No one hated Jaina

I think the raid has reignited some simmering resentment by thrusting Jaina into our faces once again as an invincible nuisance responsible for both story misery (her “mean look”) and gameplay misery (the Jaina Misery Parade Alliance players never have to deal with).


we hate Jaina because she is a self righteous annoying character. Oh the horde destroyed Theramore instead of going after the orc who was responsible for it i’m going to commit an atrocity against innocent civilians and an order of mages dalaran BEGGED silvermoon to borrow, proving that she is no better than the people she fights. It’s hard to be the good guy when something bad happens to you and if you don’t want to be that’s fine but don’t pretend that every horrible thing you do is completely justified because it isn’t plain and simple. You all would be screaming and crying if Thrall after growing up a slave for crimes he didn’t commit and seeing just how bad humans can be used Daelin Proudmoore’s assault on durotar as all the evidence he needed to burn theramore to the ground and set up human internment camps. you guys are really good at dishing it out but you’re really bad at dealing with it.


I didn’t really feel negatively about Jaina at all until the prison break out. Then I forgot about how I felt about her until this raid.

Really any feelings I have about Jaina are a facsimile of feelings I have toward Blizzard for constantly reminding the Horde how powerless and worthless we are.


Could be worse they could have said just Google it.

And yet, she can’t even beat Nathanos and a single valkyr (the Alliance player and/or Malfurion are fighting the other one).

Not really,

Yeah, Blizz kinda lost the whole “Oh wow, Tyrande is a Dark Sailor Moon Warrior” vibe by having her unable to down Nathanos and one Valkyr. Took my excitement level over the whole thing from a 10 to a 2.


Dude save me the time you’re the same guy that defends every xenophobic that the night elves have done your logic is that if the alliance did it then it’s fine.

You must have me confused with someone else. I don’t defend everything xenophobic they’ve done. And certainly not because they are in the Alliance.

Tyrande took on both of the val’kyr. She explicity tells them to leave the val’kyr to her.

I don’t recall if we help fight Nathanos. I think he just dodges our attacks? I’m pretty sure it’s Tyrande vs Nathanos and the Val’kyr solo, while we fight random Forsaken grunts.

That’s probably me who defends Nelf Xenophobia, in all honesty. That’s a whole conversation though,

Honestly, it would make sense for Thrall to hate humans. I wouldn’t so much care if there was a Horde character like Jaina, who personified the Alliance’s mistakes. I think the problem with that is the entire Horde, as a faction identity, is that already.

Also, the one that was killed was not just some Fodder either, it was Bryna, who was one of the original nine.

Pretty much, and it’s also worth noting that the Horde PC is there as well. So we might as well rule out the PC being there at all.

What’s up with all of these threads being back again?


Why are you necroing threads several years old? lol


That’s what I have been thinking so far on here.


With two threads, two posters in hand
You got no respect cuz you’re a young man
Got your necro, hands feel like clams
Check out the date, the name is Doness

Then the Horde needs to get anime on their side.

Public Service Reminder: Don’t feed the trolls.

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Feed a filthy troll today, and you may get a worth while Elf after some generations of betterment.

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This forum is already on it twilight, and ppl keep necroing useless threads, who cares about jaina right now???

seriously let us start necroying arthas and sylvanas threads so we can have some semblance of fun, or better, let us necro something related to night elves, surely thing would get hot real quickly! like wild fire!

In all fairness, it is really boring this trend of bring back threads that are no longer relevant or that we already know what happens next.

Lately it has been the same person.