No one hated Jaina

To be clear, he is absolutely lying about these two points.

When Jaina purges the Blood Elves, it SOLIDIFIES the Blood Elves as Horde, as well as Lor’themar as a potential candidate as Warchief. He even states he will become Warchief if he has to.

It has not “”“gotten worse”“” since then. Time and again, Lor’themar, Halduron, the wizard whose name escapes me, and Liadrin have been shoring up for the Horde – though, admittedly, Halduron and the wizard far less than Lor’themar and Liadrin.

Nevermind that if it had “”“gotten worse”“” he would’ve used examples.


They have been repeating the warcraft 3 storylines so many times now because people keep harping on about it.

Literally its the reason why we got Evil horde in Mop and BFA,

Bad horde leader joins bad guy, Alliance and horde team up and defeat said leader then face big bad.

Honestly horde players need to stop pointing to War 3 like it was the best of the Horde stories.

Besides they still had fighting between the factions it was essentially the primary focus of the start of the human campaign, the horde pre campaign and most of their main campaign. Not to mention Rexxars campaign was all about alliance/Horde and that is the part I feel most horde players like the most.

Incorrect. We get Evil Horde in MoP because Blizzard felt the need to do Horde vs Alliance storyline but were unwilling to let the Alliance get too aggressive. They pretty much scrapped any Moral Gray vs Moral Gray angles they were aiming for during Cata and dumped all their villainy points directly onto Garrosh going into MoP.

They did this because they wanted someone players of both factions could rally against. It was…not terrible. Not good, but not utter garbage.

The BfA Horde vs Alliance though? Sylvanas playing the role of Garrosh 2.0?
That was trash. It was the exact same thing as MoP but worse.

And War3 was one of the best of Warcraft’s stories, because it was written by people who actually had the frickin’ stones to write Alliance as a-holes.
Unlike the milqtoasts currently in charge of it.

Is there really a villain through Warcraft’s lore more iconic than Arthas frickin’ Menethil?


Depends how much Anasterian’s secession from the Alliance reflects on them. The future blood elves were his faction of high elves, after all, and he abandoned the Alliance for far pettier reasons than those Theron debated leaving the Horde over.

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-they side with azshara and bring demons to the world.
-Turn on her when they realise she was going to destroy the world.
-refuse to give up the magic and summon a deadly storm and are exiled by the night elves.

Highborne. Dath’remar’s folk.

-land in easternkingdoms and start a war with the amani.
-have to reluctantly ask the humans for help and teach them magic, promise to return the favour one day.

  • years later the Horde attack, The humans ask for help the high elves decline except for Alleria and her people(now the silver convenant)
  • Silvermoon is attacked the Alliance comes to their aid and saves their city, they join the Alliance formally.
  • Silvermoon then leaves the Alliance after the 2nd war.

Anasterian do be petty, but his reign doesn’t reflect upon the present-day Blood Elves and Lor’themar’s rulership.

  • Silvermoon then leaves the Alliance after the 2nd war.
  • Garithos starts his army to fight the scourge the Kaelthas requests to join them to hopefully get help to take back silvermoon.
  • Garithos treats him badly so he turns to the naga. Then they are seen as traitors and locked up for execution.
  • kaelthas escapes and joins Illidan then the Legion almost brings all high elves with him
  • come to outland expac, high elves basically found night elves in their lands and presume they are responsible for sabotage and spying so join the Horde.

Kael’thas was justified, Garithos was a fool. Lor’themar was also justified in joining the Horde.

  • Wrath the Horde goes to northrend to fight the Scourge, the high elves decline but are then threatened into particpating by Sylvanas.

They just got done fighting a civil war that ended with their Prince dead, they weren’t even done burying their dead.

  • MOP Lothemar is over Garrosh so is in negotations with Varian to leave the Horde and rejoing the Alliance.
  • Purge happens thanks to garrosh manipulations Blood elves stay horde barely.
  • only gets worse from there.

The Purge SOLIDIFIED the Blood Elves in the Horde, they’ve been pro-Horde ever since then without a care given to the Alliance. And no it doesn’t, in fact it gets better.


Did they not then turn on their warchief and kill him alongside the alliance?

I’d say Anasterian’s secession doesn’t reflect on the current day blood elves at all. Culturally/socially, the Blood Elves are far different than the days of Anasterian’s reign, Lor’themar is as well.


Lor’themar personally commits to the Horde and he/Liadrin both lead forces to serve Horde interests multiple times across multiple expansions. Lor’themar decides he’ll become Warchief if he has to, and he actively leads the Horde during the interregnum betwixt BFA and Shadowlands during which we had no Warchief.

And before? The Blood Elves were so enamored with Warchief Sylvanas, that Lor’themar didn’t think he could convince them to stand against her. Do you know how Horde that makes Blood Elves? It wasn’t “well, we might leave and join the Alliance because Sylvanas is corrupt as heck.” It was, “my people are so Horde that they love their Warchief despite her doing some crazy work.”

He is not loyal to the Alliance. He, and the blood elves, do not want to be Alliance.


They turned on their Warchief alongside the Darkspear Rebellion. Alongside Sylvanas, Gallywix, Vol’jin, Baine, Ji Firepaw and the rest. Lor’themar CHOOSES to remain with the Horde out of his own free will, willingly pledging loyalty to Warchief Vol’jin, and none of his people seem to mind.


They however also wrote the horde as as well for most of their campaign. Infact most of the Alliance campaign it the Alliance turning on itself and has nothing to do with the Horde.

I mean if the only thing you like about warcraft 3 is that the Alliance turned on it self that has nothing to do with the Horde.

And yeah, as Treng said; the Blood Elves, as in their citizenry were according to Lor’themar all down for Sylvanas’s reign. And after Sylvanas fled the Horde, do they defect? No, they remain firmly with the Horde in the reign of the Horde Council. They don’t have any actual reason to defect from the Horde either.


You know the Alliance has High elves and Void elves(ex bloodelves) now who don’t agree with Lothemar.

The High Elves were already exiled by Lor’themar in the past, they were never Blood Elves to begin with and Umbric’s followers were the exception, not the norm.


The void elves are not a prolifically numerous race anyway. Just a small group that got corrupted.

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Ill keep this simple, You stated that lothemar is the greatest horde leader, I pointed out to you he was going to leave the Horde.

You stated the Blood elves have been the best allies to the Horde, I pointed out to their history of leaving their alliances.

You pointed out he is the best leader of his people, literally had had to exile two different groups of his own people as they wouldn’t do as he demanded.

I mean, it’s the same elves who followed Anasterian out of the Alliance and followed Theron into the Horde. For better or worse, that period of shaky allegiances is still their history.

I’d say they’ve learned the value of a strong alliance - any lesson with a 90% mortality rate is bound to stick - but not that there was nothing to learn in the first place. They were pretty fair-weather friends.


And you also ignored that when he tried to leave the Horde and was betrayed, he became PERMANENTLY Horde and will never try to join them again. That was the whole point of the quest line: Blizzard wanted people to understand that the blood elves are Horde and want to be Horde.

Your headcanon doesn’t matter at all. I’m just putting the truth to your lies so that other people can understand that you’re making things up as you go.


Lor’themar couldn’t afford to lead a nation divided in the aftermath of the Scourge invasion, and it’s not like he just forgot about them regardless as he did attempt to offer those that he exiled supplies and aid.

As for the void elves? They were wielding and researching the void which was/is an inherent risk to the Sunwell, their views on the Horde aside. By all means, Lor’themar had every right to exile them.


Fair point about it still being their history, but with everything that’s happened in recent years - Scourge invasion, the wars against the Legion, Old Gods, so on and so forth - I do not see Lor’themar or his people for that matter being the same petty fools they once were during Anasterian’s reign.

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Thank you for proving my original point that we don’t need to have Horde vs Alliance to still have WAR in our Warcraft.