No one hated Jaina

Play Warcraft 3. He was the one to have the blood elves leave the alliance.

He was also the one who brought them into the crap in the first place.
Also, Garithos pushed the Blood Elves out. Kael’thas rolled onto his back and showed belly like a submissive little doggy, trying to avoid the crapstorm.

He meant well.
But he eventually sold the Blood Elves out to the Legion regardless, so… eh. Kael’thas betrayed the Blood Elves first.

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Which was another stupid retcon to give the pve players more boss loot. Nobody cares about Liadrin. The entire blood elf plot was given to Velen when it should have been Kael’thas to drive our story back in TBC.

As much as I like Sylvanas, she was going to destroy the horde and everyone else along with them. I hate what they did to her in BfA and SL much as the next person. But now we have to come to terms with the devs terrible lore decisions

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But as it stands, Kael’thas was the one who betrayed the Blood Elves, not the other way around.

The Alliance were still the ones who betrayed the Blood Elves though, big time even.

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I did the blood elf heritage twice just to see how he destroyed the Sunwell in order to stop harm towards his people. That was the closest we get to see his characterization how it was intended.

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Indeed, it is a shame.

Him falling for Kil’jaedens lies was just… weird. I wish it was otherwise.

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Bfa was a plot by Afrasiabi to ruin the legacy of Metzen.

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It was more than just Afrasiabi. It takes several teams to make an expansion

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Orc lore is promising, and the new chiefs have potential to be awesome. They just need some frickin’ face time from frickin’ Blizzard. This is why I’m hoping by this expansion’s ending they put Tyrande and the frickin’ night elves on the frickin’ back burner.

We haven’t had a good orc centered expansion since WoD. That needs to frickin’ change.

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They are just a bunch of one time Quest givers. Like most Horde stories they will be forgotten and not getting more attention. Also my favorite clan is extinct so I stopped caring for Orc lore alltogether. I stick to trolls and blood elves for now.

Regardless of the crap that people give WoD. I really enjoyed the questing on both sides during that expansion. Especially Frostfire Ridge and Shadowmoon Valley. The cinematic ending for both zones are still amazing to this day


Ga’nar is the unsung GOAT of the orcs.


Yeah, Ga’nar doesn’t get the love that he deserves from people. His sacrifice bought everyone enough time to bring the fight to the Iron Horde and the way he went out?

It was both fist bump moment and sad at the same time. Rarely does blizz get it right like that


When did this happen? I must have missed something.

It doesn’t matter either way, alliance has more characters and zones. Honestly yall win on both sides here. Horde doesn’t even fully control the barrens, and i am just talking about the north side.

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And I hate it just as much as you do. I’m not an alliance supremacist unliked some other alliance posters here. It sucks that the horde constantly gets the short end of the stick :frowning:


I think Golden made a comment once that Sylvanas attacked Bolvar at the Frozen Throne mere hours after she fled from the Gates of Orgrimmar. I can’t find the official posting of that however, so take it with a grain of salt.

Honestly the more I think about it the more unlikely it seems because this would conflict with the timetable of ingame events themselves. It would mean the way to the Shadowlands was opened all while we were contending with N’Zoth.

Let’s be honest though. I can see Alleria using the void to torture orcs. Turalyon assisting in that however? That strikes me as completely out of character for him, seeing as he’s Mr. Kiss-Naaru-Butt.

One of the reasons we need an update to Kalimdor, EK, and probably Northred and Pandaria as well. All these zones are trapped about six or seven expansions in the past. People assume that after night elves won in Dark Shore they followed up with pushing all Horde out of Ashenvale. Perhaps they did.

I would like to see something similar about all Alliance being expelled from the Barrens and Dustwallow after the destruction of Theramore.


The only people who care about “Yes, darkshore was an Alliance victory” or “Yeah, arathi highlands was totally an Alliance victory” are Horde partisans on the story forums for purposes of scoring debating points. I don’t care about what some dev said in an interview. Those tend to be thrown aside and forgotten in the future anyway, after a new crop of devs comes in. What matters is what is portayed in game. Darkshore is a practically unlivable blighted mess. Hillsbrad foothills and silverpine are still occupied by Horde if I go there in game right now. Gilneas has still not been retaken by the Worgen. The darkshore warfront featured a bunch of nameless Horde redshirts lead by of all people, traitors to the Night Elves and the Alliance. And of course, Teldrassil is still smoking ruins. Best case scenario is the Night Elves are forced to relocate and abandon Kalimdor, something the forsaken don’t have to do regarding Eastern Kingdoms.

The Dazaralor raid was a big fat farce. The Alliance is going to sacrifice a bunch of soldiers for the nebulous goal of getting the Zandalari to not side with the Horde? Stupid in the extreme. The only thing it accomplished besides driving the Zandalari into the Horde’s arms was making Talanji the leader. Who is arguably more competent than her father. It would have been more in the Alliance’s interests to leave him alive.

The start of the expansion was the Alliance getting steamrolled and outplayed in Kalimdor by the Horde, culminating with the outrageous insult of the burning of the tree, not to mention the turning of our own against us (Summermoon). And in response to this, we aren’t even allowed the satisfaction of a proper victory at the Undercity. We go in like lambs to the slaughter, having to be saved by deus ex Jaina and the gnomes (as to the gnomes, I’m not sure whether that was planned or not, but it sure seemed to be a “we’re here to unexpectedly save the day” moment, not “the Alliance has been planning this all along”). So, like Mr. Magoo, we somehow stumble our way to a seemingly assured victory. But of course, the Alliance can’t be allowed a clean victory, even an accidental one. Sylvanas is given the privilege of mocking and insulting our leaders while they are not allowed to give any kind of response, after which she nearly kills them. Only deus ex Jaina being there saves them. And finally, we see Sylvanas and co. leaving on a zeppelin looking down at the blighted ruins, while looking smugly at the camera. If this was an Alliance victory, it surely was not signaled as one.

And after all this trauma the Alliance has to go through, and all the insults Alliance players have to endure, what does Blizzard deem is the best thing to do? Try to salve the poor Horde players’ consciences, of course. It is deemed necessary to have multiple HD cinematics explaining why “the Horde isn’t all bad! See, an old orc is sorry for what has happened!” Baine also serves this role, and of course Horde players hate him for it.

Meanwhile, Sylvanas, whom Horde players pin all the blame on, and Alliance players hate for all she’s done both in BfA and before, gets to fly off into the sky as if nothing’s happened. Alliance players could have at least had the consolation prize of her head (even though that would in no way have made up for everything that had happened), but no, she gets an entire expansion devoted to explaining why “it’s not her fault! It was that big, bad Arthas and his evil sword that made her how she is! The Jailor was manipulating her, blame him instead!”

And none of this is even mentioning Cataclysm and Theramore, which was just a straightforward land grab by the Horde with absolutely nothing given in return. Meanwhile the Alliance leveling storylines were written by Horde devs who basically turn the Alliance into a huge joke. (There’s even a forshadowing of the burning of Teldrassil with the bombing of the druid tree in Stonetalon mountains). If there absolutely had to be an even split of leveling zones between Alliance and Horde, it could have been done in a way that didn’t spit in the faces of Alliance players while giving them nothing to alleviate the sting of losing all those zones.

To go back to where I started: I wouldn’t mind a true role reversal, because it would mean the Alliance would at least get portrayed as cool and winning stuff. Regardless of what is said out of game by devs.


If you start asking why she isn’t teleporting photon torpedoes into the Orgrimmar throne room, you’ll be eating Neelix’s cooking for a month.