No one hated Jaina

Does this mean the next expansion will be our Andromeda?

Oh no, what have I done?

I can only conclude that somehow, some way, they honestly believe they are telling a good/nuanced story. I don’t know how they can think that, but then, I can’t see where this is all leading either.


Because when it comes down to brass tacks, the only people they’re really afraid of alienating are the testosterone driven GamerGate crowd.


Hate to break it to you, but this is Andromeda. “Draenor is Free” was our ME3 moment.

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Look, I’m not racist but, elves look terrible without a shirt.

When has any discussion about faction conflict gone anyway?

Was reading back through The Chronicle 3 and it had this bit I noted.

Like most humans, the grand marshal considered the naga to be sinister creatures, little better than the Scourge.

Doesn’t quite say how they knew, but that apparently most humans had the view that naga were evil.

Were Illidan’s Naga the first ones to leave the ocean? We see many different groups of Naga attacking the coasts of EK and Kal.

Azshara instructed Vashj to help Illidan’s crusade against the Legion, because she was salty her deal with Sargaras costed her her empire.

I know. I’m asking if that was the first time Naga came on land. If Naga attacks had been a regular thing for a long time, it would explain why so many people hated them.

You know i hope if the illidari are brought up again that their Naga stay loyal instead of joining Azshara.

Idk man, I would like to see the Illidari Naga sabotaging them from the inside.

Seems so, per the sources.

Roughly ten thousand years later, shortly before the Third War, the naga began emerging from the ocean’s depths.

From the old WoW Encyclopedia.

It would take over ten thousand years before the naga would reveal their existence to the surface world.

From the in-game book The Sundering of the World. In Warcraft 3, Vashj also reveals they were once Night Elves to Maiev, who is surprised. The only other example I can see is around the same time, Zar’jira who the Darkspear said had been ruling the Murlocs a while.

Compared to what? Moonkin in Winterspring? the hapless Velinde who was gifted the Scythe bearing the goddess’s name and soon lost control over what it brought forth? I mean really, it’s not like there’s a high pre-existing bar to measure up to.


I believe that’s known as the My Lai defense.

Compared to her previous power, which was already god-tier. Everyone always talks about how powerful Tyrande is and has always been. Now she’s even higher up in god tier.

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do most horde players really hate Jaina still?

well, it seems like is mostly hated by horde players while has a considerable amount of support from alliance players (not all, of course)
so i would say that is working as intended,for the most part,at least.

we could say that blizzard plan has worked?

BfA isn’t really helping Horde players get over their hate of Jaina.