No one hated Jaina

Genn and Admiral KillHorde objectively started the war in legion when they attacked the horde and attempted to assassinate the Warchief.

And no, objectively they didn’t know what sylvanas was up to. I know smallioz will lie ad nauseam about this. Will post the album when I get home.

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Who wants to bet he will ignore the rogue campaign hall?

Oof sad, you save albums for internet arguments?

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Well at least you’re able to admit that the Horde constantly being shoehorned into being the aggressive warmonger faction is crap writing on Blizzard’s part. On that we can agree.

Isn’t it weird that when it’s Alliance doing it, it almost turns out to be a war but always not quite?
Varian in UC.
Genn and Admiral Whatshername in Stormheim.
All of them were like “WAR!!” Then later on, “…wait, just kidding”
Only when the Horde acts does it turn into a full scale war.
:thinking: :confused:


Well thats obvious from a mile a way, its a writing failure, most of the debates I get into is people trying to make false equivalencies that indirectly justify the terrible writing.
The greatest irony of MoP and BFA was that they made Daelin right. Good job writers, well done. /clap

Because Blizzard does a competent job starting the conflict, so it gets complicated and lots of fingers get pointed at different direction and we have ourselves a war we can’t help ourselves but to fight.

  1. Forsaken (bad version) started it.
  2. Dreadlords orchestrating a conflict, Sylvanas being framed as having betrayed the joint military effort AND some Legion questing that had worgen/alliance intelligence uncovering some concerning Horde movement. They gave Alliance THREE casus bellis. THREE!

What’s the Horde casus belli?
Time to eat some babies, its been two weeks since my last baby eating session. FOR THE HORDE!
The Horde is no different than Legion or Old Gods from the Alliance PoV in faction conflict story arc. What do they want? Who knows, but they want to kill us so we got to stop them.


Weren’t the alliance the first to attack in Silithis when Azurite was first discovered? All because “if we let them continue on they’ll use it to make a weapon against us!”

Let’s operate for the moment that they had no certainty of what Sylvanas had in mind with Azurite and they were just operating under pure paranoia.
How would this be any different than when Daelin Proudmoore started his private war because what orcs “might do”?
Because they Alliance are doing it and because they “turned out to be right” it gets swept under the rug.

It’s like you said.
/golfclap Blizzard, you :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:ers.


Pretty sure that was retconned in Before the Storm.

Idk, in the game’s history we have a lot of instances where some expedition winds up sabotaged or dead.
And its a weak reasoning too, its like those instances where a soldier gets kidnapped and the country that wanted to start a fight anyway suddenly starts rolling throught border and bombing residential areas.

The disproportional response makes you the bad guy regardless of how much of a point you had right?

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Of course it was. :roll_eyes:


We can only hope they’ll give Baine his own “Theramore moment,” then.


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I mean, you can say that about everyone in the main cast. Thrall, Baine, Jaina, Anduin, Bolvar…They were all utterly useless in Shadowlands. I’d also add Sylvanas too tbh, since she did nothing of note aside from defying the Jailer and then tagging along with the rest of the cast in Sepulchre.

This just shows what utter failure Shadowlands was. They butchered the story with the expansion that was utterly pointless.

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Lor’themar is not as hated though.

But I suspect it is because he is not overly passive. It seems that whenever characters step towards being extremely radical, people start disliking people. People hated Varian’s warmongering-one personality. People hated Garrosh’ warmongering-one personality. People hated Baine for his overly passive nature, basically making him a doormat.

It is like people start hating characters without nuance. Lor’themar have been largely unknown, but never hated to the extend of aforementioned characters, despite him being very anti-alliance, but without being a warmongering-one personality type character.

When all a character has got going for them, it is like they become uninteresting or outright hated.

Varian started getting a lot of love when he started to show more nuances to his character. And Garrosh was far more loved due to the potential shown at the end of Stonetalon Mountain, even if a mistake. It shows a character and not a prop.

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No. She invaded the barrens and got suprised when she lost her city. Garrosh had to do something because after Undercity the alliance cut all trade as per degree from Varian. If she didn’t want to get attacked then she should have done nothing.


Bob is very hated. We all know he only got the job because there was no one else to take it since he activly aided in killing the last scyion of the Sunstrider dynasty.

He failed to save Bovan. And since he has no magical powers he would instantly lose in a direct fight with any alliance leader. At this point Blizzard should just kill him and give rise to Magatha and make Tauren as aggressive as the Grimtotem tribe.

Not to the extend that Garrosh, Varian, Jaina, Baine, etc, have been hated. And I bet it is because he is a rather nuanced character.

He is also usually only hated by people who don’t really understand his character, from what I have noted, the same people are also quite silly.

He only exists to support the pro peace faction in the Horde council. Nothing else to note about his character. He instantly forgave Jaina for the purge of Dalaran when the situation demanded it and even send order to the player to fight against Hathorel who actually tried to avenge his dead friends. For itself he is useless and powerless like pretty much the whole Horde leadership right now.

She attacked the Barrens because the Horde was attacking her allies, the night elves. So the entire thing is a chain reaction that started from Garrosh and he was responsible for the Alliance getting the Barrens.

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This is true.

The casualty of war from Theramore wasn’t inherently its defeat, but its absolute destruction and capture of its citizens to then be used as target practice by the Kor’kron.


Thrall’s connection to Draka was utilized. Baine had a storyline that got scrapped. Anduin was used by the Jailer to further his goals. Bolvar lead everyone into the Shadowlands. All Jaina did was upstage everyone.

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