No one hated Jaina

I’ve always hated when blizz whitewashes the alliances crimes and or proves them to be in the right in the end. It makes for boring storytelling and gets real old, super quick

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Rastakhan was more worth then the entire horde council. And the fleet going boom made sure the Zandalari were useless for the rest of the war.

No she doesen’t. She agreed to the peace treaty.

That was the biggest blow to our cast since MoP.

Since the Horde had nothing to do with it Thrall wasn’t obledged to do anything about it. Also the massacre wasn’t the reason to cut trade with the Horde. They were pressured by Varian because of wrathgate.

The alliance lost nothing. Lore characters are more important than land that can easily be taken back.

Both are equally important. Players generally dislike, as we’ve seen with Teldrassil, when their favorites are destroyed and or taken away for obscure and or dumb reasons.

This is why most zones usually given back after a short while. Even Guild Wars 2, when they destroyed Lions Gate, it was rebuilt better than it was eventually.

Saying zones don’t matter is silly, they do matter to some of us. A lot of people have a special attachment to specific zones because of the fond memories they created there.

No, they aren’t.
I’ve had Orgrimmar since vanilla.
I have not had an orcish racial leader representing my race every expansion since vanilla.


Yes. They are. Just because YOU don’t think are, doesn’t make it any less true.

Neither my thinking on the matter, nor yours, makes it true or false.
The fact that Orgrimmar is not a main character that appears in the mainstory to represent the orcish race makes it false.

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The story is driven by leaders. Zones are just for questing.

You claim our thinking makes it neither true or false. Pick a lane and try to stick to it please

And yet people complain about the leaders hogging up the spotlight. Generally speaking, people don’t really care for them as much as you or Treng does

The horde did not know this and even Thrall thought it was the Horde who caused it. Regardless, a declaration that if the Horde did cause it and would give up the perpetrators to Alliance is something they should have done.

You make it sound like that is better considering the Wrathgate was the Horde’s fault.

And even then it still important because 1) when the night elves cut off trade. The Horde was not starving. 2) when they did start feeling the pinch of the Cataclysm instead of trying to improve diplomatic relatiionships with the night elves Thrall made it worse 3) even if a nation was starving no one is oblige to trade with them. Especially if they are considered a threat. If said nation decides to start a war they would still be considered the aggressors.

Horde players are forced to follow Anduin and Jaina because all of our good leaders are dead or exiled.

Yeah, yeah. I heard this a million times before. Which is why having any racial constantly be in the spotlight is dumb. It’s nice when they show up once in a blue moon.

I’m tired of constantly following people like Jaina and Anduin. They aren’t even that interesting to begin with

I think most of us are generally sick and tired of the same three alliance leaders being in the spotlight or getting mentioned in nearly every expansion


I haven’t seen Anduin or Jaina all expansion. I can’t say I’m sad about this.

However, I recently attended a big giant orc party where all the big orc clans were present. Frost Wolves, Warsong, Blackrock, Bleeding Hollow, Shattered Hand. Even Dragonmaw trying to put itself back together was present. Good food, great company, honoring ancestors, even getting to chat with some ghosts of awesome orc heroes. It was a blast.

Later on Baine and I get to punch some Nokhud jerks in the face.

Great times.


Bovan is dead and the Orc NPCs a bunch of nobodies Nobody cares about instead of the legendary chieftains of the past. Baine failed again to save his people and Orc lore is dead.

It is relevant that the Horde have no one left to look up to except of alliance loving traitors like Baine and Thrall.

They aren’t traitors just because they have more common sense than you Erevien. I’ve seen your horrible takes. It would completely destroy the horde

Nah, Kael’thas betrayed the Blood Elves.
Sold them out to the Legion.

He also almost sold the Blood Elves out to the Alliance.

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They are traitors. The teamed up with the alliance to bring down Sylvanas. I rather have them executed before I accept them as leaders like the filth they are. Calia too.