No one hated Jaina

Jaina activley engaged the Horde while Baine did his best to prevent any harm towards the alliance. That is why he is hated.

Covering for Garrosh’s spy was Aethas’s goof. Conducting a bloody purge in reprisal was Jaina’s, and to her credit she owned up to it rather than deny all responsibility.


I remember that questline, when Jaina confronted Aethas he was so nonchalant about it… Mind you this is the second time one of his sunreavers did something they shouldn’t have.

He basically put a target on every sunreaver. This was his goof for sure. Like what realistic alternative would Jaina have to root out the traitors individually? The only solution after confronting aethas was to pull them all out root and stem.

And aethas had to turn over Blood Elf artifact to be admitted back to the club house.
Its not so black and white.

Ah… 99 new replies to a post I made in 2019… neat.


Indeed he was. I’d have been far more emotive to port in and find three of my guys murdered by my boss’s pet.

I mean, there were plenty of ways Jaina could have discerned the truth, but she wasn’t interested in doing so. She’d determined to remove the Sunreavers even before arriving in Dalaran. She gave Aethas a chance to accept exile (probably the wise choice) and then deputized his political rivals to purge his faction from the city. The extrajudicial killings and inevitable resistance this bad decision provoked are doubtless why she concedes the Sunreavers have a valid quarrel with her.

Well, unless BfA’s writers forgot her fireballing all those cowering civilians was meant to be a bug, in which case the “blood on (her) hands” is rather more literal.

This is Dalarani cope, my little magistrix’s loyal coterie of Tirisgarde minions know to whom the fellow melon truly belongs.


Forums be foruming.

Thus far they didn’t, thankfully. At the end of BfA, she met with Kadgar in Oribos where she more or less apologized and expressed regret for ragequitting the Kirin Tor after he allowed the Horde back into the city.

As much as Golden might have hated the angry anti-Horde Jaina, they are still acknowledging that it happened.

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Not only that but the Defias was circulating anti-Jaina propaganda based on that minor matter of serving up her own father to Thrall and Rexxar.

She didn’t exactly get a warm welcome when Anduin sent her to Kul Tiras, either.


Some literature has to age… like fine wine.

Aethas is filth. He better die. Felo’melorn belongs to the blood elves.

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Felo’melorn belongs to the Sunstrider Dynasty… Who Lor’themar and the current Horde-aligned Blood Elves betrayed.

It’s to bad BfA was bad.

Their first mistake was making Sylvanas the main Horde character. Their second was Shadowlands. Coulda made BfA a more grey story where there was no clear villain, just people reacting.

Instead you get Garrosh but worse.

Garrosh ruined the Panda’s pretty valley? War criminal. Sylvanas used chemical warfare, committed mass genocide on the majority of the Night elf race by burning down their tree, and damned thousands more to an afterlife of hell?

Nah man, slap on the wrist and give her a chance to “redeem” herself.

These last few expansions still make so mad, Garrosh deserved better than becoming a :funeral_urn:

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And Silvermoon belongs to the Forest trolls.

Kael’thas will be back. And I will gladly support him

Sylvanas is confined to WoW’s worst hell and she’s going to be doing soul collecting weekly quests for practically the rest of time.

Think about it. Would you want to be doing the same weekly quest over and over again for eternity?
That doesn’t exactly strike me as a “slap on the wrist”.

Garrosh at least had his chance for atonement in Revendreth.

Felo’melorn belongs to my goblin fire mage, who’s currently retired and enjoying the sweet life at what use to be Gallywix’s pleasure palace.


Didn’t I hear that the devs have fixed the “bug” so that Jaina no longer kills people in the street now? And they did that after they had her apologize … hmmmm …

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Sylvanas was sent to super hell for the rest of time. There is no worse punishment then that. Meanwhile Jaina walks around scott free. Blizzard protects the alliance characters and removes the Horde ones. The bias is obvious.

Sylvanas is literally undead and lived in a sewer for almost 30 years. A glorified spooky cave with an Owl stalking her is literally a slap on the wrist. Her only job is to take out fodder.

Do Forsaken even need to eat or sleep?

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Considering they’re reanimated corpses, no, they don’t need to eat or sleep. Some do it just out of habit though

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I don’t mind the Sunreavers could have legitimate beef with her but that was the second time a Sunreaver went off the reservation to screw with what they shouldn’t have, all under Aethas’ tenure.
We all talk about how the Alliance are the stupid good and for once we are getting a total normal human reaction from Jaina thats morally grey. Some players pretend it is far worse than it actually was so they could falsely compare Sylvanas with Jaina.
Even if Jaina went full doomguy on the Sunreavers in Dalaran… Jaina had enough reasoning and justification to go down that road, Aethas did nothing to help the situation either when he could have done something to make Jaina’s actions seem even disproportionate.

This should have probably happened after Theramore though, that would have made a far better story but I will take it as is.

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Blizzard protects anyone with boobs more like. And no worse punishment than that? Please, she was already living as a forsaken. The only differince now is that she’s damned to an eternity of dailies with no pay.