No one hated Jaina

The current writers are creatively bankrupt to the point we keep retreading the same old story plot points. The may do it in a slightly different order but it has inherently been the same story since legion.

The whole war in BFA was a farce and clearly was going to start with alliance aggression but they couldn’t go through with it and changed it mid development (probably after afrasbi was forced out). This is why charcters like Jaina have flip flopped in their motivations all over the place. There was absolutely no explanation in BFA on why she should suddenly start trusting the horde again.

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Because Baine was nice and Thrall expressed regret for unleashing Garrosh on the world?
/shrug :confused:

Agreed though. It’s most if not all Christie Golden being Christie Golden. Every novel she’s written since Jaina became anti-Horde had her becoming non-hostile at the end, only for the game to drag her back to being hostile. When Golden took over as actual story dev lead, that was all she wrote. We’re back to Peacelover Jaina and she’s here to stay.

Oh, and don’t expect hostile aggressive alliance any time soon.
Come to think of it, we probably shouldn’t expect faction war any time soon either, which is probably for the best.


But that means the end of warcraft then? I mean its called warcraft because of you know the war.

This is a fundamental part of the game, you can’t simply remove it and expect people to stay invested.

Which is why having characters like jaina flip flopping all over the place between liking the horde and wanting them destroyed is stupid. It is also why characters like Anduin simply don’t work.

Eventually they are going to have to re-introduce the war to bring back interest and then these characters are going to have to stand around trying to make sense of their previous decisions.

Lor’themar is the best racial leader we currently have.
He should’ve been Warchief before Vol’jin.

I like how your best leader almost rejoined the Alliance a few expacs ago(infact in the expac vol’jin was made warchief), the bar is pretty low over there isn’t it.

I like how you don’t comprehend the point of story tropes in stories.


what? that the blood elves are fairly inconsistent allies that bail when ever things get rough.

Ah, so you don’t actually pay attention to the game’s story, either.
Makes sense.

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nah, can’t really follow your headcannon mate thats a story all up in your head.

Do me a favor.
Go play the Arathi Warfront.
Then come back here and apologize for being wrong.

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Her purge of Dalaran was NOT righteous and there were much better ways she could had gone about it … Although the rest of her rage towards the Horde in Cataclysm was moreorless fair, given the crater that was formerly known as Theramore.

In BFA however – Jaina was righteous … Although as many pointed out was ill-conceived, was the siege upon Zuldazzar. Because they basically handed the Horde their alliance with the Zandalari on a silver platter. lol


I have, I’m not sure what your point is and why the arathi warfront of all things is your grounds for why he is the best warchief.

At best you were wrong about your claim.
At worst, you just fragrantly lied about something that doesn’t benefit you in any way.

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I can agree there was probably better ways she could have gone about it however given the hordes History of weapons of mass destruction Im not sure it was worth risking everyones lives in dalaran on the hope they didn’t have another mana bomb.

This is the problems when you have one side deploying weapons like WMD’s as they mean any action against them needs to then be swift and brutal to prevent such weapons being used again.

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what? that the blood elves are fairly inconsistent allies that bail when ever things get rough.

? The Blood Elves are anything but this.


The Manabomb came from Silvermoon though, as it’s a weapon of Quel’Thallasian design. The extent of its power was caused by that of ‘The Focussing Iris’.

Jaina went on a blood thirsty murder spree, with much imprisonments upon the merit that she was betrayed by ONE individual of the Sunreavers, who we later found out acted in their own interests, then later the Sunreavers involvement of stealing the divine bell from Darnassus (of which canonically they caused no bloodshed in doing so) to prevent ire from the Warchief Garrosh Hellscream.

The above point makes the “swift and brutal action” pointless, null, void and quite frankly rather ignorantly foolish.

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The two sides can fight other things than each other.

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here is the history of the blood elves for those who don’t seem to know,

-they side with azshara and bring demons to the world.
-Turn on her when they realise she was going to destroy the world.
-refuse to give up the magic and summon a deadly storm and are exiled by the night elves.
-land in easternkingdoms and start a war with the amani.
-have to reluctantly ask the humans for help and teach them magic, promise to return the favour one day.

  • years later the Horde attack, The humans ask for help the high elves decline except for Alleria and her people(now the silver convenant)
  • Silvermoon is attacked the Alliance comes to their aid and saves their city, they join the Alliance formally.
  • Silvermoon then leaves the Alliance after the 2nd war.
  • Garithos starts his army to fight the scourge the Kaelthas requests to join them to hopefully get help to take back silvermoon.
  • Garithos treats him badly so he turns to the naga. Then they are seen as traitors and locked up for execution.
  • kaelthas escapes and joins Illidan then the Legion almost brings all high elves with him
  • come to outland expac, high elves basically found night elves in their lands and presume they are responsible for sabotage and spying so join the Horde.
  • Wrath the Horde goes to northrend to fight the Scourge, the high elves decline but are then threatened into particpating by Sylvanas.
  • MOP Lothemar is over Garrosh so is in negotations with Varian to leave the Horde and rejoing the Alliance.
  • Purge happens thanks to garrosh manipulations Blood elves stay horde barely.
  • only gets worse from there.

it was thalen songweaver who made the bomb and he was a sunreaver, there is no indication that quelthalas had anything to do with its construction.

War against the Void.
War against Iridikron and his minions.
War against the Infinite Dragonflight.
War against the Legion if they ever return.
War against the Naaru if they ever follow through with that arc where they were forcing everyone to get Lightbound.

War against any PvE threat they can drum up.

Did you know that Warcraft 3’s storyline probably had less than 10% actual Horde vs Alliance?