No one hated Jaina

I rest my case.


Akiyass, we don’t care because you have been beating us over the head with nelf sob stories that demonize us.


So much this (and Jaina is not the only character whose reputation has waxed and waned over time). It’s actually funny to me to see the most devout Alliance players as Jaina’s most stalwart defenders these days, when once upon a time they were her biggest haters. And vice versa, of course, with devout Horde players.

In Vanilla, I mostly played Alliance and the general feeling was that Jaina couldn’t be trusted and was way too cozy with the Horde.


Which is the problem that Jaina symbolizes. When I made this character, they weren’t supposed to be. Then Cata had a crummy reason for reigniting it (which apparently Chronicles retconned into it actually being the horde starting it anyway), made worse in MoP, but then I hoped the horde would actually be able to justify its existence after that. Then BFA happened. :frowning:

So now I’m taking time off to play FF14 instead. At least that game doesn’t make me play a war criminal.


Seriously? You rest your case on a partial quotation that you intentionally cut so that it would taken out of context? What are you, a Fox news anchor?

This is why very few people take you seriously.


Your lose troll… A shame for Anya and the rest of the decent Nelf fanbase, that your behaviour is so bad people literally not give an ounce of empathy / sympathy to your plight.

I rest my case too… Stop damaging the chances of your fellow players just for melodrama and 2 minutes of notoriety.

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Am I wrong tho?

I mean, WoW isn’t forcing you to do anything. You can choose Saurfang, or you can play Alliance.

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yes, 100% yes. At least 85% of the playerbase agrees with me, yes, your wrong.


So, the Horde isn’t responsible for the destruction of the largest and most populated Kaldorei settlement?

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Saurfang just seems like the lesser of two evils right now. I already sided with him on my character, but that doesn’t excuse his (or the PC’s) part in the War of Thorns and stuff like that.

Theoretically yes, I could play alliance, but that comes with a lot of gameplay baggage. It means leaving my guild (which was a hard enough thing to get over when starting FF14 in the first place), disconnecting myself from mailbox access with alts, and either spending gold or real money for a faction transfer. Or I abandon the character and the progress I’ve made on it throughout the years and start over fresh. All of that feels bad from a gameplay point of view.

And while I prefer monstrous-looking races, worgen don’t -quite- do it for me because I’m not a big fan of their casting animations. Hypothetically, I think if I did switch, it’d probably be human for the rep bonus. I’d like the night elf racial vanish, but I think their casting animations are atrocious.


I have never felt so attacked…

But on a real note, I think you and I have managed to make something productive here, mainly we disagree on the perspective of the story. You seem to think the story is taking away the agency of your character, where I tend to see my OC and the PC as separate people.

Because of that, I can see the political climate of the Horde, and find it interesting. Because my character as the agency to choose sides. I RP a Nightborne on WrA, who was a double agent during Legion. Serving in Elisande’s Duskwatch while secretly helping Thalyssra. It’s interesting now that she is doing the same thing, helping the Alliance (notable the Kaldorei) against the Horde, while living in Ogrimmar.

But I guess that’s the benefit of being an RPer. You are telling your own story in the universe established by Blizzard, and your OC is separate from the PC.

Out of curiosity, if you had to tell the story immediately after Legion, how would it be different?

Honestly, I don’t know. My imagination’s pretty bad, and I’m not a writer so anything I could try to come up with would suck anyway. It would depend on whether or not there was a need for a faction war in the first place. It’s also made worse by the fact that I can’t just ignore Sylvanas’s character and her position as warchief.

If some kind of war was absolutely necessary, I wouldn’t have done it directly between the alliance and horde at all. It’d start with the horde mining azerite, the alliance moving in to contest it, and maybe Magni talking everyone into an agreement not to mine any more of it. While on the surface, both sides would agree to it, it wouldn’t stop either side from collecting the stuff that “naturally” appears on the surface, especially since Sylvanas already has a leg up on the stuff mined already. Both sides would be pressured to keep collecting, the horde because they want to maintain their advantage, and the alliance because they want to at least catch up.

Both sides have already been ravaged from the legion so alliance reach out to Kul’Tiras while Talanji makes it to Orgrimmar and petitions for aid. Let’s say the two have already been having small skirmishes and agitation but not gone into full-blown war yet. The 8.0 non-war content can play out as normal. But in order to secure them as allies, the alliance and horde need to funnel resources into their respective civilizations, which cause tensions to spark into a proxy war between Kul’Tiras and Zandalar. And the alliance and horde, having supplied them, end up being dragged into the fighting directly. I think that would cover to at least the start of 8.1, but I don’t know how to proceed from there.


Turning it into a Cold War Arms race would have been interesting. With the threat of war always on the horizon. That’s kind of how my D&D story goes, but eventually, the Alliance would start splintering because so many disagree with Anduin’s peace-at-all-costs policy. Genn has it out for Sylvanas, as does Jaina. So KT helps the Gilneans take back Gilneas, and Anduin is trying to reel them back in while also negotiating with Sylvanas to avoid a world ending conflict. The Kaldorei are facing a schism as Goblin Pollution starts to spill into Ashenvale, and you have more Night Elves starting to rally behind the anti-Alliance and Anti-Horde Maiev, rather than the pro-alliance Tyrande.

Irenaus has the right of it. I live in the good old boy south, and there’s a marked difference in self defense law with home invasion and unmarked land.

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As loath as I am to even dip foot in this thread again, I want to clarify that I did, and do, care about what happened to the nelves, I think Teldrassil was monstrous and the most story-ruining plot Blizzard has foisted on us, and I genuinely feel bad for the ardent nelf roleplayers who are having to deal with the fallout from it. My negative opinion about this particular poster’s intent doesn’t impact how I feel about the story or specific races. Most nelf players I’ve interacted with are perfectly fine.


In the past people grew heated about the faction conflict because they legitimately followed their faction and believed them to be in the right…

Nowadays, people are just disillusioned. What does either faction have to be proud of? Genocide? Massacring children? Launching the dumbest campaign against the Zandalari and growing surprised when it pushes them to the Horde?

It’s less Alliance v Horde now, rather it’s Faction War Fans vs Disillusioned Fans vs Sylvanas Fanboys. The actual beliefs and behaviors of the individual factions are more or less irrelevant now.


Well didn’t they say they aimed to solve the faction war for good with this expansion?

Vs Sad Elves. Can’t forget the Sad Elves!


Storywise, the only real regret is that I feel that Blizzard did not have enough confidence in it’s players to deliver a nuanced storyline.

But given the wider culture of Blizzard players outside of the extremely tiny niche represented in this particular forum, I can’t say that I blame them. I and we have to remember that we’re not the people this game is marketed to, and we pretty much have to settle for what few bones are thrown our way, and make the most with them.


I think what kills me about that is that the people who are playing this game for high level raiding or PvP/BGs or whatever ultimately don’t care about the story or whatever pretense is delivered for the raids or PvP action. So why NOT cater the story to the weirdo diehard lore nerds who actually want a nuanced story? I mean, obviously I’m probably underestimating the number of people who care enough about the story to get into really “For the Alliance” and “For the Horde” team colors roleplay, but again, I really think those sorts would be satisfied by just about anything as long as there was some kind of cool fistpump moment for their faction. Meanwhile, now, the only people fistpumping are the people who don’t care about story and would be fistpumping anyway, and the rest of us are sitting here like Mass Effect fans who just finished the end of 3 for the first time, wondering what the hell happened and how it all went so wrong.