No one hated Jaina

Not really… Your character isn’t necessarily THE PC. My Character has never been to Outland, even though I have done all the content there. I can just decide that, because it’s my character.

I even leveled a Goblin Warlock to see BfA Horde Side, and he was not there for War of Thorns (Even though I have written that we was selling arms to the Horde army). I did the content, but decided he isn’t craniologically there for it. Because I can just do that.

Then I guess we just have opposing views of how the game’s story applies to our characters, then. The way I see it, personal RP and headcanon will always be irrelevant. I think the only thing that matters is what the writers dictate what our characters do.


But WoW players can’t, because unlike D&D, we don’t get to shape the story. At all. Your D&D players can make meaningful choices; WoW players get the illusion of choice. All we get to do is complete the singular storyline we’re given, or not play and pretend those stories don’t exist…but, even if we take the latter option, the game itself treats us as if we were full participants.

And yet, if Blizzard decides that an NPC from Outland knows the PC, he’s going to respond to your “great deeds” in Outland. Because whatever your headcanon, it’s still Blizzard’s story, and that story assumes we are “the PC”.


I’m still not convinced that Garithos hadn’t been enslaved at this point. You are in a war against an army of undead being lead by literal demons, a war that you are losing btw, and you decide to gimp your own forces by sending a large number of loyal troops on a suicide mission? I find it hard to believe that an experienced commander would do something like this, no matter their prejudices. Also, he had Kael and his people convicted of treason and ordered their execution on the flimsiest of pretenses. Yet later, he is willing to trust an undead elf, leading an udead army, with a f*&^ing Dreadlord as her right hand.

Your character doesn’t have to be the PC. Keep this mind, the main WoW tory is the story surrounding “The PC”. The PC is not Your Character, you are just playing as the PC character. Just like when you play the Witcher, you play Geralt of Riva, not your own OC.

No, Garithos was just horribly incompetent that tried to kill the elves out of spite.

I don’t see why you need convincing. Garithos was not the right man for the job, but the decimation of the leadership and his own nobility entilted him to a high ranking position. It’s a flawed system, and Garithos is the consequence of that.

There’s no deeper story here. Garithos shouldn’t have been in charge, and that was the point. He was the wrong person in the wrong place and time.

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Yeah, he only really says this.
I received ill news from the front line. Is it true that you’ve consorted with the vile naga?
They are inhuman and must be crushed like any other enemy! Be careful where you place your loyalties, blood elf.
I knew you were in league with those serpents.

When Kael’thas meets her, his only accusation is ‘you worked with Illidan’.

Well they mention in the Ask Cdev that his position was due more to nepotism and being one of the last people alive in the command structure in Lordaeron.

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By that logic - since we don’t have any option in playing WoW beyond the main WoW story - none of us have characters at all. We’re all playing Geralt of Rivia under different names.


That is correct.

The Night Elves (which I will hereinafter refer to as The Sentinels) responded to the Horde unknowingly desecrating sacred land with violence. Up until then, orcs had committed more then there fair share of atrocities, but cutting down a handful of trees (thus far) was never something anyone had gotten uppity about. Tall purple elven women jumping from out of trees on the attack shouting about nature and “eloon” probably made as much sense to the Horde as a warning to stop cutting down trees as the Battle of Dazar’alor being a warning not to associate with the Horde. I can see why The Sentinels would want to push back the Horde from chopping any more forest and defiling sacred ground, but being attacked without warning is all the reason anyone on Azeroth needs to start a major conflict.

Just because someone values wisdom doesn’t mean they are very wise them self. The Sentinel campaign began with Tyrande somehow entirely unaware the Burning Legion was already in Ashenvale and focused on expunging the Horde/Alliance who were searching Ashenvale for demons. Even after being directly confronted by Archimonde and seeing the destruction the Burning Legion wrought firsthand, she refused to consider allying with “The Outlanders” until Malfurion took over and led the defense of Mount Hyjal.

That all might seem unrelated to the conversation at hand, but my point is I think The Sentinels may have grown increasingly xenophobic and even arrogant over the 10,000 years after The War of the Ancients while inhabiting Ashenvale. If they hadn’t been so reckless as to shoot first and ask questions later, Cenarius might have been alive to help defend against the Burning Legion.

Now you might be arguing that Tyrande was unwilling to trust the Horde because they were responsible for Cenarius’ death in the first place. Fair enough. However, that doesn’t explain her unwillingness to associate with the Alliance, whom I believe The Sentinels were aware of and there war with the Horde, as per Chronicles.

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This is besides the point. You are in a foreign land, you are attacked and told you are not welcome here… Leave. Leaving is the answer here. Drinking Demon Blood and killing a nature God is the wrong answer.

TBH this thread doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere.

Post 1- Night elves unprovokely attacked the orcs without trying diplomancy.

Post 2- Yeah but the orcs shouldn’t have resorted to drinking demons blood and should’ve respected borders.

Post 3- Yeah but the nelves shouldn’t have attacked in the first place.

Post 4- Yeah but the orcs shouldn’t have resorted to drinking demons blood.

Post 5- Yeah but the nelves shouldn’t have attacked in the first place.

Post 6- Yeah but the orcs shouldn’t have resorted to drinking demons blood.
And so on, and so on.

It’s just cycling between two different points. One person argues Event 1 to counter Event 2, but then another person argues Event 2 to counter Event 1.

I’m not saying stop, but reading through the thread, I don’t see this thread going anywhere.


My point is I don’t think The Sentinels clearly conveyed what it is they wanted or what The Horde had done wrong. At no point do The Sentinels tell The Horde that Ashenvale is sacred land, that it belongs to The Sentinels, or that they want the Horde out of Ashenvale. The Sentinels immediately jump to slaying them all in Elune’s name, so The Horde respond to a perceived attack against them until finding night elf settlements further in Ashenvale, but by that point are already deep into conflict.

I don’t think most threads really go anywhere we haven’t been hundreds of times. There’s a reason people joke that every thread is a Sylvanas thread in waiting.


That’s a weasel statement, and you know it. I’m not personally, physically, antagonized by any of this. One random super-intense night elf roleplayer’s opinion of the Horde doesn’t matter one whit to me, or affect how I view my character, the Horde as a whole, or the lore. I just wish you’d be a productive member of this posting community instead of posting endless bait and then saying “it’s not my fault you got baited lol.” I just wish I knew what you got out of this, other than attention. I suppose I just answered my own question. My point is - you could actually start and enjoy productive discussions, if you were interested in it. You have made it very clear that’s not what you’re interested in. And maybe if you leaned in to your forum trolling and got super in-character with it the way Cailias does, it would be more palatable, but as it is, again, I just don’t know what you get out of this, beyond the basic 4chan troll satisfaction of having gotten a bunch of people annoyed at you on the internet. If that’s really all it’s about, then… congrats, I guess. I fail to see the appeal, but hey, everyone’s got to have something that makes them happy.


And yet, here you are, making long winded responses to me, telling me how little my opinion means to you…

I am stating my opinion. These are things I legitimately believe. This is my own interpretation of the lore. That does not make it bait. You simply don’t like it, but your approval is also not necessary.

Just because I disagree with you doesn’t mean its not productive. Just because I rarely connect or agree with Horde players doesn’t mean it’s not productive. Debate is not about persuasion, and agreeing with people is not necessarily productive either.

You are antagonized. That is your problem.

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Maybe not the reason it burned… But deffinitely a VERY good reason to NOT feel bad about it… A shame cause legitimate Nelf posters don’t deserve for us to develop a mean strike against their race thanks to one obnoxious poster with antagonistic tendencies against Horde posters…


And there we have it, ladies and gentlemen. A master class in trolling that sucked me in even after I said I was done. You’re right; this has been an extremely productive thread that has wasted literally everyone’s time, which is what you want. I can’t help but be impressed in spite of myself.


I like Akiyass, a shining beacon of hope in these Horde-dominated times.


…. Considering all you have been doing this entire thread is call me a troll, I find it ironic that you call me out for being unproductive and uncivil…

Not sure on the unproductive part, but I totally agree on the uncivil one…

You Mr. /Mrs. /whatever make us Hordies don’t give a flying f over the narrative tragedy of the Nelves… and that is just sad.