.
I dont pay for word DLC, i just read the resume from somewhere to get the gist of it.

A treehouse away from Kalimdor because its the only way for anyone to be safe from the Horde.
Got to reward the Horde for their murderous behavior.

Definitely bitter sweet.

As long as the system where one ruler could snap their fingers, say “Let’s go to war”, and everyone around them was “honor-bound” to say “Yes!”, I’d agree.
Genn Greymane wasn’t wrong when he told Lor’themar that they should not have followed Sylvanas’s madness to begin with, which is something they realize as true. That’s why they abolished the position of Warchief and put the council in its stead.

We certainly might get into a position where someone usurps the council as the new Warchief and starts another bloodbath.
It’s equally likely the Alliance gets an absolute pyschopath dictator as High King.
Hopefully, Blizzard does neither.

Well now you know, apologies did happen.

What’s going to happen if the night elves decide to plant the new tree back in Kalimdor?
I mean, a lot of nelves still live their after all, and I don’t see them abandoning Hyjal just so they can be away from the Horde.

Maybe they want to have trees in both sides of the world?

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The dragon isles would be the worse place for a tree. Assuming Blizzard is planning on giving the night elves a new capital I would hope said new capital would be used as the new expansion hub for the Alliance for the next expansion.

Perhaps, but I think they’re shifting away from splitting factions into their own questing zones and cities. It generally means they have to produce more content than just combining them into a co-op expansion.

And, admittedly, it would be kind of awkward for Horde to have access to the nelves new tree.

If you play the game, night elves populate more lands in Azeroth than any other player race.
Was Teldrassil genocide? Yes.
Was it extinction? No. Not in any way, shape, or form.

Smallioz is a liar.


Should have happened in the game.
No point in making Horde characters appear apethatic to their greatest failure.

Blizzard isn’t going to make two capital cities.
Whats going to happen is they are going to make the current tree in Dragon Isles and there may or may not be a city there.
There is definitely going to be a raid/zone location.
If there is a revamp there isn’t going to be a second capital city. Why would there when this new tree is supposed to be the new hope/home.
Probably more shared content like moonglade or hyjal… as for the rest as per usual Blizzard would put down 2 houses and a inn and call it a town. Thats the best i can expect.
There isn’t going to be a NE suramar. I dont think that would ever happen… not that it would make sense. Who are they supposed to house? Ghosts?

And if there is a

Literally in the novella.
And not complete extinction neither, learn to read

I honestly don’t think it would qualify in a real-world sense, and I’m not saying that just because I have a red avatar. But Blizzard committed to using the word, so we’re stuck with it.

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