No one hated Jaina

I repeat. It’s the worst Hell that wow lore has to offer.

You might think it’s nothing more than a spooky cave but if you had the opportunity ask the NPCs I’m sure they would disagree. Plus you had the opportunity to leave any time you wanted while anyone else was stuck there to suffer for eternity.

I’d also be willing to bet that if someone told you that the only WoW questing you were ever allowed to do for the rest of time was dailies in the Maw, you might have something to say about that.

Think about that, and then ask yourself again if Sylvanas got a mere “slap on the wrist”.

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Begrudgingly so.
Hopefully if the treaty is to be broken, that it’s the Alliance that break the treaty, I’m so sick of the Horde always being put on the villain pedestal.

Wh… What? She literally caught him - Mid act, in Theramore - Stooging Theramore’s shields.

Also, Aethas didn’t “Let it happen” because he didn’t even know the extent of Thalen Songweaver’s intentions & true loyalties (Towards Garrosh).

Thalen’s treachery was a blow to the Sunreavers’ credibility, who had only recently succeeded in their mission to carve out an equal place in the Kirin Tor’s ranks. Heck, even Archmage Rhonin did not believe the upper echelons of the Sunreavers were aware of Thalen’s treachery, but the Kirin Tor leader was killed by the bomb shortly after the subject was raised. Aethas himself, agitated by the betrayal, maintained that he was unaware of Thalen’s duplicity, and stated that he would make any amends that he could for it, ultimately supporting Jaina as the new leader of the Kirin Tor.

I know quite a few people throw stuff upon the forums via making crap up, or falsifying lore, but in most cases these days it’s accidental due to retcons. At least read the book or research the subject first before you go boldly declaring how things falsely are.

In no way did Aethas ‘cover for the traitor’


My fire mage might consider returning it if she was asked nicely, but it’s kind of,… permanently broken. Considering that she retrieved it from Arthas’s castle it’s kind of a finders keepers deal.

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Instigating a wholesale population purge is not a “total normal human reaction” to suspicions of treason. Even if she had proof of a high level conspiracy, which she did not, “normal human” sensibilities tend to condemn bloody purges of largely-civilian populations. Surely you don’t need me to tell you this.


A slap on the wrist and a dagger to the back then

You’re one of those guys like Greymane who are just mad because they didn’t get to pick the punishment, ain’t ya? :roll_eyes:

Sunreavers were a military and political entity, the organization was deemed a threat and was expelled from Dalaran. Jaina didn’t have time to take a census and do a townhall fireside chat to figure out who is who.

Again this wasn’t even their first time. Maybe Aethas shouldn’t have done what he did to put Jaina in that position. :dracthyr_shrug:

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I rather welcome Diablo’s Version of Hell than WoW’s. WoW’s Version of Hell isn’t interesting.

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I can’t deny it to a certain extent- have you seen the ending of the most recent Evil Dead movie? I found myself wishing something like that on Sylvanas quite frequently. I would have found it quite cathartic.

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True, it wasn’t.

To be perfectly honest, by the time we got to the point where she was diving into the Maw per Tyrande’s judgement I had already stopped giving a crap what her final fate turned out to be.

I just wanted her out of the frickin’ story.


Political, sure. Military, not really. It might seem so mirrored against the explicitly militant Silver Covenant, but the Sunreavers’ primary function is to host Silvermoon citizens who wish to study in Dalaran. Unlike the Covenant, it actually has civilians. We saw tons of them during the purge. It wasn’t reformed into a proper military group until swelling its ranks with Silvermoon’s actual military factions in the following patch.

Although this is admittedly a pointless distinction in a setting where every mage is a potential WMD and the battlefield is Hogwarts University.

Weak. As Jaina said herself, when defending their place in the city, the Sunreavers had been “loyal and productive members of the Kirin Tor for over two thousand years.” Dalaran was in no apparent danger from Gary’s bell - it neither went through, nor to Dalaran - and defaulting to a bloody, indiscriminate purge under specious circumstances is just not it, boss.


I would not be so sure.

One Sunreaver blowed up her city and ran away to silvermoon and another conspiracy stole a dangerous weapon for the war effort.
What we find out in meta or in hindsight isn’t really relevant to what the character knew at the time. Besides her solution wasn’t to line up every sunreaver against the wall and have them shot.
The were arrested and exiled, only those that fought were killed.

Buddy. I remember you saying WoT was a great thing in response to Stormheim so don’t go clutching your pearls at me now :joy:

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I’ve done a few rounds of this dance with various forum posters over the years, and I’ve concluded that some people just don’t get what’s wrong with collective punishment, at least in a fictional context.

(Or possibly, don’t want to get it because it might make their side look bad.)


Collective punishment just leads to people ending up being resentful and eventually comitting the same crimes their ancestors did because they’re tired of being punished for things they had no part in.

It’s just leads to that whole cycle of See I told you there were evil! mentality and nobody ends up healing

Zerde is your only like. How does that feel?

Sounds like another stupid retcon.

As long as you dont like something I say, i take it as the greatest compliment.

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I don’t really ENJOY Jaina right now but I think Jaina is salvageable.

I just think she’s too OP and I really want to see her have some kind of discourse with the blood elves that she wronged in Dalaran.

Her and Rexar also need to have a serious conversation about their relationship in BFA which we never get a resolution to which, IMO, is a massive unresolved cliff hanger.

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She is suppose to be OP. She is suppose to be the most powerful human mage of all time.