No one hated Jaina

yet you ignore my point of 90% of the horde campaign being about fighting alliance/night elves and the Rexxar campaign being all about alliance/horde.

I mean if you only like the Alliance stuff should we then write the Horde out of the story?

I never said Horde vs Alliance wasn’t part of it. I’m just saying you don’t need Horde vs Alliance to have War in Warcraft.

This is not a difficult concept.


So as far as I can tell then you liked the Alliance story and didn’t care for the Horde story because it had too much alliance vs Horde and Horde villain batting. I mean you must have hated the Horde story in the game and want simply just want more Alliance story.

I think there is perhaps maybe two missions in the Horde campaign where you aren’t killing nightelves or alliance. Even then the oracle mission has you trying to beat jaina from getting there first.

I just looked back through the Warcraft 3 orc campaign and…no. This is not the case. Eight missions in total during the orc campaign, five of them were orcs fighting either the Alliance or the Night Elves.
The first two missions had the orcs fighting Centaur or some other whatever that was threatening the tauren.
The last mission is humans and orcs working together against the Burning Legion.
Who’da thunk it? War without Alliance vs Horde!? Not in My Warcraft!!!

Actually my favorite WC3 story is Founding of Durotar, which I admit is a Horde vs Alliance story, but it’s also a Horde and Alliance vs Alliance story as well.

Featuring a human villain who even today’s no-villains-allowed Alliance look back on and think “Wow that guy really sucks”.

At any rate, my point still stands.
You don’t need to have Horde vs Alliance to have WAR in your Warcraft.

Infact given how terrible they are at writing faction war, it’s best if they just stopped trying.


The Zandalari are useless without their fleet.

Kael’thas would have executed them. Now the alliance has the power of creation for themselves because of the mistake Bob made.

Actually this is my point, This was a good story and required conflict,

people who harp on about warcraft 3 need to be more specific about parts they liked and didn’t like. Did you like Grom drinking demon blood and going all murder hobo on the elves? did you like having to team up with Jaina to save him? No? then state that and we won’t get another Horde villian batting where we have to team up AKA MOP/BFA.

Yes and yes. Because then, it was good story, at least IMO.

MoP and BfA? Mid-level to utter trash attempts at recycling franchise favorites. They weren’t popular, they don’t know how to do it good anymore.
Straight up, they need to quit trying.

You’re a funny guy there, chief. Blizzard either will do it or won’t do it regardless of what opinions folks like you or I have about them.


No, they do it because they keep seeing horde players harping on about warcraft 3 being the best time for the Horde. So they just re write that story using a new Horde leader and start a new conflict with Horde attacking the Alliance. I’m sure they are just as frustrated as I am when horde players cry about this not being what they asked for.

Honestly Until I asked you to narrow down what you liked for you were exactly the same.

Lor’themar started stepping away from the Horde, when he felt the Horde started betraying its principles and its people.

He will not suffer having his people used as meatshields and sacrificial pieces in an overblown war, hence why I am vehemently against his involvement in Sylvanas’ war against the Alliance in BFA, it makes no sense.

It is amazing though, that people really want characters who are strictly Horde and Alliance, and never able to fluctuate depending on their actual character.

Baine is a hardcore Horde character (As in, never considered leaving the Horde under any circumstance)… who kisses the feet of Alliance. Is that what people want?


As I stated earlier, they saw how poorly their last attempt at Faction War was overall received. That’s why they seem to be abandoning trying anymore, evident that we are slipping more and more away from Factions fighting each other and more towards cooperating.
Cross-faction dungeon groups and raid groups.
Cross-faction guilds even?
The only Alliance and Horde involvement in the current expansion is their respective groups of archeology experts combining into one faction. Oh, and Baine fighting Centaur.

So, maybe enough nerds like us raising our voice and making enough opinions known can sway their decisions.
Who’da thunk it. :smiley:

Sadly, this is true but it should have been an indication we needed new writers not that they needed to scrap the war story. I mean the hype of the faction was when it was announced was massive, they just mishandled it terribly. I put this down to change the story mid development when afrasbi was removed.

I mean, not really but whatever helps you sleep at night I suppose.

I find the whole lore surrounding Void Elves infuriating because it sh!ts on Blood Elf Shadowpriests essentially stating them as non-canon, along with any other void-using Blood elves.

Would certainly love Blizzard to address this, but they’re extremely lazy when it comes to lore so I know they won’t.

I stopped caring for them after Patch 8.1 when Blizzard ruined them to give the alliance an undeserved victory.

I mean ‘victory’ – Really?
They killed the king, ran with their tail between their legs and achieved the opposite effect of their goal.

Sounds like a catastrophic failure to me. The only thing they did achieve was destroying the massive fleet at the port of their city.

Without the fleet the Zandalari were no use to the Horde for the rest of the war.

Aside from numbers in forces.
If you recall, in actual war – War is a game of resources. Aside from food, weapons and vehicles (Like ships for instance) there’s also the resources of people. The Zandalari may not have had their fleet, but they held an ire towards the Alliance for revenge and a place aside the Horde’s army.

Talanji agreed to the peace treaty there won’t be revenge any time soon.

Thats meta knowledge that Jaina had no idea about.
If you want to blame anyone blame Aethas that let it happen and then covered for the traitor.
This is his goof, not jaina’s

At least Jaina wasn’t the leader of an Alliance core race.