Thats my point. They have written the Horde as such and thats what the Horde is now.
The characters that tried to keep the peace, trade and work with the Horde not only failed but suffered as a direct result.
You can’t trust the Horde. To preserve peace you must prepare for war. Jaina’s story is the story of overcoming old hatreds in favor of peace and cooperation.
The results of that are disaster of epic proportions.
Let’s assume for a moment that you’re right. The Horde does attack again.
Somehow someone gets a force together, completely usurps the Horde Council, declares themself the new Warchief, and takes the Horde into another war.
What then?
I’ll tell you.
Horde and Alliance have a war again.
Horde splinters into two factions, again.
Bad Horde faction gets defeated and bad warchief gets deposed. Again.
Alliance forgive the good faction except maybe one or two characters. Again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
So, even if the Horde remains stuck as the “Always Attack First Because Mean Savage Orcs Are Mean” faction, so will the Alliance forever remain as the “Alright you got me, fine, don’t do it again” faction.
So, I have to ask, do we really want to keep these clichés rolling along?
Don’t be ridiculous. The game’s what Blizzard writes it to be.
If Blizzard decides to never villain bat the Horde again and never have them start a war again, all that’s left is you being a salty biscuit over it.
I think you are not understanding what I am saying.
Take the meta out of your head. Take the benefit of hindesight from the equation and put yourself in the shoes of the characters in this world.
Now imagine they are faced with the question of attacking or trusting the Horde.
what WE as players know are not the same thing as THEY the characters in the universe know.
Blizzard have poopoo’ed the bed. They messed up. They have made a scenario where if a character somewhere are sitting and living their life and they see a group of Horde running at them. They can and should and will assume the worst.
Because thats what Blizzard have written. If there is another mini Daelin character somewhere in some zone.
How could he/she be wrong? How many times has the Alliance been burned by touching the fire before learning not to touch it?
You can’t use the benefit of hindsight or meta to color that character as the villain, the only thing you can do is color it tragic.
You can only color a new Daelin as bad if the story progresses to generations and generations after the current timeframe where the Horde actually kept to the peace agreement and didn’t go on a murder spree anymore.
Then and only then can the story argue that Daelin 2.0 is actually a bad guy who was ignorant or weak of character.
You understand what I mean?
Just as they couldn’t force how cool Sylvanas is or how innocent but not really tho. They wouldn’t be able to see this done too.
Mistrusting the Horde is logical because there is evidence that when you try to be their friends and neighbors you get yourself or people you love killed.
Thats the lore. Thats what Blizzard has done. Blizzard can’t spin this any other way.
They tried! Thrall asked “whats different this time?” And Jaina answered “we are.”
Really? A more pessemist and depressed Thrall and Jaina duo not blinded by naive ideals is what was needed?
You can sweep aside the meta all you like, but at the end of the day it’s still going to end with the scenario of the persons who perpetuate a war are going to be portrayed as wrong, while the people who want peace are going to be in the right.
If someone on the Alliance starts the war tomorrow, for whatever reason, Alliance players should expect to oppose them eventually when it turns into “Good Peace Supporting Alliance” trying to stop “Bad Warmonger Alliance”.
Don’t worry though. Just like Blizzard included little sidequest options to support Sylvanas, I’m sure there’ll be similar quests for you to support these unsung heroes of the Alliance. Even though in the end it won’t matter a wit. They’d still be headed for the Azeroth lorebooks as the villains of the story.
That’s fine.
In the middle of BFA when Blizzard had the Horde genocide an entire race we still had Alliance leaders bemoaning about killing horde and how evil that is.
Horde players complain about Baine, now imagine the entire roster of your heroes is Baine Lite to Baine Stout.
Blizzard is certainly going to try to make false equivalencies but they are going to fail just as they failed with redeeming Sylvanas they are going to fail at making an Alliance leader the villain that people would actually hate as a villain.
To be expected. Some people still think Daelin Proudmoore was the goodguy in that situation.
Then again some people think Raszagath and the Incarnates are the goodguys as well.
Nobody thinks bringing the end of the world is a “goodguy” trait.
If there is bad villain Alliance character who wants the Light to conquer the world.
Yeah he/she would be bad but not because they killed lots of Horde but because of the whole light thing. Its why Alliance can run over hundreds of goblins over with a giant fireball and no one will care.
There is nothing Blizzard can do to make the Horde appear as these innocent victims that did nothing wrong and did not deserve what happened to them.
Anduin never tried to not defeat the Horde. The Zandalari were taken out to cripple the ability to help us with their fleet. Saurfang was freed to make the Horde implode from the inside by stirring a rebellion. The Alliance actually has leaders who try their best to make their own team win. But Baine? And Varok? They tried their best to sabotage the Horde and wanted to see us fail and conquered by the alliance. You don’t have that problem. But Baine is the single most important leader on the council right now who calls all important decisions. We are hindered by our own leaders to ever succeed. We complain about him because he doesn’t support us whenever it is about being against the alliance. That is why the community is tired of this situation. Be happy Tyrande got to call justice against Sylvanas. Baine, Thrall and Calia however try everything they can to appease towards Anduin because he is their new best friend now.
The night elves are doing fine. There will always be enough people alive to make the race matter in the story. Teldrassil was just a short shock value. But as long as all your leaders are not dead you lost nothing.
Who said you can’t complain that you lost it? However, you got it back in the same vein that at least we got back Southshore(you dont see me complaining about the current state of Southshore do you? My only issue with it is it should be shown ingame!). The point of my post is to compare the fact the night elves did not get back Teldrassil(yes they will get something else, but not Teldrassil) while the Forsaken get to get back what was once theirs.
Which city exactly do we have that does not have a Horde equivalent? Because Theramore was turned into rubble.
Untrue. Before the outcomes were announced, there were pro-Alliance posters who were absolutely livid about the idea of Horde winning either of those battlefronts.
Separate issue. I have a hard time believing you’d be here making multi-paragraph posts about how the game needs to be updated if Horde had won, say, Arathi.
You are assuming that because pro-Alliance players are unhappy, nothing needs to be done to help pro-Horde players. News flash: the two things are not mutually exclusive. Do you truly believe Horde players weren’t also hurt by BfA’s story, just in different ways?
The story of the whole freakin’ expansion was supposed to be the salve for Alliance players. They gave Horde players the cinematics because that was all they were going to get out of it. And before you say the expansion story didn’t work, I’ve got another news flash for you: most Horde players weren’t exactly comforted by all the Sadfang cinematics either. Blizz just effed it up all the way across the board. We should be united in blaming the writers, not each other.