No one hated Jaina

She wasn’t before Pandaria. Then it got silly.

If it doesn’t have Bruce Campbell or Elvira, it’s not worth my time.

Shop smart Shope S Mart

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Like how is the entire horde leadership not dead if she can teleport a large amount of people to and from large distances at any time?


She took down an entire necropolis on her own in Varian’s comic

Because teleportation has always been incosistent.

Not for here LOL. My girl summoned a flying pirate ship and then yeeted her friends away from lordaeron in a second.

It’s like when 14 year olds larp, one of them says “I shot you,” the other one says “no you didn’t, I phased in and out of existence at the right time to dodge the bullet.”

That’s Jaina. That’s why I don’t like jaina atm lmao.

“It’s time to dismantle the horde!!!” Well then do it? Since apparently you obviously can?



For Alliance players, maybe. I don’t think there’s anything they can do that would make me want to spend screen time with her again. Which is too bad because she was my favorite character once upon a time.


I don’t have a masochism kink so whenever the game forces me to pal up with Jaina or Tyrande as a horde player for whatever ungodly reason I just sigh.

(Jaina also was a favorite of mine pre pandaria.)


Eh, I use to be annoyed by Jaina.
But then they allowed us to face off against her in a raid encounter where we beat her down to a sliver of health and forced her to mage-bubble-hearth run away.
“Must Powerful Human Mage Ever” doesn’t have as much of an impressive ring to it if she can be defeated by a band of adventurers just out for the loots.

Later on we had to rescue her from Torghast.

Despite her feats she’s by no means “All Powerful”.

Tyrande however? Ugh. After the night elves get their precious tree set in place I hope she and Malfurion are left out of story and cutscenes for at least a couple of expansions.

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I just want other night elves to have some story. We need new nelves. Very tired of the theocracy squad.


Jarod Shadowsong seemed cool. Pity they never continued doing anything with him past Legion.

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At the end of the raid, she’s fine.
Shadowlands’ nelvenweald play suggests she left because she wanted to, not because she had to. “She was at sea and didn’t kill the entire Horde??? WHAT???” etc.

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The play didn’t get it quite right, and I think that was the point. A bunch of woodland sprites trying to recreate what had happened but weren’t in full possession of all the facts. I think this was true for other plays as well.

We were there at the raid and saw what happened. You get Jaina to 5% health, then she says “No! Not like this!” before shielding up and porting out. She was certainly in fear for her life and didn’t want to die to a bunch of Horde raiders. When Alliance players talk to Anduin after the raid is done, he tells them that Jaina was gravely injured but recovering.

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And when you go to see her immediately after, she’s fine.
In case you don’t remember, Dreadmoore was my main for years upon years upon years.

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Sounds like Blizzard inconsistency to me.
EDIT: Not to mention that healers on Azeroth are, for the most part, pretty quick on getting peoples healed up and back on their feet.

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She comments on her health.

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All the same, she still ran because she feared for her life. It’s evident by her voicelines when you win the raid that she knew if she had stayed to try fighting it out, she would have gotten killed. Instead she ports out in a big hurry. Jaina drew the horde raiders into that ice arena in an effort to kill them all and it was she who got close to death instead, but instead she ran.

If it were in a PvP Duel format it would have ended like “Jaina fled from Horde Raid Team in a duel”.

We literally kill gods every other week. In any case, the Horde did fail to kill her and she got most of the Alliance to escape. Which was her goal so she still got the last laugh on the Horde.

I mean, if it was her and the Alliance players vs the Horde players, It would likely be a different outcome.

it was her and the Alliance players.
How short is your memory span???

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I still believe that she was deliberately out to try and assassinate the Horde players in that raid fight. When she locked all the Horde pursuing ships in ice, the Alliance were out of danger. She could have ported out then and she would have had her last laugh. She stayed behind to fight not to buy more time, but to try and bleed the Horde of even more of their resources.

Probably true. We had Nathanos. :roll_eyes:
On the other hand, Nathanos might not seem like much and he’s a completely dirty bastard, but he was still able to keep combined Alliance and Horde forces at bay for quite a while. Right up until Tyrande swooped in and stole the kill.

It might have been interesting either way.

I don’t recall seeing Alliance heroes supporting her in that raid fight. A few NPCs but no player characters. What exactly are you referring to?

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Not in the raid fight against Jaina, but she was absolutely leading the Alliance’s invasion of the city where Alliance players are forced to retreat.

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